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Posts posted by Valken

  1. For the ESCAPE TEAM:


    Can you please REMOVE the Vanilla NVGs from the WW2 and SOGPF versions...


    I like having NVG but it takes a bit of the experience away... just set night time so it is not 100% inky black or with a full moon and it should be a good balance.


    Maybe blacklist it from the CWR3 versions as well or replace with a more period appropriate replacement.

  2. Can someone make the "Red Light, Green Light" game mode from the Squid Game:




    Sorry the video is on FB. YT deleted all the other videos.


    It can be in VR.


    Players just need to make it to the finish line. 

    Use Vanilla Assets or the new resize object comment to make the giant robot girl. Could be a VR entity.


    Should be SP, coop or MP playable.

    • Like 1

  3. 2 hours ago, Andrew Chen said:

    Ahhhh okay. So for example if I copy this. 5600X, 16GB CL14 and the B550 Tomahawk. I should be set to go. The questions I have now is it says the RAM exceeds the CPU recommended max and that’s why we overclock it to fix that correct? And what video settings do I play on to get maximum in game performance. Is it at the lowest settings or like high to prevent frame drops or stuttering?


    If you set everything to the above, and it IS stable, then yes, you will be good to go. 


    Yes, you get RAM that is FASTER or close to your TARGET and OC it because it has a higher chance of hitting that performance. If you go cheap on RAM, you will spend a ton of time trying to squeeze more performance but  might fail and regret not spending an extra 50-100 USD to game at your target performance. 


    In otherwords, think how much you will game, think how long it will take for you the earn that price difference and divide it by the total time. If you game 1 hour a day, divide the cost by 365. Then think how long it would take you to make the difference back vs banging your head on the KB because its not fast enough for you. RAM is cheaper than medical bills. 


    Note you need to understand you need to also consider these items not mentioned:


    GOOD Power Supply - Get a Silver or Gold rated power supply UP TO double your total system power. Why? Because PSU are rated for their MAX OUTPUT. Getting a better PSU, running it at HALF the MAX capacity will keep the PSU cooler and longer life. Ask ANYONE who runs their CAR at MAX RPM all the time? No one...it would shorten the life of their car engine. IF you run a FAST car at half the max performance ,but it still faster than a slow car at MAX performance you get a longer life car at the speed you want.


    If you have no money, use your existing PSU but be aware the PSU is the literally the BLOODLINE of your PC. Good clean power in, good performance with longer lifespan.


    Good CPU, VRM and RAM cooler. If you OC the CPU, at least get 2 cheap fans blowing on the VRM and RAM in low RPM mode to keep it quiet and get air over those 2 items. It is still over 32-40 C for me so I have a fan on RAM and VRM when I game to keep it stable.


    Go back a few pages and look at the CPU cooler Groove C recommended for both AIR  and Water cooling - Arctic Liquid Freezer.  No fanboy RGB bling bling, just a really good CPU cooler doing its job at a good price compared to every other over priced brand.


    The above settings are testing at STANDARD preset within ARMA 3. Obviously once you increase the visual settings, the performance will be less, but we use STANDARD to measure CPU/RAM performance and to take the load off the GPU.


    You can ask your shop if it is local to setup everything for you and stick it into a case. If you will mail order, double check the RAM model and the CPU will be a lottery. I am sure you get up to 4.8 GHZ single core, maybe 5+ GHZ boosting by following this guide from another AMD Ryzen user who gets 5+ GHZ on all cores but with a 5800x:




    I run a 1060 GTX at Ultra with nearly 40-80 FPs depending on the map, online with the server handling the AI. Anything BETTER than a 1060 GTX with 6GB of ram would be enough for  1080p.


    If you have a 1440p screen, get a 1070 GTX or better.

    If you have a 4K screen, get a 1080 GTX or better.


    The visual settings that affect FPS the most to me were Shadows distance (anything above 50 shows FPS impact), object distance and overall objects. Everything else really did not matter much on the 1060 GTX within 1-2 FPS. 

  4. You need to check with your dealer if the MSI Tomahawk has the bios already flashed. It should though.


    The RAM you WANT to get is CL14, not NOT CL16.


