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Posts posted by fn_Quiksilver

  1. 21 hours ago, mrcurry said:

    You could also ask the server at regular intervals, sacrifices a bit of network but  an interval of 5 s ( or so ) shouldn't be too bad. It might get nasty with large numbers of clients though. 



    remoteExec to server. 

    Server gets remoteExecClient and position and remoteExec back. 


    It would probably be better to have the server broadcast the data, like @computer said. 


    clients machine must know the true/predicted position of each entity, to handle the internal network simulation bubble, but i dont know how to get this info with SQF.


    i dont really want to use remote exec or variable propagation. with 60+ clients i think the cost would outweigh the benefit


    for variable propagation, id probably only send a position update when the entity enters a new “cell”, like map grid.

  2. 8 hours ago, Imperator[TFD] said:

    Lesson for you!


    Ctrl + PgDown (or PgUp) will lower/raise your player characters head position.  Using this it's possible to now see out of Zamak and Hunter side windows.  Additionally you can use the Numpad arrow keys to move forward/back/left/right for a better view.




    also Q and E can extend/retract the players telescopic neck to adjust the eye position!

    • Thanks 1

  3. Hi guys, 


    having an issue the past few months that I didn't run into before, regarding scripting some dynamic simulation (not the official one).


    what I do is basically use client "enableSimulation" on non-local entities when they are distant from the player.


    this works fine if the entity is stationary, like an empty vehicle or prop. player moves into range, the entity sim is enabled. player moves out of range, entity sim is disabled.


    problems arise when a distant entity (disabled) moves toward the player, on the players machine the entity is never detected as being nearby in order to enable sim again.


    When i was designing this system i tested this sort of thing, and player was able (IIRC) to get the actual position of the vehicle, but it seems this is not the case?


    Is there any way from the client to get the true position of a remote entity if simulation is disabled?


    Here's the code for the script



  4. 4 hours ago, Graphix7 said:


    You're doing awesome, thank you for the response.  I'm having a serious problem now.


    We just experienced our first hacker.  He was able to teleport around the map and grief.  Traditional griefers are honestly not a problem thanks to all the systems you have in-place in the mod.


    I'm finding out that although my ID is set correctly as an admin and I can use the Staff Command List, I'm utterly unable to kick/ban/change missions etc.  Perhaps I'm doing something wrong but I won't be able to support a server if this mod keeps me from being able to ban people.  Please advise!


    are running with the built-in anticheat on or off?


    Use a 3rd party RCON tool like battlewarden or EPM for admin/server commands, kick/ban/etc. 


    Also try using some of the provided battleye filters, especially the remoteexec.txt and createvehicle.txt. they work quite well.


    if you are running a default framework without mods, try enabling the anticheat, its quite effective at resisting and also countering average script kiddies. If running with mods you can still use the anticheat but youll need to keep an eye on the server RPT and make changes to the anticheat to filter out the false positives.


    also if you log in as admin on the server, in the map player list youll have options to kick/ban.

    • Like 1

  5. On 4/21/2018 at 4:52 AM, Graphix7 said:


    1. It would make a world of difference to have a user interface when respawning to choose spawn points instead of having to drive a quad out of the main base, incapacitate yourself then spawn at FOB. I imagine the interface to look something like in the Altis Life servers.


    - would be nice, i dont want to spend the time working on it though (would be like a 25hr project, all free time for several weeks)

    - there are only 2 spawn points for such a system.

    - didnt really want "from base" teleporting in the mission.


    On 4/21/2018 at 4:52 AM, Graphix7 said:


    2. With the addition of AA placements in 1.0.8, it would be useful to allow 2 different Jet Pilots.  1 would spawn on Aircraft Carrier with a Black Wasp available and other would spawn at Main Base Airport with an A-164 Wipeout.  Idea here being that the Black Wasp is primarily an Air-to-Air vehicle whereas the Wipeout could provide Air-to-ground without re-arming so often.  Using BlackWasp for Air-to-Ground is proving very difficult for inexperienced pilots, most of our players are unable to destroy AA placements without Laser Designation due to the H-Barriers surrounding the Tigris.


    - I dont really like CAS in arma, especially against AI. there is no way to balance against it without damaging the infantry experience.

    - have you tried making a custom base and just putting a respawning cas jet at base with a second cas slot in the lobby?


    On 4/21/2018 at 4:52 AM, Graphix7 said:


    3. What exactly is the purpose of the "Squad Leader" role?  I think it would be useful if the Squad leaders were the only ones capable of using voice in Side Channel to ensure they could communicate between groups regardless of the Radio Management settings of individual players.


    - squad leader has superior enemy intel on their map. most soldiers are limited to 300m, while leader roles have 500m. In addition leader roles can create target tasks for CAS/support with their binoculars/designator.

    - squad leader also has higher endurance. for instance when climbing hill with backpack on, leaders breath will steady earlier than other soldiers.


