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Everything posted by skelig

  1. skelig

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    Looks cracking, once you add foilage (clutter) it will look 10x better still
  2. skelig

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    wow, beautiful landscape
  3. skelig

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    you're making real good progress nice one
  4. We were all in the teamspeak getting some work done yesterday funny enough, lebel has been redone http://prntscr.com/8zvu7j and we now know a lot of things we didn't when we started this mod As for release i'm not sure, we are considering something like a pack release like the star wars mod
  5. skelig

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    Can't wait for this, give me a shout if you need configs done
  6. Very glad to hear you are coming to ArmA 3 - it is a shame how little reception the mod got for ArmA 2 as it was released near the end of the games lifespan
  7. We've joined up with blood trench team to bring this content to an arma 3 mod
  8. http://www.atlantis-models.com/images/AMC5002/AMC5002b.JPG http://pre02.deviantart.net/38dd/th/pre/i/2013/235/0/9/iron_sky_s_walkyr_by_cosedimarco-d6jc752.jpg Hope you will take inspiration from the Iron Sky film :)
  9. As I opened this thread and saw the images the words "F****** Sweet!" came outta my mouth
  10. Just to make clear the appearance of these will almost certainly change, but I wanted to show you that we are hard at work Lebel http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/446206633554606412/A645D17295EDD79F027F2F0F963573D0ED01853F/ SMLE http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/446206633550504461/3FD33068077FEC6E19A8A1873482798462ED638E/ MG08/15 http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/446206829550982203/AE6605C7D8C466B661909C42524C37917FE348D5/ MP18 (hand animations will obviously be changed) http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/446206829551111060/2205E33314490F1EEF43F5BB7DAE571EEC7A76D0/
  11. While I can recognize that the hard work put into these addons by the content creators is far beyond my own ability, I find myself pretty disappointed at the variety of finalist mods. where is the logic in having a mod with one unit to show (Reign of Jurassic) in a finalist spot for a 500,000 euro prize? Correct me if i'm wrong but all these mods can't be more than a few hundred hours worth of work give or take a few? I wonder if UI scripts that add extra things to game play or ported models from earlier ArmA games is what Bohemia envisioned what would take that half mil for the "total modification" prize. And with 2 months to go almost half of the finalists have little to no more progress to show than they did when they first entered the competition (looking at you lost dragons and Reign of Jurassic) and while I appreciate the humor behind LOsounds2, do you truly believe that is 500,000 euro's worth of work? I am most likely tarnishing whatever reputation I have on here by sharing my thoughts on this but I think it was a bit of an error on BI's part for not gauging the interest correctly, the money from this contest could have gone towards better modding documentation and tools to use. Some of the mods are very impressive I do not want to take sides by naming favorites, but mods such as those were a penny a pound in ArmA 2, releasing often and not generating a huge amount of interest. I think Bohemia would do well to ask the community why the people who made full conversion mods like I44, HiP, Unsung and VTE for ArmA 2 did not jump at the chance to win this massive prize by coming to ArmA 3. I have not done much modding for ArmA 3 because it does not perform so well on my computer, I recognize that the multiplayer for ArmA 2 total conversion mods died within a few weeks therefore when I joined a total conversion team I worked so I could be able to play the game with my own content, not for anyone else but because ArmA 3 performs like it does on my computer I have no incentive to do so. There is another thing this competition funds could have been spent on - addressing performance issues. Reading through this again it seems like I am jealous that someone is going to win 500,000 grand I am truly not, I wish them all the best, I just wonder why more people didn't jump at the chance that's all.
  12. In regards to my last post we have had somebody who has been in the ArmA modding scene for a long time kindly come forward and volunteer to help, Von Knudenberg, who you may know from unsung among other mods has gotten straight into it and UVW wrapped the Erhardt and began on a texture, as you can see this work in progress has been done to a very high standard which is great news http://i.imgur.com/6bquEFs.png (750 kB)
  13. I'm asking the community for help on this project, we have so much content that just needs UV wrapped and textured but I am not so good at it. We could have these in game by next week if someone was to join our team who is a modeller/texturer MkIV tank Schneider Ca-1 (french tank) Ehrhardt E-V/4 armored car Nieuport 17 Early french machine gun Barge balloon Bristol M1C plane I'm asking you to please spread the word if you know anybody with experience who would like to help out a mod which isn't built on promises but instead has an actual release already out You may also notice some of our stuff looks dated this is usually down to lack of normal maps etc on the models which is just a lot of work for such a small team and it is hard to get the motivation
  14. http://mg3dcreative.blogspot.fr/ they are on here
  15. Very nice Eaglke I think the red trousers uniform looks great, I also have the model completed for the st etienne machine gun which was used 1914-1915 instead of the hotchkiss
  16. We are aware of the obvious bugs, this isn't intended to be a fun fully featured playable release, it is only to give you a taster as a reward to our fans
  17. Did you UVW unwrap the model? you will have to UVW unwrap the model and then you can do textures :)
  18. K-wagen and flying elephant are modelled they will probably be released seperately from the main mod as to not upset the purists
  19. skelig

    Grozny: War in Chechnya

    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18453 why not google first?
  20. Progress is slow right now we are working on adding new mortars then making normal maps etc to make things look better