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Private Evans

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Everything posted by Private Evans

  1. Private Evans

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain

    Well then you should at least link and advertise it on the store page so that people know that there is a proper sp campaign made by the same devs. The devs from Prarie Fire are also advertising everything, even a third party game mode mod... so...you should too ๐Ÿ™‚ I played through the first 6 missions today and I am absolutely having a blast...this is exactly what I was hoping for. The realistic and authentic feel of the map combined with this very immersiv and also authentic feeling story is really great and fun ! PS: would be cool if you could include the czech voice pack ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Private Evans

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain

    You defenetely should update your main file on steam by adding the campaign to it instead of providing it as an extra mod... a lot of people will miss it otherwise keep it up ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    Yeah I am having a blast on this map too ...it is perfect for cold war battles using a mix of mechanized units, infantrie and helicopters ๐Ÿ™‚ Combining it with GM is the icing on the cake ! Also it works out of the box...two dlc's providing 6 authentic factions and two large authentic maps...I do not have to clutter my editor with tons of mods and Afgans, Russians, Chernorussians and Takistanis which I do not use for cold war scenarios or do not use or like at all.... If I may repeat a request for a possible map change.... I love the idea of having an improvised Airstrip on an Autobahn. It is absolutely authentic...but it would even be cooler if you would remove the hangars and buildings to make it look more improvised ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Private Evans

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain

    not only MP also COOP and SP ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    Well I am playing SP or Coop so I am personally not interested in a possible MP game. I am curious about the state of Enfusion though. However back to the topic here , the first patch for CLSA came out very fast, so I really hope they will keep on working on their baby ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    Hmmm what I mean is...all this speculation and possible leaks about this reforger thing...the pictures shown are looking absolutely like a mixture of chernarus, Livonia and Gabreta. The setting seems to be a fictive cold war scenario with US and Russsians fighting....all MP and on Enfusion... Maybe ...and I am just speculating, CLSA was released now and before getting finally polished to give it a better chance to sell some copies before a release of a possible Cold War game on Enfusion...providing the exact same setting...
  7. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    The thing I am wondeing about is, why this hasty release...with no anouncement, no advertising and obviously so many short comings. I find this strange...could it be that CLSA was simply forced to release, because of BI is going to release something on their ownsoon which has a similar cold war setting ?????
  8. Private Evans

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain

    I am absolutely sure with some fixing, polishing and maybe adding some new stuff this will be an awesome for cold war fans. I just watched a few videos on Youtube from guys like Devil Dog Gamer, JezaGooner and Operator Drewski...there are a lot of decent people out there who are enyoing your dlc...keep it up ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    Btw I played around in the editor..you can easily hide the two hangars and barracks and instantly get an completely improvised Air strip...what I would recommend the devs to do...it is even cooler ๐Ÿ™‚ and you avoid obsolete discussions xD
  10. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    Honestly Weisssbrot...what the fuck are you trying to tell us...As clearly shown NATO has used this a stragegy during the cold war and OF COURSE they did not build Hangars or Buildings during exercises, so we will never know how it would have looked like in every case and scenario...What we know for sure is that there were detailed plans to use selected and prepared locations to convert them into fully functiong Air strips ! This could and I guess would also have included building Hangars, barracks at some point depending on the situation and location. Using this knowledge to provide NATO an functioning Air Strip on this map is in my eyes an absolutely clever and perfect solution even if the location is fictional. We should all know by now, that even maps based on real life locations have to be edited and tweaked for gameplay purposes and limitations in scale. So I can not understand this desperate try to cheapen the good work of the CLSA devs in this regard.
  11. Private Evans


