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About andressergio

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. andressergio

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    40 to 60fps and u are happy oh man...
  2. andressergio

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    PCars is PRE ALPHA and it was stable since first days, 60fps rock solid and never ever anyone complaints if someone says the thruth thing that dont happen here, this ALPHA is like a 3D studio MAX animation for me not a game at all yet
  3. andressergio

    Low FPS while resources margin

    tons of requests like this, maself also but devs are fixing other stuff would be wonderful to just take a ride on game editing a map and walk on the bay at 60fps steady, but that aint happening yet
  4. andressergio

    How is multiplayer..?

    Not fun at all, problems to get on servers if you are runing dev build, then boring inside, problems with FPS etc guess we just have to wait
  5. no card will benefit for now as game is not optimized, runing 3 SLI here and runs exact the same as 1 card so you should base your decision on other games for now
  6. andressergio

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Not higher at all game is stucked on there they're fixing other things i guess, hope day comes when we see 60fps rock solid at least after editing the map and move anywhere
  7. andressergio

    what do you think about the game so far?

    Waiting the FPS fix since first days the day i can walk and play even alone on the bay after editing the map at 60fps rock solid i will like the game for now still waiting the fix
  8. annoying really keep getting crap updates and i see no change at all fps, lag horrible...come on devs we want to run at least at 60fps steady !!!
  9. andressergio

    Arma 3 Alpha LOW FPS AND LAG

    you dont need to receive an official confirmation that game is heavy bugged and perfomance sux bad, they need to fix this like hundreds of ppl want and you guys make them shut up like it happened to me i will keep telling the truth
  10. andressergio

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    just a word i just reported this to the bohemia game studio to see what this things actually help them saying the thing are said on this forums, i uploaded all faults that shouldnt be tolerated on this forum and every screen and messages i received... i started some month ago testing and posting every build that was and there was nice ppl but after some days all went wrong when i posted that EVERY update is not corrrecting what is essential for ANY gammer a FLUID motion in the game, even with poor textures game SHOULD move at 60fps allowing user to feel the game, cauz then you will focus on that and not on the game real problems So they will investigate this
  11. andressergio

    Arma III is very laggy

    very laggy indeed when u go and edit the map no matter what part your start runing and u get low FPS and then high and low again producing that laggy feel guess lots of issues should be resolved but if it was me i would do this first than the rest
  12. andressergio

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    I didnt offend you now the warned u be you...u have 2 post to say the word you say u must be so poor person im sad for you really so saying troll, stupid and all kinda offenses on the forum is right ? ok i should use them then cauz seems to be allowed, but what is not allowed is say something about ARMA3, so what is the purpose of this forum ? have a bunch of agressive ppl hiding behind the web to insult other members that come new to the game and see how bad is it ? Guess u all have to chill a bit
  13. andressergio

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    be carefull i was warned for NOT liking ARMA 3 seems that u have to like the the horrible FPS drops no matter the system u have, the VERY POOR graphics of the game, the playability wich sux, i so much regret of buying it cauz they showed me 4 screens that look good... just saying...
  14. Hi guys I see various changelogs on the developer build but none that talks about this issue, since first day i notice this, whenever you edit the map and go to any place u have FPS drops from 60 steady to 44 or less in some parts, specially at dawn, that whit vsync enabled wich makes the game laggy. This happens no matter the PC u have. Cheers ! Sergio
  15. andressergio


    its obvious that u r all fans of ARMA im just saying the truth if you dont accept its your problem guys game should run awesome at 60fps steady