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Everything posted by DJankovic

  1. Hey man,great stuff could you make some tutorials? How are you making object from start to finish? I would love to see what is your progres would love to get in to the modding of small objects first :)
  2. DJankovic

    3D Editor EDEN Trigger Problems?

    One problem I noticed with triggers is when you place one on the map, copy it and paste it when pasting trigger will be placed, BUT it is copying the ALTITUDE of the trigger that you copied and placing it on map,and now I had some issues where server log was filled up with Object not found code,and it was just endles lines of the code,and server drops to 1fps and makes the mission unplayable :D So check your altitude for the trigger :P
  3. DJankovic

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/549808581739473307/AC6A0C5E05714FF8BFEB79031BFC2575C78D4D1E/ I just want to say THANK YOU FOR THE GREAT FUN, this mission was something special :) Love it.
  4. DJankovic

    Eden Objects

    Nicee stuff mate, if i remember guy who made ARP2 objects he came back from Afganistan and he stoped his work on stuff. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/142486-arp2-objects-pack/?p=2841792 So mybe if you can contact him and take over his work and upgrade it with better textures and stuff that would be cool.
  5. DJankovic

    Mission.sqm issue

    So I was making a mission using mods: ACE3,CBA,RHS,TFR(radios) So what happen now I made a mission in somewhere in middle of the mission I decided I will remove ACE 3 from it,just until I finish it. Now 3 Units that I placed I edited them in Arsenal and they had Ace parachute and bandages and morphine in the vest etc. Now when I decided to remove ace I went into units arsenal again, and removed all ACE items,now when I fired up mission without ACE I got an error(just gets me back to server menu) and I checked logs, and it says 11:50:15 Bad vehicle type ACE_NonSteerableParachute I wasn't running ACE and none of the units had that ACE parachute I removed it. Second time also I used RH Pistols mod (added to unit with arsenal) later on decided to remove it, and again same problem, getting an error on a mission that weapon is missing even if I removed it from unit,I checked mission.sqm file and found Pistol and ammo was still there even if in game it is not. Now maybe I am doing something wrong or this is a bug. I would like to clear this out because it is a pain in the ass :D Thank you
  6. DJankovic

    Runway Lighting

    Runway Edgelight is the best one but not in 3den still
  7. Hello so after a 3den update i had isues making mission on your maps. mostly OBJECTS used in missions. Maps works but when i place any of the objects from CUP it just gives me this http://i.imgur.com/Tp7UW97.pngon dedicated server. So basicaly quiet a bit of my missions is broken with CUP objects,now i am interested is this known problem and i hope there is a fix ? I did a test mission and places playable unit on a empty map takistan, and no objects i can connect no problem than i placed few objects on map and i get that thing from the link!
  8. DJankovic

    Setting Containers Door Open?

    Cool stuff :D need to check those modules out never did detailed sweep trough them just ones i need :D Tnx
  9. DJankovic

    Setting Containers Door Open?

    What module did you find? and what did you do to open doors?
  10. DJankovic

    Eden Feature Requests

    I would like to see in future -Dedicated key to switch in between transformation widget`s (or I am missing this one, I know space is switching them but it takes few keys press to get to stuff sometimes not really practical) -Virtual garage on vehicles (same like virtual arsenal, right click on vehicles and edit attributes in virtual garage) -A Possibility of the LIVE preview? Is it possible maybe to get a preview of a mission without playing a unit? Something like Zeus maybe if I place AI and waypoints and want to check are they working that I don't need to go to preview through the loading screen to check them. - R3vo 3Den enhanced integrated in core editor. (sorry mate but your stuff is soo good I would love to see it in built in :D ) -Setting animations on characters (maybe same like arsenal, right clicking unit and on the bottom there would be animation section then it opens up animation viewer ) And thank you for great work on Eden Devs. Love it :)
  11. Placed on table in less than 5min :D you dont belive me??? Beauty of 3Den :D LOVE IT
  12. DJankovic

    3den Enhanced

    MUSIC in editor best thing ever :D
  13. DJankovic

    Update broke some stuff -- what's changed?

    2D editor is always gonna be there like an option i think that is what they said.
  14. Can i just ask my question on this topic also. So i am not creating uneccesayr topics Question is if i go to devbranch now and make a mission will i be able to go to current build and play the same mission?
  15. DJankovic

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    My question is Does this mean more Non Enterable buildings. They already confirmed that there is gonna be a lot of them in Apex.
  16. Sorry but i didnt ask anywhere when will they release or when they are gonna update mod etc. I simply asked for WIP pictures of the helicopters. I would like to see how things are going love to watch immages or videos of something being made from 0 to perfection :) Nothing else
  17. Can we get some WIP pictures :) Long time nothing seen
  18. DJankovic

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I must comment here,yesterday unit in witch i am in tested out this mission and i need to thank you. This mission is amazing long time in arma 3 i didnt see so many objectives on ALTIS and FPS like i am playing on empty map :D Thank you man. Now little request,please add raise lower objects in build mode,or there is already one but i cant figure out. Overall great mission thank you for your time. QUESTION: Any posibility to change units from CSAT to RHS Russian forces?
  19. Thank you for reply :) I like my game from pressing play to getting in game without errors :D and every time i see one i am trying to fix it
  20. I get this when firing up the game. Any reasons why game would not start those .dll`s Starting BattlEye Service... Updating BattlEye Service (NOTE: This may take several minutes to complete)... Failed to update BattlEye Service. The master server is offline or unreachable - please ensure that "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye\BEService.exe" is allowed to access the internet. Launching game... Note: File blocks can be ignored if they don't cause problems with the game. [iNFO] Blocked loading of file: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace3\ace_medical.dll". [iNFO] Blocked loading of file: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace3\ace_break_line.dll". [iNFO] Blocked loading of file: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace3\ace_parse_imagepath.dll". [iNFO] Blocked loading of file: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace3\ace_clipboard.dll". [iNFO] Blocked loading of file: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace3\ace_fcs.dll". [iNFO] Blocked loading of file: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace3\ace_advanced_ballistics.dll".
  21. 161st Ready for tasking http://i.imgur.com/GnNNMvz.jpg Still sleeping but work has to be done http://i.imgur.com/M4eERjj.jpg Tnx RHS for saving my crew and me :) http://i.imgur.com/LHPnVGn.jpg No comment http://i.imgur.com/7GjdEUO.jpg Flushing insurgents from Kavala http://i.imgur.com/nPPt4ax.jpg I think he wants to say he is surendering??? http://i.imgur.com/5ZGO0BJ.jpg