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Everything posted by zagor64bz

  1. Roger that! Here we go then... On the AO, I have this set up: besides the player and the drone (uav1), I have 2 triggers. trigger one: name: yourVariableName text: CALL DRONE SUPPORT activation: RADIO ALPHA condition: this on act: test=[uav1,60,"missiles_SCALPEL","true"] execVM "deadlyDroneV2.sqf"; once fired, it calls for the script (modified and already updated with the 2 redundant lines removed): This will -move the drone in your AO if you don't have the UAV terminal in your inventory or you don't want the player to have one, for some reason. -wait for the drone to be in your AO and the script is starting -an addAction will be available with 4 options: -STANDBY MODE -MANUAL FIRE -AUTO TARGET -DISMISS DRONE (just in case you want things to quiet down😛) trigger two: name: NOT NEEDED text: activation: NONE condition: (!(alive uav1)) on act: playSound3D ["A3\dubbing_f\modules\supports\uav_destroyed.ogg", player]; deleteVehicle yourVariableName;removeAllActions player;hint "DRONE HAS BEEN SHOT DOWN!!!!"; This trigger is needed to stop everything in case the drone is shot down. Can be avoided if you set "allowdamage 0;" on the drone. Again, THANK YOU @The Real Bunc for the awesome script. I will implement it in my WIP mini-campaign with the due credits!
  2. Thank you, I thought so. Once completed whatever the drone was firing it goes to "relax" mode... Thanks as well for fixing it. To be honest, I didn't even notice that...😁 PS: I did come up with a working "addAction" reworked script if you are interested. I added the possibility for the user to move the drone without the UAV terminal in inventory, a few "cosmetic" radio calls from the vanilla support .ogg files, and obviously the addactions. Let me know if you want me to PM you. (Just so I'm not clogging up your post with my thighs...)
  3. That's the way I called the add action: the "unit" will call drone support with radio, those the addActionS show up giving him to choose which mode to use. Recon (if he has a tablet)/standby, manual fire for a specific target, or auto for an area denial role.Once the task is done the drone could be dismissed. For instance, I'm WIP on a CIA-SOG black-op/super-duper covert/we aren't even supposed to be there, mini-campaign. The only support they have is a recon/strike drone to surgically take out HVTs. thus the need to be in full control of the mode the drone operates. And your script is (almost) perfect. I'm waiting for further developments, but thank you again for creating/sharing that. TC mate! EDIT: I fell like an idiot as well, bud. I just realize that I set up the test=[uav1,60,"missiles_SCALPEL","false"] execVM "deadlydroneV1.sqf"; on "false" instead of "true". Now everything works flawlessly. 😋
  4. Hey man, hoping I'm not disrespecting you, I tried to work on the "addAction" thing... I've got some results with this code in a radiotrigger: As it is, everything "kinda" works. Kinda because somehow the drone drops the ordnance correctly and whatnot..but it doesn't go through the whole "lase target/target acquired"....all the procedures coded in the deadlyDroneV1.sqf file. I also added a little thing at the "STANDBY mode": I noticed that if you put the drone in standby AFTER it has been in AUTO mode it keeps targeting autonomously the vehicles.. so I gave it a little _drone setBehaviour "SAFE"; _drone setCombatMode "GREEN"; deadlyDroneV1.sqf: Any ideas?
  5. Open your "publish on Steam" tab in the editor... Click on "EDIT TAGS"... EDIT THE PREFERENCE:
  6. Thank you! EDIT: I did try the demo, and I love it. It makes you feel more in control of the drone. One thing I suggest is once you call the drone with the trigger, an addAction should come up un the menu screen to let you choose the different mode of the drone. As it is, you have to keep "radio-triggering" the mode. Just my humble suggestion. Otherwise, GOOD JOB mate! I guess you did click the "Single Player" button when you set up the demo to be published on Steam, right? But anyway it happened to me that for some unknown reason when publishing an SP only mission and NOT checking the MP tab it comes out as "Multiplayer" as well. Always wondered why.
  7. zagor64bz

    3den Enhanced

    I feel dumb right now...I knew it was something simple.😜 Obviously, it works like a charm! Thanks, R3vo.
  8. zagor64bz

