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Everything posted by Niklas

  1. Niklas

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    Oh please :rolleyes:
  2. I want to make a mission in which Opfor loses when their HVT dies or leaves an area. I can check if he is alive, but how do i check if he no longer is in an area? I use "HVT in thislist", set the trigger to not present, but even if he is present the trigger gets activated. Any help?
  3. Yea I need to make a movie to have an opinion on one right:rolleyes: The map looks good, well done
  4. 1.3 gb for such a small terrain is a waste of bandwith. If you already have AIATP redownloading all the A2 assets used in this map is kinda silly.
  5. Truth is that 1.3 gb will keep many groups from adding this to their mod packs. Looks like a fantastic map though.
  6. Really like it, especially the recoil. Red Orchestra 2 comes to mind.
  7. Niklas

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I hope you can change the AK74M firing sound a little, you can hear a bit of static after a shot.
  8. Niklas

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Is it possible to keep stationary weaponry from being moved or loaded in a vehicle? (or just disable interaction with it?)
  9. There is so many pages to dig through, does anyone have a list of things that will be in the mod?
  10. I have to agree that PiP viewports are quite ugly
  11. Yea, can confirm the Thirsk CTD, haven't tried Zerith problem with Celle 2, but I guess it is likely related. ---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:14 ---------- Same crash to desktop issue happens on shapur and bukovina
  12. Niklas

    Favorite conflict setting poll

    I think a cold war escalation scenario is still fantastic.
  13. Niklas

    A2 Island Fixes

    On Zargabad i get this error message when looking at the dam on the map or when getting withing viewdistance , this only happens with the mod enabled
  14. Having some low grade ww2 weapons would be great imo.
  15. Niklas

    Boring Ragdoll System (1.24)

    With AGM ragdolls are more affected by explosions, but it would be great to have something similair in vanilla, right now enemies just drop to the ground. There should be atleast some effect.
  16. Niklas

    502 Bad Gateway

    arma3.com (including the feedback tracker) and bistudio.com give me a bad gateway, anyone else having this problem?
  17. Niklas

    Crashing, Crashing and Crashing

    I have the same problems, crashed 6 times in a multiplayer event over the course of a single hour. My crashing problems happen exclusively in multiplayer, singleplayer runs flawlessly. This is so frustrating, you would expect most CTD issues to be fixed after a year, but no, everything is still fucked. specs are gtx780 i7 4770k 8 gb ram
  18. Never ending crash to desktop is starting to piss me off, happened to me 6 times over the course of an hour. You would think that the game would run somewhat stable after a year but no, it does not. Is there anything I can do?
  19. I want to enable JIP in my mission, but i don't want players to reslot after dying, is there a way to kill the player if he attempts to do this?
  20. If you set your mission respawn to "GROUP", players do not respawn once they die, but people can still join into unused slots. Problem is, if someone disconnects they can rejoin as the dead unit simply by pressing okay in the slotting menu. Players remain invisibly slotted in the dead unit The video shows this in action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAnWerdKhfw I doubt anyone can help with this? Regardless i put it on the feedback tracker, please take a second to upvote it http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19753
  21. This is a bug that has been there ever since alpha, but it was never fixed. This happens when a players JIPs (joins in progress) into a game without respawn. He then is able to access the alive players action menu, changing their weapons, turning lights on and off and even ejecting them out of vehicles, often killing them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16CSZZSUf18 Simply posting this here for attention.This is a bug that has existed for so long, but was never fixed http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19705
  22. This is a bug that has been there ever since alpha, but it was never fixed. This happens when a players JIPs (joins in progress) into a game without respawn. He then is able to access the alive players action menu, changing their weapons, turning lights on and off and even ejecting them out of vehicles, often killing them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16CSZZSUf18 I realize that the majority of players play public gamemodes with respawn, but for communities that run costum missions this can be incredibly annoying. In the last thread about this issue some people claimed this was due to hacking, but no, joining a game in progress is the cause. Please upvote the feedback page http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19705
  23. Niklas


    I recently have problems with alot of microstutter, the game keeps freezing for a short moment or up to a few seconds even though i have good pc Is there any specific commands that can help with this?