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Everything posted by Masharra

  1. I would say something about sounding like battlefield adding "realistic" sniper flare on the scopes but that would be ....
  2. Masharra

    Movement speed tweaking

    TY for the correction there Chortles! I suppose I have no right to expect more of them if no other game does it. Ft. Richardson/Elmandorf AFB FTW! with the occasional hell trip during the winter to Wainwright
  3. Ok I see you havent tried 2 things you really need to. 1. Turn off your firewall/ add an exception. Windows and your physical routers firewall. There may have been an update that just screwed things up for you. 2. Some antiviruses block internet access to places. E.g. Malware antimalware bytes has a website blocking feature. I turn it off because it interferes with some games for me. Check your antivirus to see if It is doing anything funny. Dont forget quarantined files too. I personally recommend Turning off windows firewall, and check. If it works turn it back on and add an exception. Turn off router firewall and check. If it works, then you probably need to port forward. so on and so forth. Unfortunately It can be a mixture of one or more so you may have to play around with it a bit. :( DO NOT FORGET TO TURN THAT STUFF BACK ON
  4. Masharra

    Movement speed tweaking

    I am much too young :P 05-09 LARs IIRC are meant to travel lighter than average as per their operational goal. That and you were mounted. Not that different from qrf's from what I gather. I can understand our differences in experiences then. Also negative on the Patterson.
  5. Masharra

    Movement speed tweaking

    Its not really that it is too fast. Its that what you carry has no "real" impact on your movement other than stamina and I "THINK" movement speed (slightly). e.g. I can keep up a "reasonable" jog/shuffle with all my gear on my back for about 10miles. Take away most of the gear I can either go faster or further or a mixture of both. I can not turn on a dime, sprint, dive, get up, roll left, side step, and vault over objects the same as with without said gear. There is or I should say I experienced a significant change in mobility between 1. Travelling light 2. Travelling heavy 3. Travelling with a mortar tube in my hand 4. Travelling with a mortar baseplate on my back. I witnessed significant changes in mobility with other soldiers. The mobility of a 240/saw gunner was way less than that of a simple rifleman. As it stands, correct me if I am mistaken, everyone moves as if they are only carrying a rifle. (barring stamina and speed) Now ofcourse I personally would prefer a middle ground between A2 and A3 movements and turning. Carrying just enough to survive one fire fight sure go ahead and run around like Olympic sprinter, carrying everything under the sun, not only should you move slower, exhaust faster, but also turn and do additional movements at a more restricted rate. Currently we are at the fps standard where it doesnt matter what you carry other than for running. Actually Im not even sure about that, cod may have you turn slower with mg's and such but I cant remember it has been a while.
  6. are they running the same stable version? Unless the server decides to follow steams update you are SOL because you cant decide when to update and to which update. I saw your thread on their forums, ask them for server version number and compare?
  7. Masharra

    Arma 3 Alpha Server Landscape

    I call bull on the hurdles that "need" to be met. I may not be that old but I am old enough to remember playing R6 on msn the zone+ carting my computer lans and having great teamplay on most pub servers. I would argue that there are few games which set a standard and stick to it. It is a slippery slope in making a game accessible. It can turn RS1 - R6 RS to R6 vegas. A common fault is setting a standard and not keeping to it, but continually lowering it. American public schools suffer from it and our general education shows. At some point someone has to say this is the standard. you meet us here not the other way around. Ofcourse where that standard is up in the air. Also ts3 isnt required its just that on average the ingame chat doesnt have the its capabilities. Clans set a standard and new members meet them not vice versa. To clarify I enjoy all the new blood etc, but new blood doesnt mean good blood and only one thing will tell and that is time. damnit Im supposed to updating my mission.. Fabio its all your fault
  8. Masharra

    Tank Interiors

    IIRC the devs called it Infantry centred. Thus invalidating what we may call it :P
  9. Masharra

    Arma 3 Alpha Server Landscape

    From what Ive gathered, I assumed this is slowly going to become the norm with arma. The game is becoming easier to hop in and out of, its controls and movement are becoming closer to the drop in and out gameplay of other games. Its being made enjoyable for the masses and contrary to what most "mature adults" say I find they enjoy the pop in and out run and gun shootouts with loud explosions and blue and orange lighting. The fact that it can be in arma is a bonus as they can take the "highground" and say they are playing a more realistic game than say cod, bf3, or cs. Unfortunately whilst the game may be different, how they play isnt. Youre still a camper sitting on the edge of the map regardless of if its in bf3 or arma 3. Having 3x the landmass doesnt change the fact that you are playing battlefield in arma. Most pvp game modes I find are glorified tdm's, who hide behind the word Arma and realism. A "true" arma pvp mode in my eyes is the "dark business" Unfortunately I dont think the general public really has the patience for that. They may claim so but people love to talk. MYSELF INCLUDED :P Heck I would argue Life may be the best pvp experience out there, properly moderated and played but I guess thats for all the game modes. Coop. I am starting to dislike the term. Majority of coop I see on public servers isnt what I would consider coop. Gang maybe? Mob? Calling it coop really seems to be stretching the word a bit. I forget my point. I have a headache.
  10. Masharra

