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Everything posted by gfresco

  1. gfresco

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    That was pretty much my suspicion too. I don't think the guns perform very well for this mod, however if you tweak it around its passable. They'll take out enemy AI in the right circumstance. Still, a proper overhaul or an optional add-on configuration that swaps out the weapons for others would be nice, either unofficial or official.
  2. When does it become okay? Arma has simulated the Afghan war as bodies on both sides have been piling up over since Operation Arrowhead. What is the magic time line where things are okay to play? 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years? How is this mod any more offensive to anyone involved in the current political situation, then a Taliban mod is to someone who was involved in Afghanistan two years ago (or even present, since that conflict still goes on but nobody complains about the utter abundance of mods simulating it.) I'm pretty grateful for this mod. Anyone who is an arma player getting squeamish over one conflict being portrayed over the other is quite silly in my opinion.
  3. I'm looking for a helicopter taxi script that runs on a dedicated server, because BIS really fucked the dog on the helicopter support module. I always used Norrin's script in singleplayer but if I'm not mistaken it wont work on a dedicated. Does anyone know of a simple on that does, short of using something like ALiVE's support module?
  4. I would reccomend you guys use this mod instead unless the OP decides to resume updating this. From what I can tell though it isn't being currently worked on; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180099-FEMAL3-Alpha-1-Crude/page6
  5. gfresco

    Middle East Conflict mod

    I would remove them, personally. Its not worth it. I personally would see if you could just add in the relevant files yourself.
  6. Oh don't I always feel like a total doofus when my question has been answered before. Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction. Sometimes I get overwhelmed sifting through forums and miss stuff.
  7. Would you be willing to share this script? Those of us that use EOS to make Takistani based maps would (such as myself) would love being able to increase the ambiguity between civillians and insurgents. Also, I wonder, is it impossible to do the reverse and dress up unarmed upfor as civillians? The reason being the caf aggressors mod uses different models for civillians and insurgents, and if one could use both types of models for both insurgents and civillians you'd have the greatest visual variety while also being unable to visually predict civilian vs insurgent.
  8. Heres a question I can't figure out. I'd like to make a task where you have to disarm a certain number of IED's to complete it. I know have to script everything in the task but the IED conditions. How could I get a trigger to fire after say, two IED's are disarmed?
  9. Jesus fucking christ buddy, you just dont stop scripting really damn useful things. I feel I owe ya a goat and a couple of daughters or something.
  10. gfresco

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Heres a quick question for anyone that makes missions with the middle eastern tribals: If you want to distinguish one unit as a leader/commander of sorts, what do you do? Since there aren't any distinct "officer" units, do you add any unique items/gear/whatever to indicate them as one? In a mission I'm making one of my randomly assigned side-tasks is to kill an insurgent commander but its rather hard for the player to discern which of the units would likely be the commander.
  11. Wow, duh. That is simple. Okay, AMAZING: I now have CAF insurgents providing deadly mortar support. This REALLY enhances my mission. Its a shame I have essentially the Taliban using high-tech mortars, but its WAY better then none at all. If anyone elses was struggling with getting modded units to provide effective mortar fire, this is a good solution. Here's a little video of me testing 'em, happy as a clam to see the mortar fire off finally.
  12. Argh! Well, I owe you a big thanks for spending your time and finding the crux of the problem. Sadly, this is rather frustrating for me since I'm creating a mission with modded Opfor (CAF aggressors) and really want them to have mortar capabilities. -- I suppose here's a question maybe you can help me with a little since the intention is to be able to use your great scripts, even though its not DIRECTLY about the FFE script: Alright, so we know that regular (vanilla) mortar types work in game - Is there then a way to "recrew" a CSAT mortar with another Opfors units? My main reason for using RDS is not the unique mortar types (though I would prefer lower tech ones) but more so I can use non-CSAT mortar units.
  13. gfresco

    Why Won't My Task Start?

