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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. Just an FYI this map does work with the MSO mission!!! -civs spawn in towns -CQB module spawns lots of bad guys in buildings -convoys work fine (except for the horrible AI pathfinding but I digress...) Obviously I have not tested all MSO modules but this is great to see. The only real issue I've found so far is the Dynamic EnPop module which only seems to be able to find about 8 locations no matter how many you have set in mission params.
  2. Check the dedicated server thread around here somewhere. Basically you run arma2oaserver.exe instead of arma2oa.exe with some additional params and using a config file.
  3. SavageCDN

    Begin mission on server start

    AFAIK no there is not a way. You can force a mission rotation using server.cfg but the mission won't auto-start on server reset.
  4. SavageCDN


    Thanks for all your work on the Arma 2 version and as you said hopefully someone (much smarter than I) will take up the torch. I totally understand the frustration in working with A3 beta and it's changes.
  5. SavageCDN

    WW AICover

    ^ seeing who you are working with I'm sure it's well done.. will test it out when I have time
  6. SavageCDN

    [MP][RACE] Race for stratis 32

    Top Speed - actually I didn't think of that (poor vehicle handling at higher speeds..although that could be even more fun :p) Flags - yeah it was just a thought.. I like how the player names appear at low distances 1PV - check out this mission where it's a param and forced through script: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22013 Flip - nah don't bother if R resets a flipped vehicle that is great.. although with an auto-reset when topdown AI would 'survive' instead of hopping out of the vehicles Do boats work with this script as well (obviously with DYN_RACE_MUST_STAY_ON_ROAD = false) ? More ideas: -day/night as voting option -battle arena option as 'race type' ie: kills instead of laps :) edit: I think I might set this up on our server so if you have stuff you need to test fire me a PM
  7. SavageCDN

    Sharing ammo with squad?

    @ASR_AI mod fixes this problem (in that AI will re-arm themselves when low with no input from player), however this feature is not working in Arma 3 as of yet due to issues with the inventory system.
  8. SavageCDN

    ArmA Multiplayer and humans

    Best of luck Bugs hopefully it takes off. Our community is primarily COOP in Arma but with Arma 3 I'm hoping to change that and bring in more PvP / TvT objective style missions. Most of us hate the regular pub PvP play (too many idiots) but the more structured stuff is quite enjoyable.
  9. SavageCDN

    [MP][RACE] Race for stratis 32

    That does sound awesome!!! Also if you can figure out a way to 'drop' mines or other objects from a vehicle (or the 'tombstone' as ProGamer suggested) Other ideas (mostly from Celery's RR mission): -Increase the top end speed and/or acceleration of vehicles (using turbo key) -Once we get more flag objects in game assign a flag to each player and attach it to their vehicle (although I do like how you've done the 'show player names' option) -Decrease the size of the OMG YOU'VE GONE OFFROAD warning message.. it's too big right now and makes it difficult especially in 1st person view -Add a force 1st person view pararmeter -Option to flip your vehicle if it's upside down? (or does the R reset fix this?)
  10. SavageCDN

    [MP][RACE] Race for stratis 32

    Excellent mission Mindstorm and great idea ProGamer. I too love this kind of mission and fiddled a bit when A3 came out with a similar theme. If you haven't yet you should check out Celery's Road Rage mission for Arma 2 for ideas, etc. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9707 Our play: http://www.twitch.tv/solarflame1/b/366443708 Also if you need a dedicated server (and warm bodies) for testing please let me know
  11. SavageCDN

    ArmA Multiplayer and humans

    I agree 100% with your posts this is something that needs to happen in order for PvP to work in Arma 3. @Celery - that is the best news I've heard in a while (that you are working on an MP gamemode). ** crosses fingers for A3 Road Rage ** :p
  12. SavageCDN

    Any old farts playing Arma 3?

    haha memories!!! SMARTDRV 512 :p
  13. SavageCDN

    Help with dedi server

    Server and client both need the mod: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?112854-MCC-Sandbox-Mission-making-the-easy-way
  14. Ah great thanks LondonLad.
  15. Hmmmm... I'm not setup to test the HC in A3 yet.. did you try it with quotes as well? Seems odd that it would not work... maybe it's an axed feature :p
  16. Ours is definitely a 2600 (we've had it about a year.. it was the old EX4S). Our mobo is the H67 model as you mentioned (I got curious lol) Drives however are 2 x Seagate Barracudas ST30000DM001 SATA3
  17. Did you add the -BEpath param to your startup line? ie: -BEpath=c:\path\to\BE\folder Config file should be BEServer.cfg
  18. so..... has anyone attempted to 'fix up' DAC for Arma 3 yet? :p As far as I can tell most of the issues stem from a few things: - using debug markers (ie: DAC_Config_Marker > 0) throws a lot of errors - A3 doesn't like the list of playable units (undeclared variables) and will spit out errors every second or two - if you are using DAC for object generation only you do not get these errors
  19. Yeah haven't played enough yet to know.. saw a few sector control / ticket missions released in the last few days though I would pick them apart and see how the author did it
  20. SavageCDN

    UPSMON for arma3

    Thanks for posting those updates Beerkan
  21. Yeah TBH I have no idea what board is in that machine :) Disk system is much better though.. and I have zero complaints about the performance (we are running 3 x Arma servers plus other game services on that one box).
  22. Only thing I can think of is you have disableChannels in your server.cfg file? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#disableChannels Are you using a stock MSO mission? Usually this is fixed by turning off the debug options....
  23. For those reading this here's how your .cfg file needs to be setup for mission rotation: // Mission Rotation // Leave blank for standard Mission selection class Missions { class VGINS_SOAR_USA { template="insurgency0_80vg_j.takistan"; difficulty="regular";//can be recruit, regular, veteran, mercenary }; class VGINS_SOAR_TKA { template="insurgency0_80_tka_b.takistan"; difficulty="regular";//can be recruit, regular, veteran, mercenary }; class VGINS_SOAR_BAF { template="insurgency0_80bafa.takistan"; difficulty="regular";//can be recruit, regular, veteran, mercenary }; class VGINS_SOAR_ACR { template="insurgency1_50acrVANILLA.takistan"; difficulty="regular";//can be recruit, regular, veteran, mercenary }; };
  24. SavageCDN

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    I would think it would have to be on the same LAN at least to avoid any desync problems... also bandwidth might be an issue depending on your home connection. The benefit of running on the same machine is the 'unlimited' bandwidth between server and HC. Someone may have tried this however and had success.... if you do please post your results!! Posted
  25. Great post Tankbuster!! Some notes: -not sure if -localhost= is required in the startup params for the HC.. unless that's an Arma 3 thing only. Our HC is setup for Arma 2 and does not require it however we do have -connect= as a param -password param does work in Arma 2 setup.. make sure the password is NOT in quotes ie: -password=12345