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Everything posted by doveman

  1. It just means that you can put missions in subfolders under ArmA3\MPMissions (i.e. \CWR2, \ACE), to make it easier to organise them, rather than having hundreds of missions in the MPMissions folder itself. In the lobby it seems they're still just grouped by island but hopefully one day it will at least give an option to list them by the subfolders we've created.
  2. I'm still happy about this. It's always really annoyed me having to put all the missions in one folder and being unable to organise them, so this is great. It would be even better if this translated into the lobby as well though.
  3. doveman

    Arma 3-TOH similarities

    Yeah, this is great news
  4. So are you saying that you can no longer use Choose Version in PwS to set it to 0.8.3, 0.9, etc as that was working for me yesterday? You can of course rename a folder to @whatever you like and then PwS won't manage it or overwrite it anymore but you'll have to add the new folder you've created to you collection and if the server you're playing on restricts you to certain mods, it might not allow this strange folder.
  5. Certainly most of us did, actually as on PwS but it shows as 0.9.0 in Teamspeak and you've already explained that and on PwS are just internal version numbers and your code hasn't changed. For myself, I had no rifleman radio on several missions and in one mission when I was piloting, I had LR but my gunner had nothing and so couldn't communicate with me (he said he could hear everyone talking though). I'll let Variable answer about respawn but I don't think the missions had that.
  6. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    I guess I'll have to buy another one. Is there any advantage in getting the GY-85 over the GY-80 as the latter is cheaper, which seems weird as it has a barometric sensor, which the GY-85 doesn't?
  7. Cool, thanks. I'll try it out.
  8. If I set the LR to 50Mhz and the SR Alternate channel to 50Mhz, will this work to let everyone hear the LR comms, whilst only those with LR will be able to transmit on this frequency further than 5km? Or do the two radios use different encryptions/protocols that will prevent this working?
  9. Thanks Azza, that might work although the limited range might be a problem. Maybe instead, the LR radio could act as a relay, transmitting any incoming comms onto a SR freq (i.e. the Alternate) and receiving any transmissions from the grunts on that SR freq and sending them back up via the LR? That way, the squad/fire-team leader would just need to set the SR relay freq on the LR and the grunts set their Alternate SR channel to the same, although hopefully these could be pre-set with a serverside userconfig setting so it wouldn't need to be done manually at the start of every mission. Then the grunts would always hear the LR comms but would only transmit to command if using the Alternate channel and the LR would still be needed, so it would be important for someone to take it if the previous person gets killed.
  10. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    I took the easy way and bought this battery box, which is just the right size once I removed the battery connector, switch, etc http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/1-9v-switched-battery-box-l90an ;)
  11. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    That's weird that you have to re-do it all after unplugging it! Mine just doesn't give any output at all though. I guess I should have tested it on breakout board before soldering it all up but I assumed it would just work, like the MPU-6050 did.
  12. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Yeah, I tried that after the RC forum software. Have you used sebastian's successfully with the GY80 and Pro Micro?
  13. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Well then it would be wired wrong! It's probably just that the firmware I've tried isn't suitable for the GY-85 I guess.
  14. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Thanks, that seems fine and gives: Scanning... I2C device found at address 0x1E ! I2C device found at address 0x53 ! I2C device found at address 0x68 ! done
  15. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Damn, still not working after rewiring it to 2/3 instead of A2/A3 :(
  16. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Well it isn't working with A2/A3, so I guess I'll have to try 2/3. I'd be surprised if the guy who did that guide on the RC forum had the wrong pins identified though as he seems to know what he's talking about and there's been tons of replies, so I'm sure someone would have pointed out such a serious mistake. Maybe my chip is just faulty :(
  17. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Well I suppose 'a lot' is subjective but if I'm trying to look at something out the side window or the side console, I don't want it moving my view back to the centre by itself, which is what it was doing. I'm not sure if I've seen the yaw drift so maybe that's worse than what it's doing now but at the moment I find it pretty unusable I'm afraid (unless I stop tracking whenever I'm trying to look anywhere). ---------- Post added at 22:19 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ---------- I stumbled across these pages which might have something useful on them: http://reprapdad.wordpress.com/ http://www.brumster.com/articles.php?article_id=16 I don't really understand how some people have mounted the MPU directly above/opposite the Arduino as it doesn't seem like the pins on the two boards match up and I had to use jumper wires to link the right pins but I must be misunderstanding something. Here's a kit of the necessary parts if anyone needs it: http://hobbycomponents.com/index.php/diy-head-tracker-bundle.html?SID=24014dc15bda4f7af610c8c75a667a93
  18. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    OK, why on earth would anyone want it to do that then?
  19. doveman

