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Everything posted by tremanarch

  1. I dont want to disturb BIS. A game is like art, and its their art direction. WHo am I to interfere. And at least I like their style since i first played the Operation Flashpoint demo in 2001?or 2002.. It was just a little wake up call. They should not overdo it, or we end up playing in Sepia ^^ (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/Astrid_Princess_of_Sweden.jpg) Dont get me wrong I __DONT__ mean it should look like that: http://s14.directupload.net/images/120504/2y7kweoz.jpg *Cough* BF3 *Cough*
  2. I have an IPS Dell with really good colours.. I think better than avergage gamers, as they all use TN Panels. My guess is, your screen is maybe oversaturated? And the two Arma Screens are too brown/green. One can clearly see that. My guess is, that its maybe in the evening time and rainy too.. but even then.. this is a RL Picture: http://www.go-greece-vacations.com/images/limnos.jpg in your eyes that is oversaturated? well tell nature then ;) or wear yellow sunglasses. in arma it would look like that: http://s1.directupload.net/images/120504/ffuhcqo6.jpg "arma-esque " lets call it ;) not being sarcastic, i like arma, but sometimes I think they overdid it slightly. Nowadays it is modern to recolour everything artificial. You see that with these kind of blue-orange movies (http://www.slashfilm.com/orangeblue-contrast-in-movie-posters/). Or in TV Advertisements (http://data.motor-talk.de/data/galleries/0/62/3360/32304551/bmw-werbung-1532257075114382983.jpg <-> http://s7.directupload.net/images/120504/luwc4b8a.jpg). But it is not real. Easy minded people think it looks cool, or great or professional or something.
  3. tremanarch

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I saw by chance that you forgot to delete temporary files in your mod. I dont know in how many folders this appears but maybe you can decrease file size a bit more if you search through the folders and delete the .sfk and the .tmp files! http://s7.directupload.net/images/120504/lfcj7wgy.jpg edit: maybe another bug I found: I recorded some mission created with the editor. While the sounds are good overall there are but some strange noises you can notice. For example at 0:19 High hizzing sounds I call them. (you must use a higher video quality to be able to hear them propoerly). compared to a real Gunfight it confuses me what these sounds origin is: /`'i-_ instead of /‾‾‾‾| In this real gunfight video, you can also hear high pitched noise, but it has a very short decay (0:45..). It is more of a blop then a constant sound. I tried to recreate something that sounds similar:http://soundcloud.com/emvol/ertert
  4. I made some edited Pictures [http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?125819-ArmA-3-Community-wishes-amp-ideas-NO-DISCUSSION&p=2144130&viewfull=1#post2144130] (they are a bit too much saturated, it was made just to show off what I mean). I think the whole HDR System of Arma II needs an overhaul. It was too much. It gave sometimes nice pictures but also it made some unrealistic things. To make optional features or scalable effects is always the best method. HDR (H stands for High, and not for Low ;) ) means of course that our eyes dont have this effect of cameras with that white blend. A little of it is nice but too much feels you are living through a camera not your eyes. And the colours need less yellow more blue and squishy green. (at least in the old official screenshots, maybe the weather for the Engine was rainy or sth.)
  5. Why not give the colours a little bit more Power? I tried to quickly edit what I mean: original: http://www.arma3.com/full/wp-content/gallery/imagery/arma3_screenshot_1105_09.jpg edited: http://s1.directupload.net/images/120504/umv63izj.jpg It should look a bit more like the real thing ( i know in the screenshot its maybe rainy weather couldnt find that but you get the impression) http://www.s173673923.websitehome.co.uk/Postcards/11%2008%2002%20Postcard%20from%20Lemnos/Mirini%20harbour%20Lemnos%20small.JPG sources: arma III Screenshots taken here: http://www.arma3.com/surveilance/imagery/ -- other examples: original: http://www.arma3.com/full/wp-content/gallery/imagery/scr01.jpg recoloured: http://s14.directupload.net/images/120504/khjwyrdu.jpg in my eyes it looks a bit more fresh.. other original pictures are already perfect quality - cant see if this is a photo or the game http://www.arma3.com/full/wp-content/gallery/imagery/arma3_screenshot_1202_22.jpg good job! perfect perfect: http://www.arma3.com/full/wp-content/gallery/imagery/arma3_screenshot_1202_10.jpg -- ArmA II: http://s14.directupload.net/images/120506/wge8osre.jpg tl;dr; (no words): http://s14.directupload.net/images/120506/ok3jdotp.jpg
  6. tremanarch

