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Everything posted by thdman1511

  1. I am not sure whether I have asked this question before, if so I am sorry for asking it again. I have created a script that creates a base (using Object Placement tools). However these objective are not included in the editor. The script works in the editor, only via preview you can see the objects. Is there way of getting these object shown on the editors map. I have researched wiki and the I really didnt see anything other than showneweditorobject. I would appreciate any assistance that members can give.
  2. thanks for that, informations. however when I use Unit Capture with a vehicle, all my controls are lock out, and I cannot move the vehicle. I tried in on a soldier, then armoured vehicle and on a blackfoot. I have no control what so ever. So I will try again. and see what happens. and once again thanks. ---------- Post added at 21:28 ---------- Previous post was at 21:16 ---------- UnitCapture works now, thanks for everyones help.
  3. Any chance we could get the assets list in downloaded form as well, or even have an special android/ipad app, similar to the one that are already available. I know I would be prepare to pay for an Arma 3 Assets List app. Put if we could have a way to access this list offline, it would be appreciated.
  4. This is awesome, only one setback, when I tried to print it out it only printed out the soldiers and not the vehichles etc. But apart from that thanks alot for this great assest list.
  5. thdman1511

    Need help with intro.

    Thanks alot Mad Cheese, I will give it a go and see what happens. ---------- Post added at 23:03 ---------- Previous post was at 22:48 ---------- That work Mad_Cheese thanks alot. I tried to put in a pause between first and second positions, so that it would stay on first position for a few seconds, then move down to the second position, I used sleep 3, and also ~3 but it just stayed on the first position of the script. Not sure I used the correct commands. But once again thanks.
  6. I have been going over the AMS Camscripting Tutorial, and have been trying to get an intro working with no luck. what I was trying to do is a tracking shot. Where the cam is placed above an Panther IFV-6c and then have the camera move down to the rear door of the Panther IFV_6c. However nothing happens other than a stationary cam view. a copy of the missions files can be downloaded here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81875798/IntroCutsceneTest.Altis/help.zip I have done everything the script has suggested, but still no tracking from the camera. Can someone please assist me in this. Also I have noticed now, that the waypoints that are set for another intro I am trying to work on, you can hear the AI be given movement orders for each waypoint. Such as move forward 100m then at the next waypoint it was say move forward 75m. There should not be any waypoint orders being verbally given. So has anyone else come across that. Any assistance would be appreciated.
  7. thdman1511

    Need help with intro.

