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Everything posted by EO

  1.  EO


    Ripped my friend's GPU out his system just so i can play v0.1.3 this weekend..... Been a little over 2 weeks since i last played.....and things have just gotten a whole lot harder......Darks Souls ain't got shit on this mod.... Haleks you are a cacodemon. It seems like the % of runners has increased and given their increased resilience, i have been overwhelmed more than once today....almost impossible to lose the runners.....more than a few times i was sure i broke their line of sight but they just keep coming..... :outtahere: Any insights into their pathfinding behaviour would be most welcome. I like the addition of the "Days survived" in the inventory HUD...... Speaking of the HUD.....is there scope for exploring the players "mentality"......could be based on the players "fear state" or "acts of cannibalism" etc. For instance, if "mentality" falls below 50, the player suffers the shakes, making it harder to aim and use weapons effectively. Just some random thoughts..... Please excuse me while i go play some more.....
  2.  EO

    Terrorist attacks in Paris

    Thoughts and sympathy from Scotland........tragic events.
  3. Is DynoSound purely a weapons based project?........are we likely to see it expanded to a total sound modification.... Sounds colossal through my trusty HD650's......
  4.  EO


    "I'm cold, tired and very hungry......i think i'll hold up in here for a while.......damn i wish i could use this fireplace" http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/583575429736082064/92765DDA4DFEF6E0B2ED587C65E0145BF604FD34/
  5. Followed progress since Day 1......thanks for the time and effort putting this together.
  6. Could you elaborate before a solution is found.............maybe a mod conflict?
  7.  EO


    Hopefully we will see some K-9's in the future..........but for now let's just make-believe they are......"around" Apols for the overly long source video........YT makes a real arse of edited clips. :q:
  8.  EO


    Haleks said...."Added rare enemy chopper flybys to the Altis demo mission (their origin will be explained later)". A classic cliffhanger........you are a tease. :popcornsmilie:
  9. ^^ This is a damn shame......Haleks Ravage mod would have been all the better for seeing these bad boys traversing over the landscape.
  10. Shapur would make for an awesome project, a very underrated and underused terrain with large amounts of open space........perfect for your nifty skills.
  11.  EO

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Check 6 posts back ^^ ;)
  12. Once you are finished working on Takistan Bases, do you plan on working on other terrains?
  13. That prison is badass....great job.
  14. Given that future support for IFA3 is looking a little uncertain at the moment, i have a query regarding the quite stunning terrains that come with Iron Front....I'm aware you have to have the original Iron Front game to benefit from these maps in Arma 3, but could they ever be released as standalone mods? Is it something the CUP team could look at? Or is simply to complicated given all the parties involved.... Seems such a waste that these beautiful maps are shut off to a large section of the community.
  15.  EO

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    FF Decoy....... :pray:
  16.  EO


    Still got those GPU woes....still haven't played v0.1.2 yet.....so i'm reading "The Road".......again........got me thinking of some objectives for Ravage.... Cannibalism is a theme that could be explored...... Random bandit camps harvesting survivors for food.....these camps could liberated by the player, survivors could then be recruited. As the search for food is often hard to find, the player could resort to cannibalism as a last resort, the risk being extreme sickness or even death....but these are desperate times..... On a separate note, quite a few requests for adding NVG's to Ravage :annoy:.........why?........doesn't fit the theme at all....... I would much rather scavenge for a wooden stick, some chicken wire and a piece of cloth soaked in kerosene/petrol....... :pray: Just some random thoughts......
  17.  EO


  18. Mmm...i thought i might be a bit of a stretch, even for the Arma engine And how strange that you should reply first.....It's your Ravage modules that have given me this idea for a mission in the first place. Spooky..... Thanks for your insight anyways.......
  19. Hey People, I have been searching most of today looking for an answer to my question....without much success so here i am..... On mission start i would like to command an AI who is "blind" and has to be guided to a destination.....or at the very least, the AI unit must display some kind of injury or behaviour that simulates precariousness. Pie in the sky or possible....... I am willing to suspend my disbelief for anything that loosely resembles my request. Thank you.
  20.  EO


    The Ravage mod has given the community a glorious framework for mission-makers to go wild with their own ideas....and one of the benefits of Ravage is the added support for community made content.....again, a mission-makers dream. Let's not forget that these supported addons are the sprinkles on top of a very yummy cake.......... At the moment i'm more excited to see where Haleks takes his creativity developing his core vision for Ravage....... Edit....just read kodabars post which pretty much sums up my feelings atm..... Says it all......
  21.  EO


    ......is this a misprint or are we getting a new adversary......
  22.  EO


    I like the sound of this a lot.....a visual representation of life ebbing away adds another layer to the mix...... Regarding your desire for a new Ravage-ized Altis, indeed it would be a huge task as it's such a vast space......maybe a Ravage-ized Stratis would be a better alternative, much smaller in size with only a couple of towns and outposts to "overgrow"........ "Ravage-ized".........did i just create a new neologism?
  23.  EO

    DSS: The Mod

    Give it another try and observe the data in bottom left hand corner on mission start.....it will tell you "spawn location found" followed by "save data acquired"......etc Beyond this...."C'est la vie my friend!!"
  24.  EO

    DSS: The Mod

    Yep, no "resume" button for me either, but it will still load your progress from previous game exit....tried and tested.
  25.  EO

    DSS: The Mod

    I believe it automatically saves your progress on game exit......