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Everything posted by fabio_chavez

  1. fabio_chavez

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    i mean VARIOUS animation bugs + temporary raisweapon is not working correctly... its obviously totally bugged.
  2. fabio_chavez

    Cosmos Engine; This Mod Blew Me Away

    it doesnt depend on your settings, you can observe the dark circle (that also appears on ground level occasionally) everytime you pass through the clouds vertically, its 100% reproducable and engine/trusky related...
  3. fabio_chavez

    Cosmos Engine; This Mod Blew Me Away

    thats definately not true, clouds in a3 are screwy at high altitudes and thats a known problem.
  4. please clarify PWS installation instructions!
  5. i created a little timelapse to demonstrate the new mideast/desert lighting config that was introduced in the latest patch: as allways watch fullscreen and in HD please: why dont you post your own screenshots and compare the different lighting configs (e.g. Chernarus vs Takistan) in AiA and Vanilla Arma at different daytime and weather conditions? (note: the heavier the overcast the less difference is there between the configs though) :}
  6. fabio_chavez

    Stance Adjustment revised

    looking forward to! :bounce3:
  7. fabio_chavez

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    i have to repeat this: please fix the various bugs in the raise weapon animations...
  8. fabio_chavez

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    that gonzalez dude is brillant, many kudos!!:cheers:
  9. thats definately not how its supposed to look, do you run the latest version and tried to run it without any extra mods? ---------- Post added at 12:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 ---------- update: i checked ASCZ A2 Map Fixes v1.2, it does mess around with weather related classes/with the way aia tp handles them.
  10. fabio_chavez

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    you mean pvp in the sense of players vs bots? (plus we are not comparing BF2 lol, the topic is still PR please no strawmans) ---------- Post added at 11:45 ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 ---------- i cant argue religious believes sorry.
  11. fabio_chavez

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    the crucial point is if you want to shoot at bots or players, if you want to play vs AI PR has nothing much to offer, if you want to play vs players arma has nothing much to offer. :/ PR has tons of brillant maps and a huge spectrum of factions, the content is polished to perfection (eventhough technically outdated but at least in PR you have decent fps even with 200 players... in arma? roflmao)
  12. fabio_chavez

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    "coop team based" doesnt mean you shoot bots while adressing each other by ranks in teamspeak in the PR world XD ---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ---------- the problem is people dont even know what they dont know and arma people are simply clueless when it comes to that in comparion to bf2: pr players... i speak from my personal experience when i tried to adress the lack of teamplay and communication on a3 public servers (if you find one that runs pvp (eventhough they still have absurd money systems)), people where offended or adviced me to join a organized group that uses teamspeak *facepalm*
  13. the mapping crowd tried it unsuccessfully during the past year so im not very confident about that anymore.
  14. thank your for the response! :cheers: im have no doubt you guys consider your prioritys according to your best efforts and you surely are aware of the value that the terrains represent for the game. I can only urge you, that when you take up on the issues you hopefully take up on them in a comprehensive way to get rid of this 2-3 bugs (see original post) that are central to restore proper functionality of the maps and i further hope that it wont be a matter of years... -_-
  15. when the time comes, it would be nice to hear something on the other compability related issues from the original post too :}
  16. fabio_chavez

    Lighting Tweaking (dev branch)

    thats interessting, ill try to investigate ---------- Post added at 13:39 ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 ---------- confirmed, fogcolor needs alpha if skyColorInfluencesFogColor = 0;, when fogcolor has alpha, that brings some other problem though... anyway thanks for the hint, lets see what can be done with it :}
  17. fabio_chavez

    Stance Adjustment revised

    thanks for your consideration! as for the vertical stances, i personally find it impractical to micromanage it with the mouse wheel and i adapted to the default system (though i remapped the adjust button to my mouse while lctrl is my crouch button), one thing i could really imagine beeing usefull in that regard would be if in addition to usual permanent vertical stance switching, there could be two extra custom actions "Temporary Up" and "Temporary Down" which you can map freely. temporary crouch is intuitive since its 3d shooter standard and im used to it, everything has tradeoffs and for movement in arma, 3 hands are recomend (i use a usb foot controler to lean left and right btw)... therefore permanent crouch has the advantage not to occupy a finger, yet the reason why id like to have the option to crouch temporary is that i dont have to worry about my stance anymore, the same advantage as with temporary sidestep from this addon, you will return to your base stance if you stop pressing, that way you have a better awareness about your posture, thats important especially in first person, just like temporary lean, the game should offer temporary crouch as an option.
  18. fabio_chavez

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    "good enough" for you, thats nice to hear :} it would be good enough for me if it would work as intended though, the control setup tooltip says "temporarily raise weapon" for a reason. also there are various reasons why someone would use temporary raise weapon, e.g. to increase combat preparedness... i hold "raise weapon" to save stamina, when i engage an opponent i just stop pressing it, i dont have to wonder what stance/pace im currently in or that i have to click LMB once before the weapon raises.... the weapon simply raises. If the purpose is not obvious to you, its ok, its allready good enough for you so why do you bother? have a nice day
  19. fabio_chavez

    Stance Adjustment revised

    hi thank you for the addon, works great! only thing i would like to be able to change is to exclude changes to vertical stance adjustment and only use the temporary adjustment for the horizontal stances, otherwise vertical stance adjusment becomes a mess in a firefight when you change your stance permanently or temporarily depending on tipping or holding up or down... if i may make another request, maybe you can also add temporary crouching to the functions, i really miss that in arma3!
  20. fabio_chavez

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    addition: the raise weapon button works as intendet (temporarily raising/lowering weapon while keypress) only when standing still, while moveing it toggles raiseweapon state... this should work as the tooltip in the config suggests (temporarily raise you weapon). same applyes for crouch, there is no difference betwean toogle crouch and crouch, please add temporary crouch as an option, especially in 1st person its hard to keep track of all the states and stances... temporary buttons would make stamina management more intuitive.
  21. feel free to ridicule the notion of not beeing willfully ignorant toward connections between armsindustry (death) and videogames (entertainment)... also your implyed verdicts of hypocracy regarding McDonalds misses the point but lets stay on topic :)
  22. thb id rather not have any bit of code that is related to any military or arms industry dollar... keep the VBS stuff in VBS