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Everything posted by evromalarkey

  1. Choo Choo hype train called ACRE2 :D Anyway no rush, but video would be nice, don't forget to include a few mines there as in previous video :D
  2. Today is the day! (I hope it is)
  3. evromalarkey

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    Agree, I think that ASM Weapons and ASM Vehicles would be just fine, because obviously this pack will have lot of GB and if someone prefer vehicles only, then it's useless to download also weapons. But I prefer both so it's personal choice.
  4. evromalarkey

    Final ArmA III Team Speak Skin

    @DarkXess Agree it could sound little bad, but I don't mean it that way. What I mean was that I think there is still something to improving. @j4you There is no reason to delete it, there could be people who would like it. But as designer I had to say it needs improving. My previous post was little off, I am sorry for that.
  5. evromalarkey

    Final ArmA III Team Speak Skin

    I've seen much better Arma 3 TS3 skin (http://imgur.com/nJzO0WB) and I have to agree with Alduric, but nice try. Maybe you could improve it? But if you like it, then leave it.
  6. evromalarkey

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Yeah happened to me too, when I tried CQB module in ALiVE with CSAT. I was like what the... what are they wearing? I thought that ALiVE gave them random clothes from opfor factions, but maybe the problem is elsewhere.
  7. OK, thanks for the answer! However what about the config.cfg file in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\ALiVE ? If I understand this right, every unit has it's own?
  8. Hi, I got a question regarding the War Room, it's possible that multiple units can use one server? Because on our Czech public server are playing multiple units and it's their main server for playing.
  9. evromalarkey

    ASR AI 3

    Hi Robalo, firstly thanks for the update! I was just wondering if ASR AI act differently for another Units mods? I've experienced that CAF_AG are extremly stupid with ASR AI, I don't know if it's CAF_AG problem, but without ASR AI they can shot you almost without a problem, but with ASR AI they just lay down and they can't hit you at all. Similar to Sixt's videos. Have an idea on this?
  10. evromalarkey

    Dedicated server specs

    Just wondering, whats the recommended frequency of the processor?
  11. evromalarkey

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Oh my... trailer looks actually better then original AAN intro :D I will look forward to this!
  12. I think it was rushed. Every mission in win was good but when I played the last mission I got feeling that I am in middle of Win, not at the end. In Survive and Adapt there was much more missions, this sudden ending was just disappointing for me.
  13. Is anyone experiencing big fps loss with the new random patrols system? Even if I set it on low, the FPS will go crazy after some time.
  14. evromalarkey

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    Yeah but not the way it's done in the game. @Papanowel I tried it and it's not easy to reproduce, but it can by done when you fly fast up and when you start fall down you will change to - speed and you can fly backwards the same way as normal and thats just not right, but it's funny :D
  15. evromalarkey

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    So BIS, can new planes fly still backwards? :D This is just ridiculous, you should really improve the flight model a bit. At least fix this ridiculous backward flying.
  16. @CommanderX your game must be in German, then it should work fine. Only thing what is not working with translation are Tasks, but I think that is game problem. Any thoughts on this Roy? When I set my game in random language which is in stringtable, I have always the original english in Tasks. Btw could you please add in credits for next PO.3.2 update "Czech - Evro, Baki"? There is blank space at this time :D Thanks!
  17. Heh, I was about to say the same. So yeah Alduric you shoud consider to upload it on Six Network, so everyone can easy download (easy update) it through Play WithSIX and than someone could reupload it elsewhere and you will save a lot of money for expensive hosting and people still could donate you. :) Anyway I wanted to ask if you plan to include Sahrani fix (for @smd_sahrani_a2) into Additional Pack? There are few bugs like double clouds and missing preview and loading image. (Sahrani has the same amazing preview image as other A3MP maps.).
  18. Everything looks really well, keep up in good work and thanks for your effort on these!
  19. evromalarkey

    Hidden Identity Pack V.2

    Hi, I found that there is bad signed file balaclava.pbo. There is balaclava.spec4.bisign, but should be balaclava.pbo.spec4.bisign. It is doing problem on servers which uses verify signatures.
  20. evromalarkey

    Hidden Identity Pack V.2

    Of course sorry, it seems that all previus stuff from Hidden Identity Pack v3 is not in this new version. So this gives me question why not? Wouldn't be better to have all in one pack?
  21. evromalarkey

    Hidden Identity Pack V.2

    Really nice work! Just one question does this pack contain all previous stuff from last Hidden Identity Pack or I have to use both? EDIT: Never mind I found it myself :D
  22. Great friday news, thanks a lot Roy! Glad to see this officialy out, anyway I wanted to ask how it is looking with support for older A2 maps? I see there (https://dev.withsix.com/issues/73568) is 90% done, so we can expect this soon?
  23. evromalarkey

    Multiple crash with 1.12

    Same here, we played Patrol Ops with 6-10 people yesterday after update and we experienced 2 server crashes.
  24. After last Arma 3 update there are missing stuff in ammunition boxes. Our dedicated server crash twice on the latest update during Patrol Ops, but this can be game or mod related.
  25. hmm, think I found something too :D. http://i.imgur.com/NwoKoJb.jpg