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Everything posted by LtShadow

  1. I'm sorry admins, but can you please move this to a more active thread? It would be greatly appreciated! Ty.
  2. Anyone available to tell me what/how to do with this? :)
  3. So, it's been a while; I was on vacation over the past weekend, after some needed low time. I am picking back up the project, and am working on a few variable flyby scripts on the old F-18C model I once ported (without permission) to stage them for the final version! WIP: I will have a WIP video maybe by tomorrow. I have a lot of school work needed to get done also, so thank you for bearing with me! :) As for missing sounds; Make sure you are running the program as admin, and make sure you are loading the correct addons! Dirky; No one else but you and another mate is having the issue, as reported. Can't put my finger on it. I will try and look into it, though! Thank you guys!
  4. First off; Yes, you need to have downloaded and installed the FA-18 Super Hornet by John_Spartan and Saul from ArmAHolic.com featured in the download section. The E variant is the one I have been testing with (labeled [@RS] ) Second; Thanks Corporal! I am still working on the cockpit sounds, and the start up sequences... The classes are seperatly defined so that I avoid copyright concerns with John and Saul, as it would over-write the pre-exsisting class names. I could contact him and see if I could rename it. Thanks! :)
  5. Any chance you can give me both of your arma 3 .rpf files (error logs) in your %appdata% under Local -- then ArmA 3. Also, try putting my .pbo in with the F-18 pbo.
  6. I would have to test this out myself, as I forget to mention you need to use the aircraft labeled with the [@RS] tags beside it. I tried to avoid replacing the actual unit file, as thus it works better. I hope I can get it resolved soon! Thank you for all the bug reports-- I'm working on a hotfix, which should eliminate some Eventhandler issues people seem to be having... Stay tuned.... ---------- Post added at 17:58 ---------- Previous post was at 16:23 ---------- There has been an update! see the new change log here; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24551
  7. Before I knew better; I was "illegally" porting and editing content for arma 3. (Without authors permission) It has all changed now; the other developers (Matt) is unreachable right now as he is the one who was working on the F-16 (illegal port) and the Tornado. As for the errors that are on going; I am at work right now and will take a closer look when I get back to my computer. As for sounds; there are really arma engine limiting sounds, meaning I can only have a few for the aircraft and the rest scripted... I would love to implement a Doppler effect, and the sonic boom script I have. I just need the time and help. :). Thanks guys.
  8. You are using this with CBA right? Foxhound included a link on the ArmAholic page.
  9. Not sure what you are meaning by this; my configs are meant to just replace the default sounds of a certain aircraft. J.S.R.S. is a complete overhaul of ArmA 3's default sounds, and is not designed for one specific purpose but to overall enhance the game by making the sounds more realistic as a generalization. I plan to get with future aircraft developers to supply you guys with the most realistic experience as possible.
  10. As featured on the video; I will be adding a new "sounds" video of the F-18, as people hate the cinematic feel. I will update it on the main post, when I have completed it, as well. Thanks all! Enjoy!
  11. Hello there community, I would like to ask of your assistance on a project I am working on as part of the [@RealSound] team. I have ran into an issue with the replacement configuration coding. It all looks square, and as if it's not wanting to read at all. Here is the error; Directory of the replacement config (when unpacked); Configuration file; http://www.mediafire.com/view/bh479whncc5dczh/config.cpp Pastebin of configuration file; http://pastebin.com/SGhSJx8P The ArmA 3 error reporting file says the same error. Thank you! This is a replacement sound configuration for the - F/A-18 Super Hornet by John_Spartan & Saul ArmAholic.com - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22594 And yes, I have his permission to do a replacement configuration for sounds only!