    Awesome screenshots...See you on the beach ....
  12. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    And to end the discussion about the air strip...this has been even a part of Nato exercises during the 80 ies...
  13. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    Unsung has been a mod for ages and even the Battle for Hue was announced as a side mod project by them....so you could also argue Savage could have included the new map and the SOG stuff in their existing mod for free.... IFA3 which seems to be also coming out as a creator dl has been not only its own game but a mod for years...beside the fact that there are jillions of WWII mods out there....so what... If Red Hammer Studios would bring us the Katya terrain and a campaign with it I gladly would pay for it too...even if the factions are avaible as a mod.... Most of the guys are around here and modding since OFP so they deserve to earn some money for the thousands of hours of free content...
  14. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    Again.... it has been part of Nato strategy to use Highways as Airstrips, which includes turning them into something like this....you would not find this in peace time of course ! But in case of a mobilisation civil traffic would have been more or less forbidden, civil trucks etc would have been to handed over to the military especial the reserve units and also highways would have been prepared to be changed into improvised airfields. What you you see here on the map reflects a situation when both side have mobilized and are ready for war.
  15. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    When I say accurate I am speaking about how the areas have looked like, may it be the North German Plain or the Czech Borderegion to Bavaria. I am not speaking about 1:1 recreations.
  16. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    However I've got a dlc and two decent cold war factions for the price of two large beers...do I think the price should be lowered under 10 Euros as long as there is no more content...yes....do I think no dlc should be released without a proper camapaign...yes...but this hate is simply stupid... I really like the Prairie Fire dlc..it is immersive as fuck and provides a ton of cool new features....but the map is regarding QA a complete desaster as soon as you leave coop fighting in the jungles...a real shame to sell something like this ...the amount of vehicles is also not massive and there is a lot of stuff that is buggy or not matching the otherwise overall high standarts....not to speak about a massive reuse of A2 and A3 assets.....so this is not real fair to the devs from GM and CSLA...in my eyes at least... The biggest mistake was to sell this without a single player campaign..everybody was waiting for somekind of OFP like story....so BI should learn from this lesson when working with the creator dlc teams.... Also people probably have a complete wrong vision of the cold war aera...and absolutely no understanding of how the countries really looked like at that time. The border regions in both directions were boring as hell... as shown in both cold war dlc's just forests, fields and plaines..farms, villages and little towns which were not even highly populated because people do not really want to live there, Infrastructure especially in the east was miserable...in Western Germany the area at the border was called Zonenrandgebiet. It was 40 km deep...Military was boring the same way...no fancy camoflage pattern...no shiny spec ops stuff etc...it was all about one side having an massive amount of tanks and armoured vehicles ( a great part not in working condition) and the other side was all about destroying tanks and armored vehicles.....that's it...until the point Nato would have nuked complete Germany with nuclear mines in case the russians would have managed to breach the Fuld Gap and reach Frankfurt ansd the River Rhine...and again one part of nato strategies was to use highways as airstrips....
  17. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    The map is maybe not innovative or brings something new...but it is highly realistic. I heard people also complaining about Weferlingen but that map also was highly accurate...This is how theses areas looked like...areas for large combined and especially mechanized warfare also seeing helicioptes having a crucial rule....in AT combat.
  18. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    since it was clear that most if not all of the military airstrips would be destroyed or overrun during the first days of an soviet attack....all german autobahns during the cold war....
  19. Private Evans

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain

    Well I am now into the second day of testing... Yesterday I just jumped in and played the first sp scenario which seemed to be more meant as a showcase than a proper sp mission. No cut scenes, no voice acting..well just a simple mission made in the editor...but I have to say it was fun, a bit like in good old times, the setting giving OFP vibes and so on. The little town which had to be conquered itself was looking very very nice and detailed and the weapons vehicles and stuff seemed decent. After being a bit disappointed with the sp experience I had so far with Prairie Fire, I was also more than happy to see it working a lot better with this dlc and setting ( map). Now after two days of playtesting I would say it that way...I am personally ok with spending 11 Euros for a terrain and an US and Chzech cold war faction to play around with. I am sure I will have some good fun mixing it with GM. The map is very nice and especially it is very realistic , same as the Weferlingen map. People complaning about the maps being boring, obviously never have vistited those countries and areas, especially not at that time xD. But at the same time it is nothing special or new or exciting too...... To be honest I think it does not make any sense to release a creator dlc that provides editor toys only, especially not if there are a tons of mods out providing the same for free. You have to provide at least somekind of SP campaign and story...or something new like a new COOP/MP mode suiting the setting. This should not be priced more than 10 Euros...maybe something like 8,99 would be fair, until more content has been delivered. I hope to get at least a proper russian faction and jets for both side at some point coming from both teams CLSA and GM !
  20. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    I absolutely can not understand the hate...for fucking 11 euros I've got a very nice terrain and some really good factions stuff for cold war scenarios...that's the price for two large beers ๐Ÿ™„
  21. It was their first testing ground but the DayZ version mainly includes only the new animation system and renderer...that was for sure a good testground for console compatibility but nothing more. Everything else would make me be extremely afraid since DayZ looks and feels completely outdated compared to modern standarts.
  22. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    downloading ...xD ...but no trailer...no announcement...nothing wtf ????
  23. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    hahaha ok more precisely: DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain will be releasing WEDNESDAY, June 16th!
  24. Private Evans

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    So it will be next wednesday ....seems that the place to get newest information is twitter from now on...which sucks badly.... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3Xz5uQXwAcp1ws?format=jpg&name=large