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    I just like the realistic mix of open range and close cities.
  7. very good idea, they could have bonusses, or more invenatar space for their special obejcts (medicine man can hold more medicine, rifle more ammo etc, abilities.. etc)
  8. just a wild guess: maybe the name is blocked cause some other guy with this named did sth.?
  9. @ serova: how many servers you tried, on US and FR i get also errors often.. try the EU ones. ---------- Post added at 22:29 ---------- Previous post was at 22:28 ---------- press [#] one hand signal. many understand it already.
  10. do you have the newest files? the get updated nearly every day! http://www.armafiles.info/dayz/
  11. I did not have this Error Message though. Battleye is the "Punkbuster" - like System. I dont know how to manually update it. http://www.tacticalgamer.com/arma-sops-technical-support-faq/185165-battleye-corrupt-memory-1-error.html but it looks like you still have some irrelevant addons.. I repeat: the clean ArmA II -CO Install with _ONLY_ the newest DayZ Mod Files in Folder, then add this folder to the startup Icon on the Desktop with: "C:\GAMES\Bohemia Interactive\arma2OA.exe" -nosplash -world=empty -mod=DayZFolder the newest files are here: http://www.armafiles.info/dayz/ (unzip them all into the DayZFolder in the Game directory) I found it also very hard with all this mod stuff. Sometimes Readme files contradicting themselves etc. (CBA is weird) many websites, many versions, much false information spread etc. as a newbie you dont know where to look etc. Getting confused quickly. And I am not just a PC Gamer ;) (I do programming since years and am normally a more experienced guy, but when something doesnt work on the first try and the Guides are not 100% straight I dont like it much) The sixupdater is also not so good. I tried it out, but it its standard presets are somehow making strange stuff, like your standard Dayz - it wanted to add al lot of useless stuff. It cant update itself and so on and so on.. so many problems. Hey I dont want to study this, I just want to use a mod. Should be as simple as copy a file and edit another file.. Just do it manually. Its easier and works better. And you have full control over whats going on. The DayZ Mod is the only one that worked on the first try.
  12. jap, had the same issues, just _only_ use the dayZ mod, none of the others, not even CBA.. you dont need it. It only makes trouble.
  13. tremanarch

    Where is the cheapest place to buy arma 2?

    amazon or steam, or maybe ebay! but buy combined operatios! its better to have the complete package. and there are also 2 DLC's worth buying. just eat vegetables for 2 weeks and you have saved enough. it is worth it! and healthy too :) tuna additionally is filling as well! try it. its frickin' awesome ;)
  14. is there a demonstration video showing off all options and how to use it?
  15. tremanarch

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I heard walking is also a bit too fast.
  16. For Arma III one 680 seems to be enough. with 2 680's constant frames at 60 with no dropdown seem possible. A 680 is nearly double as fast as a 560ti and nearly double the cost - so its fair in my eyes. and a good CPU basically a ~1500 $ Rig will do the trick for Arma III. But in one year this Hardware is maybe much cheaper!
  17. make side chat an option to turn on and off. and maybe let the player decide if others can see his death message. some guys want to play sneaky some not..
  18. tremanarch

    All the Bis game have Counter Strike sounds

    yes EAX was such a kind of PhysX in the nineties. I remember having it with the creative Soundblasters. the idea was good, but some games overdid it. Too much hall effect. too abrupt etc. But yes it was a step in the right direction. I am not much into Game developement. But I guess it is hard to push things nowadays. Everything costs money. Just one good SOund system could be written in one time and afterwards used for many years. Because there is not much change in Sound really as there isnt in physics right?( lets wait for the LHC findings of the higgs boson :D). (there is sample quality and the behaviour of sounds when played in various "rooms" and travel speed of different frequencies) Maybe some open sound interface will get written one day and can then be lincensed free or so.. At least for me as a "sound maker" it is hard to hear overused sounds. I know many commercial products such as films using the same sound library with sounds that are sometimes 20 years old. it is horrible ;) (not saying arma did use some, it was just an example. and I dont think arma used cs sounds ;) they sound more crappy :D - I dont like this thread title by the way.. arma sounds arent so bad really. When I was a Developer I would try to not overdo it, just make some good recordings and try to be a little bit tricky with the sound like BF3 did it. Quite clever they are.. They used some subtle compression here and there. When a loud gun sound is firing the other sounds are ducking, and then when silence is coming back they get louder again.. just a cheap compressor with longer release... And even that was expensive I guess. I would love if Sound designers would share their findings and their sound sources somehow. But thats idealistic ;)
  19. tremanarch

