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About coucoudemaline

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  1. coucoudemaline

    Side switching with clothes changes !!

    Hi, ok !! ok !!! Sorry english is not my 1st language and i haven't understood the first time, my bad !! As you i speak french ! This is the code i've pasted in "InitPlayerLocal.sqf" : [] spawn { waitUntil {sleep 1; uniform player isEqualTo "U_C_Journalist"}; {_x setCaptive TRUE; if (!isPlayer _x) then {_x forceAddUniform "U_C_Journalist"}} forEach units player; waituntil {sleep 1; !alive "O_Officer_Parade_F"}; {_x setCaptive FALSE; _x forceAddUniform "U_B_combatUniform_mcam"} forEach units player; }; I hope that answer your question. A part is about the assassination of "O_Officer_Parade_F".
  2. coucoudemaline

    Side switching with clothes changes !!

    Hi, i've used your excellent module in my mission to change 3 Blufor units in civilians (Press and camera men) to can approach an opfor dictator and kill him ! That's works perfectly !! After that, they must wear again Blufor uniforms to continue the mission, so i need they come back in the Blufor faction !! But they keep civilian statut !!! Thanks to have read me !
  3. coucoudemaline

    Side switching with clothes changes !!

    Hi, sorry for this delay but i went abroad ! To be honnest i am a poor noob who understand nothing from the code. It took 4 hours to understand how your module works. I'm ashamed, i'm hiding !! In fact, i would like the Blufor units dressed in civilian clothes can officially become Blufor units again in the eyes of the Opfor units when they put on their faction's uniform again. I have absolutely no idea how to do it ! I miraculously managed to use your module to transform the Blufor into civilian but ....... nothing else !! Really sorry, i am a burden !!
  4. coucoudemaline

    Side switching with clothes changes !!

    Hi all, I'm sorry to answer so late but that was a hard month into my job. All my apologises. A creator has made a very good module that allowed the units to wear what you want !! But i've a problem to switch the effects ! My BLUFOR units can wear civilian clothes and be safe with the OPFOR but when thes units wear back their uniforms they stay civilians !!! The OPFOR units let them do everything !! I'll try to combinate his module and your solution !!
  5. Bonjour, Je reponds en PM parce que le forum se doit d'être anglais pour aider le max de gens.

    - Soit tu utilises mon addon (c'est certes un couteau suisse mais il n'est pas lourd et surtout il n'exécute un code que lorsque on s'en sert. Donc, pas de problème de mémoire ou CPU (surtout pour ce projet). Inconvénient: tous les jouers doivent s'abonner au mod sur Steam. (Mais 1Mo comparé à quelques Go sur les grands Mods comme CUP, c'est peanuts à mon avis.
    - avantage ici : pas besoin de changer de camp. pas de check de trigger pour la caisse (donc plus efficace).
     Juste passer en captif/non captif selon les uniformes, mais ça c'est de toutes façons à prévoir pour le scénario (changement de camp ou captif);

    - soit tu places des triggers, le premier aux environs de la ou des caisses avec unifs civils, et le second n'a pas besoin d'être géographique, juste des conditions du genre: le VIP mort ou un uniform changé. On peut même basculer en camp BLUFOR sur un coup de feu tiré (event handler).
    Bref, pas mal de possibilités. Il faut juste savoir ce que l'on veut comme scenario.

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    2. coucoudemaline



      Je me prosterne et te témoigne le plus grand respect car tu déchires grave et ce malgré les éventuels écueils du temps !!


      Alors oui j'ai pris ton add-on, tu as bossé il me semble normal d'honorer ton travail en l'utilisant ! Un grand merci d'avoir pris le temps de me chaperonner de la sorte !


      De plus si je comprends bien ton add-on me permet d'obtenir le résultat escompté et pas le script de base donc....y a pas photo !
      Je vais tester cela ce weekend avec j'en suis sûr une belle joie lorsque je pourrai exploser ce dictateur de m...de et que je saurai que d'autres pourront le faire aussi !


      Souhaites-tu un petit clin d’œil pour ton add-on dans le descriptif de la mission que je publierai sur mon workshop ?

      Je demande même si je pense que c'est la moindre des choses, sait-on jamais !


      Encore un énorme merci pour tout.