    It has been advised that I put a copy of my scene script, so that you can see what is happenings, the script is as follows. showCinemaBorder False; //sets up camera titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",5] _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] //shot above IFV_9 _camera camPrepareTarget IFV_9; _camera camPreparePos [11343.48,11426.50,5.77]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 @camCommittted _camera ;comment "14:40:15"; _camera camPrepareTarget IFV_9; _camera camPreparePos [11343.53,11424.97,2.00]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 7 @camCommitted _camera ~10 titlecut ["","black out",5] ~6 ["END1"] call BIS_fnc_endMission; I hope someone can advise me, it seems to be alright but doesnt want to do what its supposed to do. Watching the youtube tutorial on it, and seeing them work, to have spent alot of time trying to work out why this doesnt work has been frustrating. I have tried doing another intro of a civilian running down the road, to warn the Mayor of Kavala that enemy forces have wipes out the village Edessa, but I still cant get it to track. So when frustration get the best of me I go and play BF4, although I prefer Arma 3 to BF4.
  8. I am wondering whether or not there is a precise way to control AI while creating a intro. I was creating an intro where two csat crew got into a T-100 tank. The waypoint actually was a straight line to the tank, but the AI, did not move directly towards the tank, the AI went behind the camera man, over the guard rails and back towards the tank and finally entered the tank. I selected the tank as the camera target, but it tracked the crew. I even tried maxing out the unit skills but still no luck. Is there a way to get the AI to follow the waypoints. I just wish the UnitCapture and UnitPlay were functional in Arma 3, that way I could get the intro more precise. Any help would be much appreciated.
  9. I have been working on an intro scene, however I cannot get the AI to do what I want them to do. My intro scene is to have a fire team enter an assault boat just outside edessa bay, and one in the boat, they then move towards to the beach, a few feet away from the beach they get out the assault boat and work there way up to Adessa. The issue I have is the AI when the get out to the boat they just spin around in circles in the waters, and do not progress onto the Edessa. So what I am I am wanting to know, is can I use a player as team leader to run the action while using the BIS_fnc_cameraold function, as the BIS_fnc_UnitCapture and BIS_fnc_unitplay doesnt seem to work in Arma 3. Waypoint 1 is a get in order for the AI to get into the Assault boat, Waypoint 2 is a get out order when the boat is a few feet away from the boat. And waypoint 3 is a move order to edessa. They get in the assault boat and get out of the assault boat ok, but then they spin around on the spot where they got out of the boat and forget that waypoint 3 exists. So I want to set up the camera, then use a player to carry out the AI action. So irrating not being able to get the AI to do what I want. Any advise or assistance would be appreciated.
  10. I have download the Arma 3 tools from steam, just wondering whether or not I also need to install the BI Tools 2.5. Also there are several readme files that refer us to wiki, however there are some that dont have wiki page, so will they be added later.
  11. Just been trying out part of a mission I am working on, to see if I could rearm the Buzzard using the Hemtt Ammo Supply truck, I parked it along side the plane, but I did not get any rearm selection in the players menu. How do you resupply ammo for the A-143 Buzzard.
  12. Hi Bimmer Bomber, are you using the support vehicles, In the bluefor faction under support you should have your rearming, refuelling vehicles. I have had mixed results using them in a mission, sometimes they would rearm, repair and refuel other times they didnt. I have found that you rearming you place the vehicle you want to rearms along side the rearming vehicle and that should rearm it, however I have found also that sometimes you have to face either the front or rear of the vehicles. But they do rearm when you place the vehicle need rearming supplying is place in the right place near the support vehicles.
  13. I am wanting to try something new, well for me it new, I want to use cutscenes as intro to my next mission, but I lack the knowledge to do so, so firstly how do you create cutscenes and what is the easiest way to do so. What I want to do is show and intro/cutscene showing a village on Altis being overtaken by enemy forces, where villagers are seen running out of the town. Then have cutscene engage, when enemy forces take another village/city etc, But I would like to know how to make these cutscenes. Any Assistance will be much appreciated.
  14. I have posted on youtube, a short clip of what I have managed to do, along with the script included. I would appreciate it if someone could have look at the clip and offer some suggestion on how I can achieve what I am wanting to do. Scene one, with the Gorgan on the Runway attacking a Hunter as it comes into view is ok, however the scene with the AH-9 Pawnee is not what I was hoping for. I what the scene to show the Pawnee attacking the Gorgan with a behind the AH-9 cam view. All I managed to get was a panning shot.Appreciate it if you have a look at the clip and script in the description and tell me where I went wrong.
  15. I am very eager to get hold of a english version too, as the link to the english version no longer works, keep getting a 404 page not found.
