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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    Domination windows vs linux

    Not sure then.. your best bet might be to post in the thread for that mission (Domination)
  2. SavageCDN

    [HELP]Continous Error

    My guess is that this file: #include "Scripts\sonicboom\sounds.hpp" already has a cfgSounds section in it causing the error. The easiest way would probably be to add the custom track stuff to that sounds.hpp file under the existing cfgSounds entry. I'm a bit tired today hopefully I've explained that properly :p
  3. SavageCDN

    [HELP]Continous Error

    From that error message it appears you have cfgSounds already defined somewhere else in your description.ext. Any chance you can post the entire file?
  4. I assume the ALiVE index needs to be updated since the map update probably changed object IDs, etc. Will be done for next release. Your floating AI on Taris island - are you spawning the AI on a headless client (ie: CQB module)?
  5. You need to use the global versions of these commands for a dedicated server https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addMagazineCargoGlobal ie: clearItemCargoGlobal clearMagazineCargoGlobal clearWeaponCargoGlobal addMagazineCargoGlobal addItemCargoGlobal ...and so on Your other option is to have each client load their own ammobox contents but I assume that's not what you're looking for and want the box contents to be 'global' for everyone to see.
  6. SavageCDN

    Domination windows vs linux

    Just a random guess but case sensitivity in the mission file? Make sure everything is lowercase?
  7. SavageCDN

    AI ignore Zeus orders when in combat

    AFAIK you cannot change this behaviour. When AI go into combat mode the danger.fsm kicks in and takes over their behaviour. Unless something has changed with a recent patch there is no way to override this 'feature'.
  8. Awesome thanks for the update!
  9. 1 - not sure I understand the question - do you mean you (player) has to be on the 'occupation' side in order for the Insurgency features to work? 2 - nope 3 - If you specify a TAOR in the module then the AI will be restricted to that TAOR, otherwise it will spread out over the entire AO Hmm...seems I drank too much over vacation and missed this gem :) Thanks
  10. ^ this and the CQB module will work on non-indexed maps - combine that with custom objectives and you're good to go Indexing is a 'difficult' process and involves using internal dev tools and some witchcraft. The long term goal here is to allow anyone to submit map indexes however that is not something on the immediate horizon. If I'm not mistaken map makers themselves may be able to assist in the near future by providing the ALiVE team with some static data regarding locations and types of military and civilian structures specific to their map, but don't quote me on this :p
  11. edit: ninja'd by spyder... fool-resistant example incoming from HH :p
  12. Yeah filedropper sucks :) Thanks for the link looks like yours is dead now as well... if anyone needs the .sql file just PM me. As far as arma2net version I think you are right - 2.2 is the one you need.
  13. Here's what I have.. hopefully it's the right version .sql file included in archive http://www.filedropper.com/arma2net-23
  14. SavageCDN

    Move player into vehicle on respawn

    You can adjust this behaviour in description.ext (at least I assume this is what's happening... have not tested it myself with an EH just using onPlayerRespawn.sqf) respawnOnStart = 1; //Respawn on start. Run respawn script on start. respawnOnStart = 0; //Dont respawn on start. Run respawn script on start. respawnOnStart = -1; //Dont respawn on start. Don't run respawn script on start.
  15. SavageCDN

    Play3D sound...What am I doing wrong?

  16. of course.. see here for more info: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Script_Snippets
  17. I'll check...might still have a copy floating around somewhere.
  18. Place a player unit first, then the empty section will appear.
  19. We are using ASR_AI3 and have not noticed any delays in init however we have only been playing on Stratis. Can confirm MadJosch's observations: 1 - we adjusted depolyment ranges found in fn_hq_deploy.sqf to fix (we had to go as low as 25m/5m to get the MHQ to deploy anywhere on Stratis) 2- This is an odd one... we noticed this on Wednesday testing however yesterday it seems to be back to 'normal' in that only occasionally there were suitcases dropped (again on Stratis) 3 - this happened to us as well.. disco/reco fixes it 4 - open initPlayerLocal.sqf and at the bottom add: player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]; player enableSentences false: 6 - this would be great especially the layout option (types can be configured in fn_setup_classnames.sqf) I also experienced the spawn at [0,0] on Altis - didn't realize it was disabling random MHQ spawn that was causing it. edit: to have your loadout re-applied on respawn (ie: you respawn with what you had when you died)
  20. SavageCDN

    Operation NorthStar (ONS)

    Let's go boys!!
  21. Some quick player observations based on a short session yesterday (I know some of these are known issues / WIP features.. I've tried to limit these notes to just core gameplay stuff - ie: no "virtual arsenal sucks" complaints :p ) -MHQ deploy distance is too large (300m/50m) - almost impossible to redeploy -AI are spawning too close to players and too soon. They should only spawn at a specific distance and only respawn after X minutes if the square hasn't been cleared (will try tweaking this via params - I think the default for this was 2m!!) -Sometimes if you kill an AI it immediately respawns on the Ai just killed (see video below) -some reports of players unable to respawn after X deaths (5 or so?) - will need to gather more info on this one Other reported stuff is more along the lines of missing features (ie: revive) or wish list items (SLs ability to call in AI trans chopper). Youtube link of AI respawning visibly and quickly - note this player was in a vehicle however there were also infantry close by who observed the same (enemy range is ~300m). Not sure if this is due to the fact it's a dock and not a building? I have RPTs from server, HC and player who recorded video if needed.