    Go back a few posts here, look at all graphs. You can see how high the FPS is because of both the CPU and RAM speeds.


    IT matters a LOT in ARMA 3.


    I think any Micron B die DDR3600 CL14 would be perfect if you can find it and afford it. You might be able to increase the voltage of the DDR3600 CL16 to lower the CL to 14. You need to do research for this before you buy it.


    See this post 2 pages back and look at the specs below:




  5. 3 hours ago, Andrew Chen said:

    What’s a good MB? I do want to replace my MB because I do feel like it’s faulty or starting to fail.


    I know people who have purchased the MSI Tomahawk for 5950x CPU and OC'ed it. Runs cool and is on 24 hours doing video rendering. This was HIGHLY recommended due to superior VRM and good OC ability.


    I would steer away from Gigabyte for the moment. Seems they are in a bad place.


    Asus is good but expensive.

    Asrock is good but the ones with the top vRM are also expensive, same price as the Tomahawk actually as it used to be lower in price.



  6. If you want free performance, OC your CPU to the MAX single core performance ~ 4.4-4.8 GHz, tighten and lower your RAM timings, and try to OC your RAM speed as much as possible.


    Otherwise, the next thing to do would be to upgrade a new MB/RAM/CPU such as an AMD 5600x with DDR4-3600CL14 RAM and oc the RAM to 3733 MHZ 1:1 infinity fabric clocks or 3800 if possible. 


    Or you can wait for the NEXT GEN and see if the price is lower from Intel or it will push the older system like AMD 5xxx down in price.

  7. 1 hour ago, Groove_C said:

    ... without a lot of knowledge and patience to tune everything to the last MHz and lowest doable timings - it's on the limit of doable even if it's still on air.


    I wanted to ask and confirm you did this all on AIR? Did you have a fan or blower on your RAM as you had increased it to nearly 4000 MHZ from 3733 MHZ?


    During the summer like now, I have to keep a fan on my DDR3-2400CL10 as it gets very hot.

  8. You need to reload the mission into the server, then the client joining it will "download" or just load the mission. 


    Or wait until the server goes into vote mode then vote the new "version" in. 


    I usually shut the LAN server down. Make edits to my mission, export to MP folder with the same file name, fire up the LAN server, ALT-TAB to the client and just login via LAN mode. No issues, next to no waiting except for launching the LAN server again as it locks the mission.pbo while active.

    • Like 1

  9. You guys are correct in needing to "assign" the AI to the HC via a script. When I did my testing, I actually used Werthles Headless Kit v2.3 with scripts he already made:




    Just drop these into your mission folder where the mission.sqm is, edit the files as instructed, add the headclient modules from 3den and walla...


    It works 99% of the time.



    • Like 1

  10. I am not sure where to post this as it really belongs in ARMA 3 but is slightly political and humorus at the same time.


    From real world news:




    Edit - I uploaded a backup in case the original linked not show for some:



  11. I like this mod and wanted to ask is it possible to have carry pistols in the rifle and launcher slot? If I create a scenario without rifles, I would like it to be possible to switch to a second pistol without reloading or dropping the first or primary pistol. Example would be to carry a standalone flashlight in the pistol slot, or rifle slot if was configured as a pistol.



  12. @Snake ManGRAD Persistence also allows you to save the "STASH" that is in the mission and reload it so you can store all your stuff or whatever is in the world into it. As long as the variables are the same and tied to the player or mission, it will load it.


    We are saying in the absense of weaponPool, look at other alternatives to simulate it. As long it works like weaponpool, the user will not mind.


  13. 9 hours ago, mondkalb said:


    Another big item today is the AMA (Ask Me/Us Anything). In July we asked our community to submit questions for us about anything GM related. We have selected about 30 of them that give a good look behind the scenes of GM and the work we do (and have done), including some scrapped projects and content for GM.

    You can find the one-hour long video here:



    I love this! I wish other cDLC team will do one in the future as well! Even for the official DLC teams like Contact and Law of War!


    PS: I do not want to spoil this amazing AMA but I agree with both developers about your favorite vehicle for IRL! I love the outdoor and 100% agree with your comments! It's too bad it is technically not legal everywhere! 😄