  16. Well after experimenting, I seem to get mixed results. Sometime I get a fadeout to Mission, other times it cuts straight to mission. I have been having some issues with changing scenes. Should I be destroying the cam then moving on to the next scene, the re-create the cam or should I just move the cam into position. My first scene is of a gorgan attacking a hunter, when the hunter is destroyed, I want the scene to change to an AH-9 Pawnee attacking the gorgan. I tried at first to move the cam view behind the pawnee, but due to the pawnee moving away before I could set the camera in place so I didnt get what I was looking for. I then moved the camera object behind the pawnee, but that didnt work too well either. Any advise on the best way to proceed with this, I tried doing it similar to Keefygearge tutorial with no luck. Maybe when I work it out I produce a tutorial that includes getting the member to put it together as well. So any advise would be much appreciated.
  17. I didnt realise that, thanks for letting me know. What I am looking at is fading scene out, to mission load screen.
  18. Thankyou IndeedPete you guideance has help alot however, when I use the BIS_fnc_endMission coding in my script if would fade to the start of the mission, however when I exported to Single Player it went straight to mission Loading screen with out any fade out. My script now look like this: showCinemaBorder False; //sets up camera titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",1] _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] //set cam on Gorgan _camera camPrepareTarget [68281.72,93651.80,-1911.89]; _camera camPreparePos [11366.13,11451.51,5.95]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.070; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 //set up a timer of 90 seconds ~90 ["END1", false, 5] call BIS_fnc_endMission; Have I placed the coding incorrectly or is it a hiccup with Arma 3 update 1.4
  19. So if I use the endMission command at the end of my intro script then I should end up at the start of my mission.
  20. Ok, I managed to do a small cutscene, and I have a better understanding of intros, I have watched a few youtube videos, and have had trouble switching from intro to mission. Many youtube videos have said to said up a end#1 trigger, and in the script enter end1=true; before the exit;. My understanding of this, is that is sets the trigger end#1 condition to true and the intro should end and then go into the mission. Unfortunately that doesnt happen for me. this is a sample of my intro script. showCinemaBorder False; //sets up camera titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",1] _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] //set cam on Gorgan _camera camPrepareTarget [68281.72,93651.80,-1911.89]; _camera camPreparePos [11366.13,11451.51,5.95]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.070; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 //set up a timer of 90 seconds ~90 //Destroys the camera _camera cameraeffect ["terminate","back"] camdestroy _camera end1=true; exit; Obviously I have done something wrong, but I am not sure. Any advise would be appreciated.
  21. I am trying to put together an intro cutscene, where I have two SDV units moving towards the shores of adessa, and halfway there I want a scene where the persicope view is used, to look around before heading into shore and disembarking the SDV, is it possible to do that and if so how would you go about it. Is it possible to take control of the vehicles once you have set the camera action so that the scene actually being what you planned it to be. Any help would be appreciated.
  22. I have just started creating an intro for a mission I am using. Been watching the youtube tutorials, even tried to translate a tutorial from German to english. (the word is tried). I think I have the basics. I placed a civilian unit down as the camera man, Placed a AAF Gorgan on the map and Hunter. The Hunter drive down the road and once the Gorgan get view of the Hunter it attacks it. However the Civilian Unit flees. So my first question is how do you get the camera man to stay in position all through the action. I did have a Blackfoot position about 1.2 Km away from the scene, and it was supposed to attack the Gorgan once the hunter was destroyed. However the Blackfoot attacked the Gorgan before the hunter triggered the Gorgan attack, which leads me to my second question, how do I get the Blackfoot to hold fire, until the trigger checking to to see the hunter is still alive is activated. I tried using setBehaviour and setCombatMode commands in the Blackfoots init field, but no luck it still wanted to attack the Gorgan before I was due too. So can anyone help me please. I initially had the following: this setBehaviour "SAFE"; this setCombatMode "BLUE"; But he still attacked. Also how do I get a unit to fire certain ammo at an enemy. I did try and us this FireAtTarget [Hunt1,"autocannon_30mm_CTWS"]; but it did not seem to work. Is there another way of doing it.
  23. ok I have been able to do a little cutscene, the scene show a Gorgan waiting for a hunter to come into view, and when it does the gorgan fires at it well that is what I am trying to do. However I cannot get the gorgan to fire at it. I am using a trigger. The hunter is named Hunt1 and the Gorgan is named Gorg. I am using the fireAtTarget command. In the triggers Condition:this On Activation: _attack = Gorg fireAtTarget [Hunt1,"autocannon_30mm_CTWS"]; Should the Hunt1 be in quotation marks. I linked the trigger to the Gorgan. Would appreciated some help with this.
  24. How do you use them, as the tool tip all say the same thing, As I not sure whether I am in intro or mission when I try to use them.