    On 4/21/2018 at 4:52 AM, Graphix7 said:


    4.  The radio system is very handy to use, however many of my players are unaware how to access the settings with the "Home" key in the first place.  My staff is more than willing to teach, but it would help on the management side if the General Channel was subscribed to by default to accommodate communication without first teaching them to join groups in the text chat.  Once they understand the system, unsubscribing from the General Channel will be very easy.


    - good idea


    On 4/21/2018 at 4:52 AM, Graphix7 said:


    5. Example: Delivering Medical Tarupod rewards 8 respawn tickets to FOB and Medical HEMTT rewards 24.  It would be awesome if delivering the Cargo HEMTT would allow armed vehicles to spawn at FOB such as Hunter and Prowlers as a better reward of taking the HEMTT.  Heavier vehicles I think should remain exclusive to main base.


    - feel free to edit what spawns at the FOBs




    On 4/21/2018 at 4:52 AM, Graphix7 said:


    6. The Taru that will sometimes spawn would be exceptionally useful if it could properly raise the Taru pods up into the loading space.  If this were a feature, pilots would be able to avoid incoming missiles and fly lower with supplies/players.



    - another 25hr project (all free time for several weeks)

    - nice to have, there is a mod out there for something like this, perhaps try adding that

    • Thanks 1

  6. 19 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:


    Doubt BI can't afford a decent senior AI programmer or 2.



    AI programmers aren't cheap, and convincing a good one to come and work on an old engine would be challenging and probably more expensive even.


    Also BIS is coming up to 5 years without a major title. It isn't a small company anymore. Lots of employees to pay. I suspect there is a lot of pressure on the team and they won't be able to stretch the budget out for too many more years without getting some product on Steam.

    • Like 2

  7. nice post, lots to think about :)


    Just on the issues first, responses in bold.




    1. Initiating "Clean up Island" will also wipe away any rewards that have been earned by completing side missions.  My players had earned themselves an armed Blackfish but I mistakenly wiped it.


    It wipes everything clean, not meant to be used often and we could probably safely disable this admin tool since the cleanup system is fairly tight. We should also put a 'safety' on it to prevent accidental pressing.


    2. Escort Truck side mission is almost impossible because it seems that AT Mines that spawn due to mission are not detectable by mine-detector.  We're required to use a Bobcat with the scoop down in front, however sometimes the Bobcat won't survive.


    The task briefing has some useful information for completing the Escort Truck mission:

    'Get the vehicle to its destination near %1 (marked on map). It is strongly advised to stay on roads, and not to bring tanks or APCs, as this can disturb buried IEDs. It is suggested to keep moving even during contact, to prevent getting flanked and attacked by more heavily armed insurgents. Good luck, soldier!'

    It was meant as a mission for MRAPs and LSVs, so armor is given a hard time. The reason for this is that if we allowed armor to come along, we'd have to spawn enemy armor or enemy AT, and then its not really a logistics convoy mission anymore.


    3. Recently switched to Altis, but when we were on Tanoa, (Might have been on 1.0.6) helicopter would sometimes receive "This is for Helicopters only, not planes or VTOL"(Or something along those lines) message when trying to service at Heli Service point.


    This issue is fixed in 1.0.8, at base service should be done from within the vehicle, not on foot.


    4. Experiencing an error similar to "Cannot find Custom Font, using Default Arma 3 font" shortly after connect or attempting to recruit AI.  Easy to select "Ok" and continue playing.


    Fixed in 1.0.8 as well


    5. Players are reporting that the Mohawk is unable to lift Cargo crates larger than the Taru Pods.  This is a problem for players without Helicopter DLC that want to supply the FOB.


    An interesting dilemma. On Altis all the FOBs are land-connected so driving should be possible (albeit time consuming!), and on Tanoa the Huron containers can be lifted by the Blackfish VTOL. I don't want to spend the time fiddling with weights of the Huron containers to allow Mohawk lifting, as you have to account for different situations (pilot disconnecting while sling loading, etc) for when to reset the mass. Best to find someone with the Helicopters DLC. This represents a wider problem of how to integrate DLCs into a gamemode, and I tend to err on the side of disregarding the DLC status of players and just putting stuff in that seems right (for instance the CAS slot says "Jets DLC required" in the lobby). I dont really have advice here, just agreeing that its a dilemma but not one that I want to solve :) If you want to try fiddling with the mass of the Huron containers to allow Mohawk lifting, let me know i can tell you where to start.

    • Like 1

  8. Theres no reason for BI to spend much time on textures (aside from Tropical camo for the default vehicles) since anyone can do that and put it on a public server, and they recently introduced new police/EMT assets and siren horn.


    From what I remember of Altis Life, what was really missing were 2 things:


    1 - Civilian firearms. hunting weapons, shotguns, old bolt guns, some more pistols, etc.


