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Everything posted by machineabuse

  1. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I lol'd at that :) For discussions sake it's really interesting to have seen all the innovative suggestions for a solution. To be real here, whatever works works if it saves a player undue time learning to inhabit his own virtual body knowing what he should already know.
  2. machineabuse

    Better Little Bird Mod

    Nice :) any plans to tweak the Rates of Fire and dispersion on the helo miniguns?
  3. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    It's also unfortunate that fatigue is difficult to assess when you have stopped to rest. How rested are you, who knows? You can only hope you've stayed still long enough but good luck paying attention to that while you're being shot at.
  4. machineabuse

    Noubers action menu replacement

    That's looking pretty phenomenal Nou! Even if it is a non-diegetic approach it certainly looks like a more tactile and substantial way of doing interactions than messing with a scrollwheel. I particularly like that you're cascading through menus. I wouldn't get too caught up with the doors though. As nice as it would be to be able to identify door handles it's not a game breaker. Hope that this beast is as extensible as it looks :)
  5. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Frankly speaking, I believe most of the discontent with the new fatigue values stems from the insufficient feedback in vanilla and the abstract quantifying of loadout weight in the inventory. Speaking of which, it's funny how the people who would balk at the idea of a stamina bar are not asking for the ability to disable the weight bar in the inventory. :rolleyes: It's a big picture thing. It's not that anyone likes having a new HUD element, it's that there are more interesting challenges to be had in the game than the rote memorization of which sound file and animation represent X value of stamina. The concerns of my own ArmA community are the recruitment, training and retention of members. The more people we can get over the hurdle of adopting the basic game in the first place the better as we want to get players into the more interesting bits of learning infantry maneuvers. It is just as well we have tools like ST_Stamina_Bar and BW_LoadCalc to help out our members do that. But again, if the fatigue feedback was better by any other means it would obviate any need of a stamina bar. After all, we didn't need it while we were playing ArmA 2 ACE.
  6. Looking forward to it Teeha :)
  7. machineabuse

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    No problem~ oukej also mentioned on the tracker that the intent is this sort of thing would be pushed to the other aircraft as well, though no specific details of that were mentioned. Thought you'd like to know!
  8. machineabuse

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    I'm sure by now you've caught wind of the Orca HUD update. It's quite nifty tech and it would seem from my initial messing around that the "holographic" reticule is parallax free :) Sadly it doesn't work with your mod anymore. Might want to disable it for the Orca for now.
  9. machineabuse

    Noubers action menu replacement

    Cheers :) seems interesting!
  10. machineabuse

    Noubers action menu replacement

    That looks pretty powerful! Totally psyched for interacting with vehicle entry points! :) I hope this can be extended to other mods; I see lots of giggles letting air out of civilian's tyres heheheh. Maybe even the holy grail of clickable cockpits and cabin instruments!
  11. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Overthinking it a bit there :) What I mean is that if you right click from a lowered weapon it'd be nice if you brought the weapon up into ADS, if you were moving then you'd go into Tactical Pace. Right now the process is left clicking once, then right clicking to go into ADS/tactical. It's the left click in that sequence that I'm not at all fond of. And now, back to fatigue! :D
  12. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I think the utility of the "ready" (for lack of a better term) position is still fairly applicable. After all when you bring the weapon up into ready you can still shoot from that position. As a personal bugbear I don't like that you must left click to quickly bring the weapon back up to ready from the lowered position. To me that feels like pulling the trigger with an unchecked muzzle. As for the redundancy; even if I had to right click twice that would still be cool with me.
  13. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    That would be as they say; "the tits" :) To be able to smoothly go from weapon down all the way to ADS while moving would make all the difference. Ticket that on the tracker bro. The main issue with the current fatigue feedback is as a few members have pointed out already that fatigue has a lot of variables attached to it such as how much you are carrying (which in itself is pretty abstract) and whether or not you are wounded. With that in mind the expectations to the performance degradation of the player avatar is going to become a problem is highly variable. Also relevant; AI need to be able to communicate their fatigue state(s).
  14. machineabuse

    Weapon Inertia & Sway Feedback (dev branch)

    Bigpickle; yes the most stable but the least agile. Weapon inertia isn't about stability, it's about limiting the ability to rapidly make gross movements of the muzzle and get on target quickly. If me thinking that turning 90 onto a target is somewhat more difficult while prone is comedic then I apologize :) but I'm inclined to assert that sway is ArmA 3s expression of positional stability.
  15. machineabuse

    Weapon Inertia & Sway Feedback (dev branch)