    3den Enhanced

    Thanks for the great mod R3vo! Just one question: on the "holdAction" tab, there's a way to set the distance from which the action is triggered?
  9. zagor64bz

    adding an action to an object

    So doing it trigger way is needless. Thank you, I've got what I was looking for.😉
  10. zagor64bz

    adding an action to an object

    Sorry for "pirating" this post and taking advantage of your knowledge... I have more or less about 20 holdActions/addActions in one of my WIP mission (SP/Tanoa); should I be worried and convert them to the "trigger-solution" you suggested? Thank you.
  11. Sorry, I can't help ya with your quest, but for sure if you open a {"whatever-in"} you have to close it, followed by";" in your case. ps: I'm old too brotha (probably even older than you😢😉😂)... let's keep up with this youngster😜! ps2: after checking your code, I found a few notorious forum-bug "red dots". If you "copy-paste" codes from the forum, ALWAYS run them through the CODE button in the reply window.
  12. I don't understand... you meant that when you place the carrier down from the editor you get those misalignments? Or are you spawning the carrier with a script?
  13. I see what you're saying, mate. The reliability of this kind of thing has always been a problem, even in the titles you mentioned or the ones I remember. It just sad-me-up to see that after all these years the problem is not been addressed and solved properly. Regardless of the game title. One thing for sure though: ANYTHING will be better than the current "entry&get-insta-killed-while-standing-at-the-door-with-that-'dunno-what-to-do-behaviour" of AI teammates..LOL
  14. Kinda...... ... there are few breach scripts out there...along with a few "clear" the building ones. What is missing, IMHO, is a "stack-up" script. Most of the time the AI team stands right in front of the door, (even when is open) and does not enter properly. Avoiding the "fatal-funnel" is the number one priority in every CQB/building clearance operation, but ArmA AI seams to LOVE getting slotted by entering like a flock of sheep. I'm aware of ArmA engine limitations, regarding AI behaviour, so I know is just a dream that I have. Then I remember games from 20 years ago (specifically "Delta Force: Black Hawk Down") where your team stacked-up and when you gave a GO they clear the room properly, going tho the corners and whatnot. Well, maybe in Arma $ they will improve AI enough to allow this.
  15. That could be awesome. Just let me know if I can help in any way.
  16. Nice..thanks a lot mate! Now...it's only missing a "stack-up&entry" script and it's perfection.😋
  17. As the 'old "Gunny Highway" used to say: "adapt, improvise and overcome" it's the motto, right? 😜😜 Speaking of which, I put together with the help of other awesome dudes in the forum my own "heli support" system a long time ago for my first published mission. It is somehow complicated to set up and need an overhaul but maybe the GUI part could be interesting for you? Here is a "sample": Believe me, I know EXACTLY what you meant here bud! I'm a Chef in RL and although it's always nice to get compliments for your food, it's only in constructive criticism that you can find an improvement. Take care and let me know if I can help in any way.
  18. I know...I guess I'm just a "habit" animal...started using one way when I started playing and kept using it; it's just more comfortable for me. Thank you, but I didn't deserve any credit. Just glad to help whenever I can.
  19. I don't know what changed but today, even with my "mos/script crowded" scenario the fast-roping run smoothly to me as well. Notes that yesterday without any changes from today I had occasional chopper explosion and not caching the rope...but the chopper would leave immediately. So today..new day..different bug...
  20. HERE it is man...sorry I had to "clean up" the scenario in order to keep it as simples as possible. Thanks, man..there's a lot more to come..hehehhe
  21. Here it is...perhaps now the chopper leaves, and I'm not falling to death so often..BUT something new has come up: the chopper wouldn't leave! See here..maybe you'll understand better. EDIT: yeah, I know...I showed off a little on the first video...😋 ..and here I try to group squad BEFORE mission started...
  22. Sure..I'm heading out for RL matters right now, but asap I'll provide you the mission sample.
  23. Single Player Yes..just tested with vanilla assets and units... I did die 8 out of 10 although the heli left this time, in the demo scenario. My set-up was EXACTLY like that, BTW...just Tanoa map. Yes. One thing I noticed was this: Initially, all the units synced were NOT in the player squad at mission start, but eventually joined the player group BEFORE calling the chopper. I thought that this could have been the problem... but it happened even with the group already formed at mission start (as for the demo scenario provided..).