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Everything posted by bohica

  1. bohica

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

  2. bohica

    Which version will you be buying?

    The Alpha lite is a STEAM invite, I don't do STEAM so I guess I'll go Alpha, I don't need the additional game downloads, got 'em already The maps would be handy but I'll get them at a later date.
  3. Hello all, With the ongoing problems of too few game slots for ARMA OA Warfare, or game servers that crash, What is needed to set up a game server at home? 1. Is the adsl 2+ too slow? 2. How much RAM do you need? 8Gb 12Gb 3. Will a gane hosted from the multiplayer screen work ok for many people over the wide internet? I'm curious, as the last few times I have tried to get on the one Games on net arma server that is left, (ll gone over to DAYZ) all 32 slots are full. Can I run an arma game server successfully from home? The unit would not need a video card only a good processor and lots of RAM. Cheers Bohica
  4. bohica

    ArmA II / OA Installation problems

    I did that and all files came up green and so I reinstalled and perfect. I'm thinking I have not used the new downloads, just an old corrupt one (shakes head) Bo
  5. bohica

    ArmA II / OA Installation problems

    Hello I am re installimh ARMAII on a refomatted re installed WIN7 pc as I got the BSOD with win7. I get multiple CRC file errors for 20 of the *.pbo files. I got the same error with the file ilj15.dll, then the message, "Setup encountered an error. Application may not work properly". The install files came from store.bistudio. I direclty downloaded the files and then downloaded them via sprocket from the CA and IL mirrors. Three times in all. Same instal errors. What is going wrong?
  6. bohica

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    I have an i7 3.4 Ghz with 16gb ram and a GTX 580. I doubt I'll upgrade. I'll see ghow the gamne runs when it is in alpha :-) Cheers Bo
  7. bohica

    Will ARMA3 feature realistic tank armor?

    Any chance we can get the Challenger MkII with accurate armour ie virtually indestructable?. Can we have realistic stabilised gunsights like the Abrams and Challenger have in reality? So much easier to hit the targets
  8. Hi all I would like that any GPMP uses the bipod when lying down. The aim point should not move. If you are lying down the beaten zone does not shift up and to the righ in the real world so why does itr in ARMA? It's ludicrous. Can you have it that the bipod deploys automatically? In addition the beaten zones has to be accurate. The M60 GPMG does this and is an accurate weapon on the bipod. The ARMA M249 is not as good. Cheers Bo
  9. But they have!! Just play deathmatch and you cabn have a stupidly small map where you rush around like a blue arsed fly trying to get kills before you get killed. Cheers Bo COD is for n00bs Counterstrike is for COD wannabees
  10. Yes samew goes for trucks and light armoured vehicles. I'd really like the Challenger II as it can take multiple RPG hits and survive. It's annoying that an rpg 7 can kill an abrams. It shouldn't happen. Not with the armopur it has. Cheers Bo ---------- Post added at 10:34 ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 ---------- I'd like ragdoll on your character. So you can lie there as if you are dead. Maybe avoid getting shot at
  11. bohica

    AI Improvement

    I'll have to try these mods, as I am fed up with the AI's saying enemy tanks at blah blah and not shooting it. The AI's see the enemy and do squat!!
  12. bohica

    Underwater element. What is the point?

    Have you gone snorkelling or SCUBA diving? ARe you aware of the tactical advantage of swimming into an enemy location and creating havoc with satchel charges, mines etc? Cheers Bo