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Everything posted by stevoau

  1. IMO We need something like Battlefield's commo rose to control AI, the current system is so confusing and isn't user friendly in the slightest.
  2. EDIT: Just realized what was happening I forgot to give the player a name and misspelled 'Civilian', brain fart hehe.
  3. stevoau

    Using the ISIS mod? Shame on you.

    This is why I hate the media :j:
  4. So basically I am trying to create ammo cache's at random locations on the map and spawn soldiers to protect them, what I am doing (because the number of cache's changes every time) is generating a random number from 0 - 999999 and using setVariable to assign it to a cache and a trigger which will spawn and despawn the soldiers when WEST units enter and leave the area respectively. I have the caches and their triggers spawning fine but I have run into a hiccup, whenever I try to return _x (which SHOULD return the cache object) I get 'any'. INS_isSame = { _trig = _this select 0; _idStr = _trig getVariable "tName"; { _crId = _x getVariable "cName"; if (_idStr == _crId) then { player sideChat format ["%1", _x]; // PRINTS THE OBJECT _x; } } forEach crateGlobal; _crate; }; It is being called with [i]code code code[/i] _nTrig setTriggerStatements ["this", " _retCrate = [thisTrigger] call INS_isSame; Player sideChat format ['%1', _retCrate]; // PRINTS 'ANY' _nul = [_retCrate, thisTrigger] call INS_spawnUnits; ", " _nul = [thisTrigger] call INS_deleteUnits; "]; [i]code code code[/i] Anyone know where I am going wrong?
  5. Yep that worked, THANK YOU!!!!!!
  6. stevoau

    What do you want to see in the expansion?

    No balancing like in A3, every faction has pretty much equal weapons and vehicles and there is no team that has a real advantage, that sucks. On top of that generally more content (including civilian).
  7. Hopefully nothing recycled from previous games...
  8. stevoau

    Far Cry 4

    Never has a game made me feel bad about my decisions and how they affect virtual people :(
  9. Yep that was it, I must have accidentally pressed it. Thank you :)
  10. Main. EDIT: Happens on the dev branch as well.
  11. Does TOM have a bugtracker? I have tried two 'space programs' and in both the UI breaks after a couple of missions (not at the same point), meaning I cant select new missions to go on, control probes\lander's that have already landed, etc.
  12. For the first part. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3 If you are creative enough, and know how to do things, a lot is possible - but there is also a lot of engine related barriers (the biggest one IMO is AI, which is pretty much useless\difficult to deal with for anything other than milsim use). Arma's scripting language is pretty easy to use, but reading scripting tutorials won't get you into the advanced stuff, read other peoples code and open BIS missions and look at their code and you will start to learn new ways to look at things and solve issues you come across.
  13. Yup, I've had this problem since early access
  14. GTA4, even today it runs like shit. Ignoring the performance issues, it doesn't feel like a GTA game should have (SA for example); vehicle handling sucked, the world was boring and colourless. I haven't tried GTA 5 yet, hopefully it improves upon 4 though.
  15. You can make the civ a BLUFOR unit by grouping it to any BLUFOR unit, even if the unit it is grouped to has a 0% Probability of presence. Once grouped to a BLUFOR unit, the OPFOR soliders will treat him like any other BLUFOR unit and attempt to kill him.
  16. stevoau

    Rate the third episode!

    It got a bit laggy at times, and it was shorter than the other two episodes...but I still liked it. 8\10.
  17. Verify the integrity of the game cache, there may be some files missing.
  18. Hey guys, I would just like some clarification on something, is it true that 'natural objects' (ie. trees, rocks, bushes and grass) cannot be spawned via scripts? I have been looking around the config viewer and could not find any classnames for vegetation, and using the nearestObject command to try to find a classname from a tree in the world just made the game crash. Is there any way to spawn them? Could the objects be modded so they can be spawned?
  19. Optimization isn't really the problem here - it is just an outdated engine that isn't coded properly to modern hardware. Hopefully, if there is an ArmA 4, BI will ditch the RV engine and start again with something that...works properly with modern hardware, instead of updating the 12ish year old RV engine.
  20. I just downloaded it then (the free version), it's pretty fun but the payment method\'free to play' needs a lot of improvement. Everything is too expensive, and it's just plain annoying that you can see 'un-licenced' animals but you cannot shoot them.
  21. When ingame, press SHIFT plus NUMPAD MINUS then type FPS. 1st time you enter the code it will be 40FPS, repeat the code for different FPS limits. You can set the limiter to 40FPS, 20FPS, 10FPS, 5FPS and no frame rate limiter.
  22. stevoau

    Story problem.

    For all we know OPFOR may not even be Iran anymore, the game manual has no mention of Iran anywhere, it always says OPFOR, And the OPFOR troops have no patches on their arms ether.
  23. Name the plane p1 or something easy to remember like that. Then... detTime = 7; p1 removeAction sab; Hint format ["Detonation in %1 seconds", detTime]; sleep detTime; p1 setDamage 1; (Setting damage to 1 will destroy it and 0.1 will slightly damage it, i'm not sure which you wanted to do. Also change detTime to an appropriate number so you can get away in time.)
  24. stevoau

    Far Cry 3

    I agree, Far Cry 3's coop was actually pretty great.