    2 - Visual representation of items. BIS could have created some more inventory items, like can of soda, bananas, batteries, money, water bottle, canteen, food items, etc. Just items for roleplay that--in RPG modes--are virtualized into text/numbers on a menu. The number of non-essential items in the game is zero. All we have is watch/compass/map/radio/gps. Some generic items that could be added to inventory would have been good.

  9. while the driving is abysmal, here's an example of what is/was possible with the driving, using the "setDriveOnPath" command. Mind you, it takes a lot of micromanagement and probably isnt suitable for sandbox driving (you cant tell the vehicle to reverse for instance).


    Basically a scripted police chase with AI interceptor, with pursuit speeds up to 150km/h



  10. 17 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:


    Yes, so does the blackfish with sidemounted weapons and every other attack chopper despite having weapon systems which would allow active engagements from 1km+.

    Having AI head dive towards the enemy targets as close as 50m is nuts.

    Hopefully AI in arma 4 will have some more self preservation and utilize its vehicles systems.




    50m? would be a glorious day if they would stay above 50m




    best predictor of future outputs is past inputs.


    i haven't seen any indication that there will be AI at all in A4 :)


    I would guess they'll port Zombies AI (past input) from DayZ to the new engine, so there might be Zombie AI.

    • Like 3

  11. if a full head of not-grey hair, and a good nights sleep, sound like nice things to you, then yea dont.


    a different story if we could edit the underlying code, but when the studio refuses to fix even basic bugs or spend a few days taking care of the critical issues, then i would call it being a sucker, to attempt to layer a fix ontop of a broken foundation that we’re not allowed to touch.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1

  12. Updated to 1.0.8 "Hotfix 3"

    Addressing bugs, issues and smoothing out rough edges


    - [ADDED] Medical drone boxes & Medical drones now revive incapacitated players if within 5m (consumes the box/drone).
    - [ADDED] Documentation for creating base speed-limited areas and base vehicle-restricted area.
    - [TWEAKED] Friendly respawning UAVs can now be placed in 3D Editor.
    - [TWEAKED] Overhaul of friendly UAV operator script.
    - [TWEAKED] Attempt to reduce chance of enemy CAS nose-diving after spawn.
    - [TWEAKED] AI building usage will check to see if structure is hidden/invisible before trying to use it.
    - [TWEAKED] Desert mortar pit composition.
    - [TWEAKED] Some enemy at Escort Vehicle side mission now have AA shoulder launchers.
    - [TWEAKED] Should be at least 1-2 vehicles in AO even if AO doesnt have enough road segments (Classic & Sector Control).
    - [TWEAKED] New AI vehicle selection logic enabled for Sector Control mode.
    - [FIXED] Group Management system was not updating changes properly.
    - [FIXED] Pilot would sometimes teleport to ocean when ejecting from plane.
    - [FIXED] Incapacitation overlay would stay on screen after death.
    - [FIXED] Decorative submarine had incorrect "featureType".
    - [FIXED] Crew HUD missing icons.
    - [FIXED] Medical UAVs can add respawn tickets to FOB.
    - [FIXED] GPS jammer task icon would not clean up if Jammer was deleted instead of destroyed.
    - [FIXED] Text error in admin/curator "cycle mission" option.
    - [FIXED] Small error in AI recycler.
    - [FIXED] Hidden a partially submerged terrain structure on Malden.
    - [FIXED] UGV Stompers (unarmed) now correctly spawn with Stretchers & logistics system even when created with Zeus.
    - [FIXED] Falcon UAV drone would sometimes spawn damaged and partially tipped over on Aircraft Carrier.

    • Like 2

  13. 13 minutes ago, Tankbuster said:

    Are incap'd players supposed to be captive true? Is that how it works?

    I'll check their captive status in a moment.

    I'm using BI revive.


    i dont know, its just how ive always done it ... put the person on the ground, setcaptive true, and then false once they're back up


    setcaptive just adds them to "sideFriendly" which is friendly to all factions


    setUnconscious should do that automatically (no need for setCaptive) unless they changed something ... in that case im happy i didnt bother to remove the setcaptive stuff

  14. 1 hour ago, Tankbuster said:

    This is happening in stable. They are 'executing' incapacitated players.


    did incapacitated units lose their "setcaptive" state?


    also what revive/incapacitation system?


    I still execute "setCaptive", no troubles here. I think the ACE3 team moved over to using "setUnitTrait ["camouflageCoef",..." instead of setcaptive.

  15. 24 minutes ago, winse said:

    @oukej, a little question:


    There are a couple of helmets in game: H_HelmetO_ViperSP_hex_F and H_HelmetO_ViperSP_ghex_F. They're awesome looking, but due to builtin TI's they can't be used in MP as they're actually a cheat. Would it be possible to add a non-TI versions of those helmets to game?


    Non-TI variants wouldnt make much sense, as the helmet model has IR and thermal imaging lenses all over it. I agree the helmet is OP, but the solution is to remove it from the scenario.