  12. Thanks, mate. I will have a look at that and get back to you. I have written permission from John for the sound mods, he said it was alright (last time I knew). ---------- Post added at 10:09 ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 ---------- Thank you Alex, that seemed to work! Oh the minor details... ;) Thanks again, ~Shadow~
  13. Hello, I would like to report these bugs on the newest Dev branch update. As of 8/27/2013 I have downloaded the new Patch since yesterday, the game was fine yesterday with no issues. Here are some texture/p3d errors I have for you; So far I have only noticed this error with the Offroad and the Quadbikes; I cant even preview my mission without crashing with a quadbike. It gives me a .p3d error, my PUUSH wasn't working so I do not have an exact idea as to what the whole line was. I can boot my game again and take a snapshot of it if you wish. Offroad error: Seems as though the game is not loading the correct textures for the Offroad. As seen in the video, even the interior doesn't load. Also, the Quadbike object placement looks like a bunch of Binary code?? And the textures missing on the Offroad look like some sort of Transformers (movie) language or something. :confused: Gun attatchment error; As seen in the video, the ironsights disappear, and reappear disappear when they are aimed at the ground. Video; www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsPwKU34hGM& If anyone else has these issues, please advise me in the section below! Thank You! -Shadow
  14. Hello community! I made this post because a lot of people on my YouTube suggested I do so, well here it is! The FA-18c @RealSound edition is now ONLINE! Please note: This plane, and most of the others on my YouTube channel are in BETA stage due to ArmA 3's incomplete engine/game. They may lack certain features/have certain issues, please leave your feedback below! VIDEO REMOVED DUE TO COPYRIGHT CONCERNS Known Issues: AI does not 'Auto-Close' the Canopy (Script error) Visual Effect error with some textures on the plane (Model error) Vapor Effect - Line 7 (Scripting error) CA_Weapons requirement (Scripting error) NOTE: The Sonic Boom script DOES NOT WORK at the moment, it will say 'SonicBoom' or 'bBoom' not found. This is because I mistakenly forgot to move the sample into the addon and will be ported soon! --------------------------------------------------------- This plane is also Multiplayer AND Joystick ready! Load up a editor mission with these planes, and have fun! All model credit goes to original author! @RealSound 2013 Copyright This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
  15. Moderators, this script was completed, edited and finalized by zooloo! :) He is a truly gifted scripter, thank you for your help man. -Shadow-
  16. Moderators, this is not a double post, nor cross post. I am simply moving this topic to this area due to another member advising me asking for help here! Hello! I am trying to get a 'Sonic Boom' to play when a plane I am working on hits a certain (called for) speed. I have already tried lots of methods that have gotten me somewhere, but not to the working point. Please have a look at these codes; Common_Init Code: _plane = _this select 0 #Skip [_plane] execVM "\mig29\scr\AircraftEffects.sqf" [_plane] execVM "\mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf" exit AircraftBoom.sqf Code: //SonicBoom script by LtShadow //Do not re-distribute unless you ask permission! // _veh = _this select 0; //the vehicle _spd = 500 select 0; //the speed at which the sonic boom occurs _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; class sonicboom { name = "sonicboom"; sound[] = {\mig29\tornado_gr4boom.wss, 200, 1.1,}; titles[] = {}; }; }; while {alive _veh} do { _vel = velocity _veh; _speed = 3.6*sqrt((_vel select 0)^2 + (_vel select 1)^2 + (_vel select 2)^2); hint format ["Speed: %1",_speed]; if (_speed > _spd and not _boomed) then { _veh say3D "sonicboom"; _boomed = true; }; sleep 0.5; }; ArmA 2 script I am trying to base this off of; Code: /* */ _veh = _this select 0; //the vehicle _spd = _this select 1; //the speed at which the sonic boom occurs _boomed = false; while {alive _veh} do { _vel = velocity _veh; _speed = 3.6*sqrt((_vel select 0)^2 + (_vel select 1)^2 + (_vel select 2)^2); hint format ["Speed: %1",_speed]; if (_speed > _spd and not _boomed) then { _veh say3D "sonicboom"; _boomed = true; }; sleep 1; }; Init line of unit in mission (arma 2) nul = [this,70] execVM "monitor.sqf"; Monitor.sqf is the 'SonicBoom' script I had put above this. ArmA 3 .RPT file errors; Code: Error in expression <00 select 0; _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error position: <CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error Missing ; File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 11 Error in expression <00 select 0; _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error position: <CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error Missing ; File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 11 Error in expression <00 select 0; _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error position: <CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error Missing ; File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 11 Error in expression <00 select 0; _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error position: <CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error Missing ; File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 11 Error in expression <00 select 0; _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error position: <CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error Missing ; File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 11 Error in expression <00 select 0; _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error position: <CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error Missing ; File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 11 Error in expression <00 select 0; _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error position: <CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error Missing ; File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 11 Error in expression <00 select 0; _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error position: <CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error Missing ; File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 11 Error in expression <00 select 0; _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error position: <CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error Missing ; File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 11 Error in expression < _veh = _this select 0; _spd = 500 select 0; _boomed = false; class Cfg> Error position: <select 0; _boomed = false; class Cfg> Error select: Type Number, expected Array,Config entry File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 7 Error in expression <00 select 0; _boomed = false; class CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error position: <CfgSounds { sounds[]= {sonicboom}; clas> Error Missing ; File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 11 Error in expression <speed > 850) and (_nowspeed < 860) and (_lastspeed < _nowspeed)) then { _emitter> Error position: <_lastspeed < _nowspeed)) then { _emitter> Error Undefined variable in expression: _lastspeed File mig29\scr\FX_SonicBoom.sqf, line 14 Original ArmA 2/OA Mission file Elaboration; Yes, I am trying to make this work ALL IN ONE, so that I do not have to call any scripts with a mission/trigger in the editor (all pre-set variables in the config). Thank You! (Moderators, could you please delete the other thread, as this is the proper area for this question) Original Thread
  17. Okay guys, have collaborated with another scripter and he can't figure it out (No, it wasn't ZooLoo because he is busy with other stuff). I am so close, I can taste it! This has to do with the if !alive _This statement; please read! (As you can tell, me and my buddy totally re-vamped this code , I did most of the work anyways) _boomed = false; _veh = _this; if (!alive _this) then { if (speed _this >= 760 and not _boomed) then { _veh say3D "bBoom"; _boomed = true; }; sleep 1; }; The Say3D is already set up, as well as the speed _this function (as it is a standard .sqf function and No MISSION NEEDED!) This is the error I get when I start up my game with the MIG; Error in expression <" _boomed = false; _veh = _this; if (!alive _this) then { if (speed _this >= > Error position: <alive _this) then { if (speed _this >= > Error alive: Type Array, expected Object File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 5 If ANYONE knows what the problem is, please let me know ASAP (Tired of working on this). Thank YOU!!!