    Movement speed tweaking

    mortar men are infantry atleast here they are. It really depends on your units sop on gear weight and your operation. the 11b's - gi, were usually quite "light", then came 11c- mortarmen, medics, rto's, etc etc. I was airborne also and from my experience not one fully loaed soldier ive seen can move the way they move in a3. Breakneck turns and instastopping on a dime. Like really? Its like people have never lifted a javelin before. Jav's usually equipped with the missile system and a m9. They aint turning worth shit with the system in hand. Actually no, they can turn. sure deployed when all you have is your vest 10 mags 2 nades and your weapon and your ruck is lying at your feet . Otherwise if you can move with all gear like in a3 you must be using a3's 2035 superlightweight gear. Pfft I know 11b 240b gunners too, they were usually lagging back with us them making the movement. I call bull. There is a difference between travelling like https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p480x480/537206_10152399395500106_874451064_n.jpg and travelling like http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_HaRb8uwch8o/ScvVGlRfIyI/AAAAAAAAB80/61T_PWKObFM/s400/skysoldierOIF.jpg neither of which is demonstrated in any arma game that I know of, besides Arma 2 ACE. Though I must ask were you part of a qrf? I know a few of those guys that went out with 6 mags, weapon, and 2 grenades. effin nutters hhc 3/509th abn 4/25th. you?
  11. Masharra

    Movement speed tweaking

    On the contrary good sir. Ive moved with 100+ gear on my back and a 81mm baseplate on my ruck. Want to guess which movement games movement was closer to how I and other mortarmen moved? heres a hint its not 3. Sure 3 may be closer to how light bang bangs moved but pfft Its rare that I ever see a unit actually carry "realistic" gear ingame. I would prefer the adjective.. Different.
  12. Masharra

    Movement speed tweaking

    I honestly really didnt mind the actual animations of A2 it was its transitions that needed work in my eyes. the stopping in-between pretty much everything, the odd climbing of ladders, etc but thankfully thats all gone in a3. Oddly enough the one place where you would stop and take a bit of time, grenades, has sped up and has the most fluid animation+ transition in my eyes. Bash other fps's all you want, but they sure do lots of work on transitions and animations. Actually wait a second. wait a second. I may be late to the party here. I just watched a video of the grenade throwing. The soldier always has one hand on the weapon. How does the pin get pulled? yea Im late to the party... :D too much a2 in my diet to notice these things
  13. Masharra

    Movement speed tweaking

    You didnt finish the bolded statement. You only addressed the new players and ignored said old player who stated his preference. Umm so what if they become frustrated? I was frustrated with C&C generals, RA3, DOW2 sooo? Who would have thought some people dont like some aspects of some games. Tough luck. I have. I sorta lol at how much easier pretty much everything is in this game. The utter lack of intertia really just makes me unable to be immersed at times. This may be being stupid/ crazy but arma 2 movement felt as if it had weight. From a sprint to a stop felt like your leg stiffened as you tried slowing down. As it stands Asteroids feels like it has more weight than arma 3. Everything about arma's overall movement is perfect. Too perfect infact. The fact that I can move the same speeds through the jungles of Lingor and the streets of Zargabad should easily illustrate that. I can climb the mountains of Takistan as easily as I can climb the mountains of Chernarus. I grew up jungle monkey in south america, lived in nyc, was stationed in FT. Richardson Alaska. I sprained my ankle, fell and rolled down a hill, etc in each of them. That simply doesnt happen in arma. There was one game that had it I simply cant remember it now.or It may have been a dream of my personal perfect arma. Actually Ive heard the saying about head floating on shoulders, I would argue it is more severe than that, the soldiers feet never actually interact with the ground. Its just visual. I mean you "slow" down going uphill as in you are forced to walk, do you speed up going downhill? I would also argue arma 3 is "just" as clunky. We just havent had 5+ years to stare at them.
  14. Masharra

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    so theoretically as long as the helmet is on you should always have a hud?
  15. Masharra

    RHS:AFRF + ACR Coop Mission Pack

    http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setHit That help? :) Nice missions btw! Damnit outlawz!!! :D
  16. Masharra

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Ordered my trackIR like two days ago. Youre gonna support some "evil" company no matter what you do may as well be them.
  17. Masharra

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    actually they do. Try going on a highway with a horse.
  18. 52. CIA Friday nights.
  19. Masharra

    Issue with compound added NW of Kamino

    You haven't been to that many firing ranges then. Quite a few do not follow that philosophy.
  20. But they will still know where you are and will shoot through the fog (past your visible distance range) to engage you.
  21. wonderful good sir wonderful it may be time to fully migrate to pws for everything bis
  22. meh i guess its a good thing its bis and not ea or else the game would have gone gold by now with this thinking.
  23. I sorta lol'd considering what was just shown about the ai.