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About mighteemouse

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. mighteemouse

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    That is what is going to happen...
  2. mighteemouse

    New AMD 13.4 and 13.5 (beta) drivers.

    When I get home I will test and see if the same performance improvement applies for my 6850.
  3. mighteemouse

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    I want my moneez back dwarden I can not control my guy he just flies to teh ski and then dead.
  4. mighteemouse

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    Omg guyz I can't play on ne of teh serverz puleez fix dis ASAP I keep flying into teh sky and then die an a msg appeers in teh screen telling me I suck and that the game is a hostage. What doez dis mean???
  5. mighteemouse

    BIS scripting

    how can we simply move on when we cannot play? hrm? derp derp
  6. mighteemouse

    Do Not Negotiate With The Hacker

    so can we play on the servers yet?
  7. mighteemouse

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    yeah this dude got his point across but he is also a huge dick
  8. mighteemouse

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    he has displayed a text in all servers with a list of demands
  9. mighteemouse

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I think the patch made everything better especially the lights. Yall need glasses.
  10. Soon! Yes soon. Sent from my Galaxy S3 on Tapatalk 2
  11. mighteemouse

    ArmA 3 Alpha Performance Tweaks and Settings Guide

    night and day difference. game loads quicker and less stutter due to hdd reads in game.
  12. mighteemouse

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Informative post insanatrix