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About tansvanio

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Music,Videogames, Computers, Science, History, Medieval Fencing..
  • Occupation
    Computer Science Student, Musician

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  • Biography
    I am a Computer Science student at the University of Porto in Portugal.
  1. Greetings, I am encoutering a very strange problem and I wonder if anyone has a solution. The problem I have is that task manipulation via SQF (task functions) wont work inside triggers. For example, lets say that a trigger on activation does: hint "Activated"; task1 setTaskState "Suceeded"; Upon activating the trigger, the hint will appear but the task wont complete. If I do this via modules and sync it all works. This time, this failed with the setTaskState function, but I remember this happening with other task related functions. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Cheers, Tansvanio
  2. Greetings everyone, I am sorry if my question is not apropriated here but I have searched and I have not found that which I seek. Is there any plugin, mod or custom settings that improves Arma 3's ingame editor scripting capabilities (the code windows in init, triggers etc) ? It would be great if it was possible to make those text boxes behave more like a normal text editor, with line droping, bracket completion and other things. Does anyone know something of the sort? Cheers, Tansvanio
  3. Is there any comprehensive tutorial/video of a complete workflow from Blender -> Arma 3 directly?
  4. Greetings everyone! So I am having some trouble adding an insignia to the configuration of a unit and I wonder if anyone over here might be able to help me, so to the point. According to the wiki, you can define an insignia class like this: class CfgUnitInsignia { class 111thID { displayName = "111th Infantry Division"; // Name displayed in Arsenal author = "Bohemia Interactive"; // Author displayed in Arsenal texture = "\a3\UI_F_Bootcamp\Data\CfgUnitInsignia\B_111thID_texture_ca.paa"; // Image path textureVehicle = ""; // Does nothing currently, reserved for future use }; }; Wich I did the correct way. Now, you can use the script via sqf script like this: [[ player, "111thID"], "BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia", nil, true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; Wich I did, and it allowed me to test that my insignia was working properly. Now thing is, how do I add an insignia to a unit on the configuration file? Not using a sqf script at all? I suspect it might be a hiddenSelection of the uniform, but I really have no idea. Can anyone help me with this? I thank you all, for your time.
  5. tansvanio

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I have tried adding AGM_Earbuds to the linkeditems vector a soldier unit in a config yet the items refuse to appear in game. Is there any explication for this? EDIT: Same goes for AGM_Bandage and probably all AGM items.
  6. tansvanio

    Portuguese Armed Forces [PAF]

    Thanks for posting Foxhound, hope you had a good vacation! :)
  7. tansvanio

    Portuguese Armed Forces [PAF]

    Greetings! The newest version is awaiting to be posted on Armaholic! Meanwhile you can get the link here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/k8bt6fvj6o1o1ly/%40PAFdev0.6.rar Version 0.6 - EH-101 Merlin - Marines - New groups
  8. tansvanio

    Portuguese Armed Forces [PAF]

    Greetings everyone! I leave with you a preview of the next update! Portuguese Marines: You will also be able to check out the EH-101 Merlin, a sturdy helicopter that does its job well, that is, transporting troops from here to there. EH-101 Merlin: That is it for today! Please reply any info, tips, feedback you feel inclined to. Cheers, Tansvanio
  9. tansvanio

    Portuguese Armed Forces [PAF]

    This addon aims to recreate the modern day armed forces of Portugal. But who knows, maybe if when I am finished with this I might add some vintage gear for the sake of it.---------- Post added at 22:36 ---------- Previous post was at 22:31 ---------- Newest Version 0.5 released and awaiting aproval on armaholic! Meanwhile you can get the link over here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/f454lpwjivvlml4/PAF0.5.rar Changelog: - Lynx Mk-95 - Air Force helicopter operators. - Added ranger troops, for stealth specops missions. - New groups along with all this. - Retextured helicopter, and two new uniforms (Ranger and Air Force operators).
  10. Nothing in particular. In my opinion to get a good grasp at your blender script one should already know how to use Object Builder/Oxygen 2, wich by itself itself is no easy task. For instance, new Arma modellers could benefit a lot from having a guide with only blender in mind, forgetting that O2 even exists. Like my previous suggestion with the video, something more pratical and showed for. Of course things are easier said than done and you already have done an amazing job with this, I am just leaving my friendly input.
  11. Well, thats a shame :) Regardless, I look forward to any further documentation you might provide to help us navigate trough your addon.
  12. This is really great work Alwarren, congratulations! I cant help but wonder ... have you ever considered making making an youtube video sort of documenting/tutorial of your export script, modelling a simple item from scratch and implementing in game?? I cant wait until you develop this further and us blender users can forget about O2/Object Builder, that software is just messy. Cheers!
  13. Thank you very much! That is the sort of thing I was looking for.
  14. Hello guys, Does anyone know how to, or a can point me out to a tutorial on how to port Arma 1/Arma 2 models to Arma 3? For instance, an helicopter. If I have the config, model, textures and materials of said helicopter for Arma 1 or Arma 2 how should I change the configuration in order for it to be fit for Arma 3? I would appriciate very much all input on this matter. Cheers, Tansvanio
  15. tansvanio

    Portuguese Armed Forces [PAF]

    New version (v0.4) is out and validating in armaholic! Meanwhile you guys can use this link: https://www.mediafire.com/?sgpvq56ys2a258g Version 0.4 - More regular units, in particular missile especialists. - More commando units. - New groups for all the new units.