    Uhh, not really. I'm pretty new to scripting tasks, but what you could do as a stop-gap is put in the trigger activiation: Hint "New objective/task assigned", and if you want to take it a little further you could use the sidechat feature to simulate some text/dialogue in the trigger like -- PAPABEAR=[West,"HQ"]; PAPABEAR SideChat "Stand-by for updated assignment". Jona33 method might be better, he sounds like he knows more than me, but I thought i'd float out my method as well.
  14. Its not a script, strictly per-say but CSE's (combat space enhancement) advanced interaction module provides many of the features you want, albeit just for civilians. You can restrain/escort/force to sit, etc and as far as I'm aware they're updating/enhancing it. Thats all I personally know of, but I'm far from an expert scripter.
  15. gfresco

    Why Won't My Task Start?

    Try this format: (Write kelly instead of player) task_1 = player createSimpleTask ["TASKNAME"]; task_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["TASK DESCRIPTION","Example Task","WHAT WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE MAP"]; task_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task_1"); task_1 setTaskState "Assigned"; player setCurrentTask task_1; credits to
  16. If you manually enter all of the unit names, yes. I am using the middle eastern civillians on my Sangin map with COS. In the COS folder in COSinit.sqf, there is a section like this: // Types of units that will be spawned as civilians. COScivPool =["CAF_AG_ME_CIV","CAF_AG_ME_CIV_02","CAF_AG_ME_CIV_03","CAF_AG_ME_CIV_04"]; COSmotPool =["C_Hatchback_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","C_Offroad_01_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_box_F","C_Van_01_fuel_F","C_Van_01_transport_F"]; Thats mine for running middle eastern civs, it'll put them as the drivers of the vehicles to. Just swap out the classnames with the african ones and you're good to go.
  17. gfresco

    Middle East Conflict mod

    could be that the reference to a backpack was a modded backpack some of us didn't have, some of us did, just odd it gave a vehicle error for that.
  18. gfresco

    Middle East Conflict mod

    Alright, will check right now. Will edit within five minutes with my findings. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyKpCYGfHfc&feature=youtu.be In case it wasn't clear, it worked. Hamas are playable now!
  19. gfresco

    Middle East Conflict mod

    Going to try it right now, will edit this post with results. Edit: Sorry bud, I am quite sad to say they didnt work still. Same bad vehicle type - error.
  20. I appreciate the willingness to help. I can make a video if you want, but from what I've seen in game the RDS units seem to orient themselves (there is non-visible combat and the turn the mortar stands as if preparing to fire) but never end up actually shooting.
  21. They're using vanilla ammo, but dont seem to ever fire. Its just aggressor units on RDS static weapons. However I notice the CSAT mortars do fire vanilla mortars, but not RDS ones. I'm kind of scratching my head as to why it doesnt seem to work with these units
  22. This is a great mod but I am having trouble getting RDS's static weapons for CAF aggressors working with it. Would you mind telling me the correct way to use FFE with modded units, so i can make sure im not making a mistake? This is what I got in my init.sqf: nul = [] execVM "RYD_FFE\FFE.sqf"; RydFFE_FOClass = (["caf_ag_me_t_rpk74","caf_ag_me_t_rpg","caf_ag_me_t_pkm","caf_ag_me_t_ak47","caf_ag_me_t_ak47","caf_ag_me_t_rpg","caf_ag_me_t_gl","caf_ag_me_t_svd"]); RydFFE_Add_Mortar = ["RDS_2b14_82mm_FIA","RDS_2b14_82mm_AAF","RDS_M252_AAF","RDS_2b14_82mm_CSAT","rds_2b14_82mm_cag_me"];
  23. gfresco

    Middle East Conflict mod

    I am getting this error as well, sadly :/ I have tested it running only this mod to make sure it wasnt a conflict issue.
  24. gfresco

    Middle East Conflict mod

    Amazing stuff guys, what map would you reccomend is best for using IDF/Hamas forces on?
  25. Jesus christ mate, I can't wait. Arma 2 might as well of been VIETNAM SIMULATOR for me, but currently A3 is lacking that black-pajama jungle magic.