    A Complete Arma 3 - Not That Far Away

    Whilst it would be nice to have those things in as default, the fact is there's mods for weapon resting (VTS), wounding/medical, improved audio, action menu (sakus mods). Personally, I'd like to see BIS improve the interface, as that's what gives a good/bad impression of the game before you even start playing. Of course, I agree that performance optimisation should be a priority as well, as there's not much point having features if the game is unplayable for many/most players. A long time ago, I started or joined a ticket about making A3 automatically load the required mods for a SP mission, as BIS promised that user-made content was going to be a priority for A3 but when players have to manually create profiles with a launcher for each mission to load A3 with the required mods, it makes people not bother playing missions that require mods and thus creators mostly end up not creating missions that use any mods, which in turn discourages the mod creators. The fact that the engine loads with the specified mods when launching A3 makes it more complicated and I originally suggested splitting the interface and engine to solve this problem but thinking about, perhaps a simpler way would be for it to be left as is but when launching a SP-mission which uses mods, just unload the engine and reload it with the required mods. I'm sure this could be done in the background without closing the interface, so it would be transparent to the user. The mission would just need a simple text file accompanying it which specifies which mods are required and then A3 could download them if necessary from the Six network but BIS need to decide on a solution and implement it before mission creators can use it. Other changes I'd like to see are: a) showing a summary briefing of the mission in the MP mission selection screen b) being able to swap between the briefing screen and slot screen, so that people can switch slots as needed AFTER reading the briefing and having an idea what might be needed (sometimes there's only 5 players in a 6-player co-op mission so we have to leave one slot as AI, or maybe the mission looks particularly hard and a more experienced player needs to swap slots with someone else) c) being able to access the player's gear from the briefing/slot screen. When selecting a slot, we should be able to see at least a list of the gear, so that maybe one player who's OK with a certain type of AT but not another can take another role if he's not confident with the particular weaponary used in that misison and likewise in the briefing screen, so that when planning a mission we can see what weapons we have available. I want it to go further though, so it's like A2 where we could change our gear from the briefing screen (and do so from the slot screen as well, so that players don't have to be switching between screens too much when setting up)
  20. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Thanks, I guess I can try 2/3 or A2/A3 to see if one works better than the other. I only just reflashed my MPU-6050 with the spring-reset firmware and found it was still drifiting back towards centre a lot, even though I left the headset still on the table after flashing it and after starting FTNoIR before putting it on my head but I need to test a bit more as I only did a quick test.
  21. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    I've got a GY-85 now that I want to try but I'm a bit confused about the correct wiring. With the MPU-6050, we wire 2 and 3 to SDA and SCL but according to the picture here http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1677559 with the GY-85 we wire A2 and A3 to SDA and SCL, so I'm wondering what the difference between A2/A3 and 2/3 is and why the two projects are using different outputs from the Arduino?
  22. doveman

    Switching weapons on the move

    Thanks, I tried again with only TAB+1 and TAB+2 bound, not Shift+1/2 which Sakura's addon uses and it seems to be OK now.
  23. doveman

    Arma 3-TOH similarities

    Isn't this the proper tracker for bug reports / feature requests? http://feedback.arma3.com/my_view_page.php I've never seen the one you've linked to before and so I'm not registered and I'd hate your request to not be seen because it's in the wrong place.
  24. Well that's around 36%, so quite an improvement :)
  25. And you compared with the exact same build before/after changing the RAM and overclocking? I'm not disputing that OC'ing the CPU would be likely to make a difference (I'm not so sure the RAM would though, although if upgrading to 16GB means that you now have sufficient free RAM for A3 not to need to use the pagefile, whereas before it had to, then that would make a difference) but at the same time BIS may have tweaked things between builds, so unless comparing with the same build it's impossible to say that the HW is completely responsible for the improvement. I'm jealous anyway, as I'm stuck on about 20 fps on the Scouting missions in Adapt :(