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Everything posted by -macaskill-

  1. -macaskill-


    You'd think by 2035 they would just open by themselves. ;)
  2. -macaskill-

    Transferring profile settings

    C:\Documents\ARMA3 folder has a ARMA3 profile there. Copy that file to your new directory and it will save your keybindings and such.
  3. -macaskill-

    GTFO DayZ! Who's With Me?

    DayZ did not ruin ARMA by filling up the server lists. You can also use the filter to show just what YOU want. Also, DayZ standalone was not created to alleviate your sorrows from filtering servers. I don't know where you get these ideas from, but you're way off base.
  4. -macaskill-

    ArmA 3 wont update on Steam

    Interesting, I fired up Steam and launched ARMA 3 without news of update. Although, when in game, the update was already there. Check your in-game version and let us know. Also, are you running the Developer build or Stable build?
  5. -macaskill-

    Patch ?

    Thanks, I just called in sick from work to see this new update! ARMA 3 is going to cause my firing some day, just you wait and see! :cool:
  6. -macaskill-

    Cannot select a role within the lobby

    Bumping this thread for the sake of a fix. I encounter this problem as well. In fact, I've had it since ARMA 2. With ARMA 2 I get kicked by Battleye, but once I rejoin it loads fine. Here is to hoping someone found a better solution. ---------- Post added at 10:10 ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 ---------- Bumping this thread for the sake of a fix. I encounter this problem as well. In fact, I've had it since ARMA 2. With ARMA 2 I get kicked by Battleye, but once I rejoin it loads fine. Here is to hoping someone found a better solution.
  7. -macaskill-

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Sniper, spotter and updated guille suit! I least in the editor; from what I hear.
  8. -macaskill-

    Whats the deal with bad players?

    While I can't speak for the douchbaggery taking place; I can say that there are a lot of 'new' players joining the ARMA series for the first time. This game doesn't exactly play like a typical FPS, so confusion is quite high. I know I've learned a great deal once joined up with a squad that communicates and informs the best way to tackle certain missions. It can only get better with practice.
  9. -macaskill-

    Tech wise (arma3 vs other huge map games)

    Thank you so much! I will try this when I get home later. Are there any other tweaks you're aware of the help with texture quality? I have a great PC setup for this game; and I'm not trying to increase FPS; but rather qualitative aspects.
  10. -macaskill-

    Tech wise (arma3 vs other huge map games)

    Do you have a link to said fixes? I'm interested to try these out for myself. :cool: