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Everything posted by warden_1

  1. warden_1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It's a dope vehicle but nah.
  2. warden_1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That's a weird graphical glitch, never seen that before.
  3. warden_1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Re-read the entire page and everytime you come across the word "you" realize that "you" is not the same as RHS. It's a contract between you and them, not RHS and them.
  4. warden_1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That isn't how it works but okay.
  5. warden_1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    A) the license doesn't allow you to be giving out copies like that to random people.B) You don't seem to understand how the modeling process works (Not trying to be offensive), so have fun importing a model that dense to GTA. C) While buying HP models to bake off of is a great way to speed up game assets, I'm pretty sure RHS has plenty of cash to do that with if they needed on their own and it would probably be more work since they would have to redo all the models that currently in game aren't really that bad, especially considering all the custom features that have been added to them. Good luck with your work though bud.
  6. warden_1

    Lightsaber System

    I think the shadowLOD on those little barrels is sticking through the main mesh, just fyi. Looks amazing overall.
  7. warden_1

    AH64D Helicopters being shot down by BMP every time -ArmA3

    This is more the place for people who actually make content to post about it. You should try the feedback tracker since.... idk that's what it's there for.
  8. warden_1

    AH64D Helicopters being shot down by BMP every time -ArmA3

    Wow that's a mouthful... So A) Sounds like maybe you're using a mod and not just the default game. B) Tanks sometimes have this imaging sensor where they can see heat signatures, so that's cool. C) You probably were carrying a lot more than you should have if you got tired in 30 seconds Also this is the wrong place to post this.
  9. warden_1

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    But that argument defeats itself at the same time... NI Arms does different models of AKs than RHS thus producing variety. Variety > Volume imo unless the quality of something is so poor that it needs to be replaced.
  10. warden_1

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    That's a waste of a decent amount of resources.
  11. warden_1

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    if cunico has already done an MBAV why would you think that would be the one picked?
  12. warden_1

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    More than likely what will happen is the newer gear from this period will get a bit more attention before older stuff does. There is a huge gap between modern and OG sf stuff in regards to sfodd. . Ironically this is one of the items I was considering doing or having Adacas look at because they have been issued to DG over the past few years and a decent amount of diver related guys are using them with floaters. It's not really the worlds greatest PC but its unique and probably popular due to the light weight in water. The apc is in my opinion too similar to current stuff in Arma and isnt really a stand out piece in the sof community though it has seen a decent amount of use.
  13. As always Poolpunk, love your stuff.
  14. warden_1

    LM002 [WIP]

    Possible to get one of the UVs? Also is it on a single 2048 texture? I like the idea you mentioned regarding a singular grayscale sort of color that you could modify the colors with by using RVmats, that's smart. The edge beveling is a nice touch as well.
  15. warden_1

    LM002 [WIP]

    Actually I was originally just curious and excited to see if someone was using a similar method of making LP assets.
  16. warden_1

    LM002 [WIP]

    In any version of 3DS max: click the top right of the viewport on the "shaded" or "realistic" button and select "edged faces" then screenshot that. Better yet, click the little "+" mark in the same spot, then "Configure Viewports", then under "Visual Style & Appearance" select "Display Selected with Edged Faces", Crtl +A to select your whole model and it will show wireframe in white over it.
  17. warden_1

    LM002 [WIP]

    It's hardly a step in reverse engineering lol... if it's really that close to impossible for you (takes 2-3 clicks normally) then dont worry about it.
  18. warden_1

    LM002 [WIP]

    Ah nice, any wireframe pictures or HP? Also for normal baking Green channel needs to be inversed for Arma.
  19. warden_1

    LM002 [WIP]

    Wow, that's a very uncommon classic right there, nice work. Any pics of the inside? Also I assume the original HP was from squir, I'd love to see the HP next to the LP with some wires or something as well as the UVs. I used a similar method of buying a premade base highpoly model for a current project and so I'm always curious to see how others construct their LP around existing mesh. What did you do for sounds by the way?
  20. warden_1

    [WIP] Los Santos map

    That's funny, it seems like they are extremely clear. Perhaps they make the foremost rule about using their models and what not specifically because people rip and then steal their stuff more often than any other game: "You can't reverse engineer our games to access the assets or otherwise do things that the games don't normally permit in order to create your Items."
  21. warden_1

    [WIP] Los Santos map

    That isn't true, and even if it was you are still not allowed to use them in Arma mods.
  22. warden_1

    [WIP] Los Santos map

    You still can't use those cars.
  23. warden_1

    SPIE Addon

    Thanks for starting the interest in this. I will make sure that you get in touch with someone who can do that for you.
  24. warden_1

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    for something like low vis or psd work? okay... though typically you see pacas, veltyes or vel systems... I mean Adacas could just make one of the new LVSs, but using the JPC in place of a low vis rig is kind of odd.