    I feel that weapon inertia should scale with fatigue. The inertia values for weapons up to 4kg should be close to zero when you are fresh and be really bad when you are say at 70% fatigue. That at least accounts for the limp behavior. Any weapon greater than 4kg should have weapon inertia ramp up on an exponential curve. I also feel that inertia should be worse while prone to represent that positioning the weapon becomes more laborious when you have both elbows on the ground. Retrospectively, weapon inertia isn't the greatest name for this mechanic :)
  16. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Pettka; I agree, but in reality you'd *feel* tired. In the game you'd need to see and hear it; which doesn't always apply when you are being shot at in the dark for example :) You could say that at that point I have more pressing matters to worry about and I agree. But had I more reliable feedback on what my avatar's (key word) physical disposition is our group's players and I probably wouldn't be in that situation as often as we are in ArmA 3. I get it; a HUD bar is inelegant and non-immersive. That's a given. But the current feedback that A3 is giving players isn't good enough to stop them thinking about fatigue all the time and put their mind on what the rest of the game demands of them. That's why mods like the ShackTac Stamina Bar came into existence; get players minds off minutia and back into the game. Same with the mod grown HUD element for stance adjustment back in Alpha.
  17. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Harsh but lol :D I do think a native stamina bar would go a long way to having players understand the systems better. I'm a big fan of diegetic systems of displaying information but the way I see it if I can bring a new player into my gaming group and get him through the basics of the core systems faster then that's more time he can spend refining higher level play and doing tactically interesting things. Which is way more worthy of everyone's than any amount of time spent "adapting" to the minutia fetishism of darkening corners of the screen and listening to belabored gasping over gunfire and explosions while trying to make sense of what FTL is trying to say over ACRE. Simply put the player having to make a decision what to do over the fact that his stamina is half gone is more important than him coming to the realization his stamina is half gone. Just give him that feedback and let everybody get on with more intelligent stuff. That said, subjectively to myself the values for everything seem pretty much spot on since the last stable.
  18. I can confirm; the tan ones have a missing texture at the helmet mount, the black ones are missing all their textures. It also looks like there are some shadow config errors. The view through them is a big fat hexagon (is that intentional?) that is slightly offset to the right. Teething issues :)
  19. These look the sex :) Going to go fly in them now!
  20. machineabuse

    Weapon Inertia & Sway Feedback (dev branch)

    With even the 3d scopes the "inertia" system no longer applies because the narrower FOV will result in less misalignment relative to the amount of optic/scope/sight on screen. Whatever secondary system they are using for 3D scopes and 2D optics hasn't yet been updated with any behavior congruent with how unmagnified sights work.
  21. machineabuse

    Weapon Inertia & Sway Feedback (dev branch)

    Now that I've had a bit of time to think about it; the inertia system pitches the camera in the opposite direction to the movement of the mouse while simultaneously banking the camera in the direction of motion to achieve the misalignment. I would venture that reducing the bank to be less than what is half of what it is currently while increasing the rotation deflection in the same ratio would make iron sights feel a long way towards being right. I feel like the sensation that ought to be achieved is your POV catching-up-to-the-gun as opposed to the gun limp-pivoting in the view :)
  22. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    On a recent replay of the campaign the major thing I noticed is that a lot of AI had trouble keeping formation over distance because of the fatigue system. AT and medic would eventually slow down to a snails pace and either walk or jog in slo motion. In extended firefights I also notice enemy squads losing cohesion, again their AT, medics and ammo bearers trailing behind on their flanking maneuvers. Campaign is still playable, just with fewer AI team mates surviving. ;) A player can be smart enough to proactively rest and communicate their fatigue state, even dumping/cacheing gear to lighten the load for combat. The AI doesn't do any of that :p
  23. machineabuse

    Weapon Inertia & Sway Feedback (dev branch)

    Well, I personally feel that lagging the weapon slightly behind the cursor is enough to do it quite well as it keeps the sights always aligned. The major advantage is that it properly simulates what occurs when you bring the weapon to an abrupt stop; you will overshoot and then track back onto the target. With heavier weapons that would be pretty noticeable. That's I feel is the better system BUT... ... I'm guessing that BI went with the current solution as it's camera based; so the weapon itself has no inertia but your POV does. (I know this from looking directly down at the stock using TrackIR) It's a much cheaper (in coder hours) and expedient way to get a "kind-of" weapon inertia simulation going without physically introducing motion to the weapon. The current math looks like it just tracks the velocity and direction of the mouse inputs. *Still love you BI ;)* Being that is the case I would say that a compromise solution may work best; have it so that there is misalignment during the acceleration-deceleration(velocity/time) phase of the mouse movement and not merely velocity. So abruptly trying to break the inertia of the weapon at rest causes misalignment as does trying to bring the weapon to a sudden stop. So if you are smoothly tracking a moving target the sights should stay aligned even if you are tracking it pretty darned fast.
  24. machineabuse

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Empty magazines as objects and the ability to load and unload them from each other and ammo boxes ;)
  25. machineabuse

    Weapon Inertia & Sway Feedback (dev branch)

    Indeed. Because I personally do not feel it represents an authentic weapon handling experience as is the goal of the system. Others are free to think otherwise and I wouldn't hold it against them or you for that matter :) We all want the same thing in the end; for the experience to be a good one. I believe the current implementation has limitations that may hamper the experience when it comes to tracking fast moving targets; such as shooting the tires off a moving vehicle as it speeds past you in the street (without blindly blasting in the general direction of the tires.). Which is why I suggest that a good test of such weapon agility is probably skeet. Again, if this system can be made to do that as a reasonable facsimile of what can be achieved in reality (i.e. "authenticity" right?) I don't really have any real further concerns about it. It's all good bro :) It does say you stay in "a non-english speaking country" below your name so I just gave you a straight answer.