      Je commence à parler de ton boulot à quelques joueurs qui tentent de faire de belles missions.

      A plus.

    3. pierremgi


      Bonjour, Merci pour les compliments. J'espère que tu trouveras ce que tu souhaites et même un peu plus dans les modules. No problem pour y faire référence. Il n'y a pas obligation mais j'aime bien l'intention. Je procrastine pour écrire la doc... et pourtant sans doc, il y a beaucoup de possibilités qui ne sont pas intuitives.
      Note: Addon ou pas (celui-ci ne sert qu'à autoriser l'emploi des vêtements civils ou ennemis), il faudra le code supplémentaire pour "devenir civil".

    4. coucoudemaline



      désolé si j'ai mis du temps à répondre mais impossible de le faire depuis mon camion et j'ai eu une petite période bien chargée !!
      Merci pour ton boulot ! Le module fonctionne parfaitement.

      Me reste plus qu'à apprendre le codage Arma III car effectivement tu as raison il est tout à fait possible de remettre la tenue BLUFOR mais le personnage n'est plus considéré en tant que tel !! Il reste un civil pour tous les camps !!

      Encore merci pour tout et oui dans la prez de la mission tu auras un p'tit clin d’œil, c'est normal !!

  6. coucoudemaline

    Side switching with clothes changes !!

    Hi pierremgi, I'm pretty sure I'm not mistaken when I assume you speak French given the first name in your nickname. Moreover, the fact that you are from French Polynesia confirms my assumptions. I apologize if I got it wrong. Tell me and I'll rewrite everything in English. First of all, thank you for taking the time to read and respond to me. Then, in fact, I would like this scenario to be playable alone or in co-op! So yes I had more or less understood by reading on the right and on the left that the passage by a change of camp towards the "civilians" was obligatory. So I am describing this part of the script again to you: after having done a lot of stuff, the BLUFOR team (the players or the player with or without AI) must go to a place where journalists' clothes, cameras and microphones (I have everything I need). Once the clothes are found they must put them on in order to be able to approach a dictator to shoot! Once this is done, I wish they would return to the hideout, change again and become BLUFORs again in order to continue the mission. I more or less understood the process: they arrive near the trigger placed on the way to the cash register, in the attributes they become civilians, can therefore change, take the accessories, get closer, do what they have to and then this is where I have a huge doubt (in addition to not knowing what to put where): is it enough for me that another trigger is on the way back (which I will have voluntarily deflected so as not to interact? with the previous one) to reverse the process ?? I am trying to understand the language and syntax of the scripts but I admit swimming in deep water, at my age the neurons are not as efficient as they used to be !! I tried to go to your Workshop looking for you there (before following the link of your addon) to follow you but there was a problem. The link to your addon allowed me to correct this and I was also able to follow you on Steam, hope you don't mind. I don't want to abuse it, but could you give me an example of the kind of changes I'm going to have to apply to your script if you allow me of course? Again a huge thank you for your answer, I hope you don't mind and that I'm not exaggerating too much !! Hurry to read you. Best regards. Coucoudemaline.
  7. Hi all, sorry for my english, it'snt my first language. I'm editing a mission during one of the objectives is to find and wear press clothes to approch the vip and kill him. So i need the blufor units can really switch to civilian side in wearing press clothes !! And inverse the processus when the vip is dead and the blufor take back their original clothes !! I'm a noob, sometimes i see here some script solutions but i don't understand how use them ! Into the "init" case of the unit leader ?? Could you help me please ? Thanks and all my apologizes for the language !
  8. coucoudemaline

    Arma 3 - Creator DLC Discussion

    Hi, i beg your pardon but i'm french and my english level is really poor ! I'm really disagree with you! Cause in workshop there are several mission creator mods !! They works perfectly !! Have you seen the price of this DLC ??? Shocking !! Maybe this dlc, and the nexts, are a big reason for BI to not develop anything else before longtime !! They can wait quietly !! 6 years !!!! I really appreciate Arma III (more 920 hours of playing is a good beginning ) but it's really aging graphically ! (it's not a problem from my graphics card, i have a RTX2070) It's time to go to the next generation !! BI must progress and stops resting totally on his community !! At them to work !! I think they have money, and really good, so : BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE : GO WORK !!!!