  18. Okay, so how would you go about doing this? :)
  19. I am not calling the script. Period. Actually, I am using this .sqs file in the planes script folder: _plane = _this select 0 #Skip [_plane] execVM "\mig29\scr\AircraftEffects.sqf" [_plane] execVM "\mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf" exit This is where it inits all the scripts. :)
  20. Actually, yes there is! :) When the plane reaches the point of sound, a very high pressure shock wave starts to cone around the aircraft, once the aircraft passes this point is when the 'Boom' occurs. haha, even though it may not be realistic, I just want to figure this darn thing out! Tired of nonsense answers. The only useful one here is Gnat (and Foxhound because he is le* Moderatorr). Thank You. I updated my script post as of 0953 8/9/13 Edit* Thank You, will try that right now. Do you have steam, maybe you could be of assistance if I get another error. ;) ---------- Post added at 10:09 ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 ---------- Update: New error: Fixed while {!alive _this} then { to while {!alive _this} do { And getting this error: Error in expression <_spd = 500; _boomed = false; while {!alive _this} do { _vel = (velocity _veh> Error position: <alive _this} do { _vel = (velocity _veh> Error alive: Type Array, expected Object File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 7 Thank you.
  21. Okay, thank you. :) How would I call the sound in my script exactly? I am having enough troubles figuring out the logic of ArmA. ;) Here is my updated script as of 8/9/2013 09:33AM; _veh = _this; _spd = 500; _boomed = false; while {!alive _this} then { _vel = (velocity _veh select 1); _speed = 3.6*sqrt((_vel select 0)^2 + (_vel select 1)^2 + (_vel select 2)^2); if (_speed > _spd and not _boomed) then { _veh say3D "mig29\snd\tornado_gr4boom.wss"; _boomed = true; }; sleep 0.5; }; Also, getting an error at Line 7 according to the arma3.rpt file. Error in expression <_boomed = false; while {!alive _this} then { _vel = (velocity _veh select 1);> Error position: <then { _vel = (velocity _veh select 1);> Error then: Type while, expected if File mig29\scr\AircraftBoom.sqf, line 7 Thanks Gnat. :)
  22. I realize this, but again, I do not want to create a mission file! lol, I want this all to be inside of the configuration of the .pbo . .. :P And, again . . . I want to use this as an ADDED configuration of the vehicle, and not use a mission to set the script up.
  23. Actually, I am nearly completed with this, but am getting a Error - Generic Error in Expression ; Sleep 1 in this code - //SonicBoom script by LtShadow //Do not re-distribute unless you ask permission! // _veh = _this; //the vehicle _spd = 500; //the speed at which the sonic boom occurs _boomed = false; while {alive _veh} do { _vel = velocity _veh; _speed = 3.6*sqrt((_vel select 0)^2 + (_vel select 1)^2 + (_vel select 2)^2); if (_speed > _spd and not _boomed) then { _veh say3D "mig29\snd\tornado_gr4boom.wss"; _boomed = true; Sleep 1; }; }; Then, when I just set a init in a vehicles code 'this exec "AircraftBoom.sqf";' it gives me an error saying Error - }; must have { Weird. Hope someone can help me, thanks.
  24. Okay, I tried to implement the say3D command, again, with no joy. Anyone out there know how to activate a sound (In the pbo) at a certain speed without having to make a separate mission file?
  25. I read them, didn't think about messaging you, and I did not INSTRUCT you.. I asked politely, there is a massive difference. At least I had the audacity to explain why I did things the way I did. Back on Topic, anyone who can shed light on this? Thank You! -LtShadow