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Everything posted by killzone_kid

  1. killzone_kid

    Troble shooting.

    what is that hash doing in front of it?
  2. killzone_kid

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    im talking about some map assets like there are plenty of structures that are in arma2 too but also some that should have been in arma 2 but not in. what are you talking about?
  3. setvehicleinit commands have to come back for non multiplayer environment. many people that just start and learn from example are affected by this. you should have options and explain how to switch them on or off.
  4. killzone_kid

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    is there a reason you say this or just trying to be plain negative?
  5. addevenyhandler expects code to execute you give it string
  6. Not sure which sample we are talking about. The call compile format one clearly states it is bad idea.
  7. Sorry kju, was it directed at me? If so, then I can assure you I don't want to use call compile format _function.
  8. killzone_kid

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    I will wait until the all in one Arma package is available to buy, would be nice if BIS included few VBS2 assets in there too!
  9. What about new command, something like globalVariable [name, array of clients]; with more suited name, which could only work when executed on the server if array of clients omitted then it broadcasts to all clients. Would be useful if I only want to update clients whose avatars are in close proximity to my avatar in the game instead of updating the whole server. will probably need respectful addGlobalVariableEventHandler
  10. I've been considering this PVC approach, but need to know some facts, mainly..will for example { _myPV = "MY_PV" + getPlayerUID _x; missionNamespace setVariable [_myPV, _myValue]; (owner _x) privateVariableClient _myPV; } forEach all60Clients; take 60 times longer than MY_PV = _myValue; privateVariable "MY_PV"; Not a problem for occasional use but what if you need server to update clients quite often?
  11. Just thought of another possible exploit because of the code transfer over network. This time it actually involves the new compileFinal. So lets say you have your public variable MY_PV that you use to broadcast an array of values over to other machines. Now if I do this on my machine MY_PV = compileFinal ""; publicVariable "MY_PV"; I am effectively destroying the public variable MY_PV as it is now cannot be overwritten.
  12. killzone_kid

    ARMA 3 Alpha - Java Virtual Machine

    The problem is lack of proper documentation. Been there, done that. Wiki needs more explanations and examples. Some commands descriptions contain as little letters as the command itself.
  13. Staffan. Have a look here: https://github.com/ShadowDuke/Saintly Best plugin for MySql I ever used. It allows you to call functions in your database. If you know mySql as you said you can easily make functions and just call them with this extension. To see the examples of how it is used, look through this code: https://github.com/ShadowDuke/Saintly-DayZ
  14. I have added to that tutorial arjay, explaining the problem. In short, no, you cannot do it. The functions defined inside the file you compileFinal do not get finalised by association you have to do it explicitly. I will look into PV extractor, might as well have the option. BTW _target is hilighted differently in my highlighter so you might want to avoid using it in the first place.
  15. killzone_kid


    Some experiments with listbox :)
  16. killzone_kid


    Just learning some basics :)
  17. I've made a tutorial on how not to use call compile http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-constructing-secure-callback/
  18. killzone_kid

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

  19. killzone_kid

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    is there mi28 havoc in TOH?
  20. arjay have a look at part 2 of my tutorial on variables on http://killzonekid.com how to avoid using call compile
  21. if you have non critical scripts you can spawn them rather than call them. this will create parallel thread. If you call everything then you have to wait in the queue
  22. killzone_kid

    Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

    Had another go at folding and it worked. Updated with folding option for {} and [] http://killzonekid.com/arma-2-arma-3-hybrid-syntax-highlighter-for-notepad/
  23. think you better ask there http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?95-ARMA-2-amp-OA-ADDONS-Configs-amp-Scripting
  24. so we don't have to do this
  25. It won't. You cannot cfgVehicles in description.ext you need to do it in config.cpp this means making a mod.