    All the Bis game have Counter Strike sounds

    the sounds in battlefield are preprocessed not rendered live. normal cpus cant handle this. you can hear thiswhen you enter a room. a step outside, an outside shoot sound a step inside an inside shoot sound. no blending, no real time rendering. but yes the record quality of the guns in bf3 is great. also the vehicles. but its very expensive. and non professional often overdo it that the sounds are too much in the right direction - they are wrong again then. sound is much harder than many may think. there are positioning render engines otu there. already working for rooms. you can locate a sound source only with ears. its like physx only for sound. hopefully will make it into 3d shooters one day.. maybe a decade or so.. with sound it takes so long often. because its expensive and dont look good in magazines -.- but as we are living brains with two eyes and two ears.. sound is nearly half there experience.. its not represented in game budgets where maybe sound is only 5-10% of the costs.. and dont be fooled. dolby surrond is all bollocks. wrong. we have exactly two ears. thats enough for precise positioning of a sound. and much better quality than that surround junk. i hope the designers dont follow this false surround route. why can we distinct sounds so precise with only 2 ears? easy but long to explain. it works and can be simulated. but with surround its harder and worse in the quality. with two 500$ active speakers its okay to find the sweet spot. but with 6 crappy 400$ completely different passive speakers? its near impossible. the more often the sound gets filtered and doubled for these many speakers the worse the quality gets. and most people use even more cheaper stuff. = bad sound quality. test it: use headphones and compare to your speaker. the more the difference the worse the speaker setting is. The setting includes the room.
  20. i really died a hard stupid death. need to gain some will and energy to come back - all i had is lost (full set of everything plenty of mags, food and drinks..).. (was too greedy had no bandage with me.. or I had one, but I used it on a stranger and bled to death myself - he had none - i gave it to him cause i thought nothing will happen to me: home was just 1000ft away.. but hen it happened: a usual zombie attack occured on our way. the result:exactly when I was at my tent I died. I literally pressed the button and Died. I was only seconds too late) i hope the stranger still lives. when I noticed I am bleeding I just ran. there could be some greater goals to achieve that count aswell. not only the single life and the inventory, which is all gone when you die (i know about tents). lets say we can conquer a city, must deploy sand crates and light so zombies wont spawn or sth. must protect against bandits... trade hub! in order to hold the city some persons must watch the guard line etc. refill lanterns whatever, so you never know what awaits when approaching that what was once safe place when you left a day ago - because someone forget to administer the city stuff, or the city got raped by bandits. Could be aswell a hidden info which city is safe and only communicated to strangers when a city member trusts him. to sacrifice the life for such a greater goal is not so bad.. you stil think it was worth it to start all over again. then again, that hardcore feeling non forgiving scenario is the good thing what brought us here in the first place - so dont change too much, no kitty online wanted ^^.. wouldnt it just be so bad when you die lol ;)# such a powerful great mod with great potential. and that out of a great war simulator. I salute you.
  21. yes chernarus is the perfect map for that mod!
  22. tremanarch

    Arma 3 && Multithreading!!

    yes people should know a little bit of programming code and what it means when one core does this and another this, but the finals product of both is needed to move on with new calculations. before both didnt end, there cannot be another clac. so one core must wait . in a perfect world all calcs would need the same power so all could finish the same time and so on. but inr eality thats not the case so one core idles till his friend is ready again :D there are some tricks, but you cant make code so that it gains 100% from more cores.. beacuse it would mean with 999^999 cores everything could be calculated in 1 millisecond.. but thats not possible. like 200 cooks cannot make a cake in 1 second when 1 cook needs 200 seconds..
  23. i found an area, when i go there upstairs and wait the zombies lose aggro after 2 minutes, and its okay again.. had 4 zombs on my tail worked several times, thats my safe house now
  24. on other servers you can use direct voice communication
  25. best gameplay i had for years! teaming up with cool guys! You need to trust others and they you - thats so awesome! Raid cities in teams