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Everything posted by Janez

  1. Janez

    Will Arma 3 have better mouse controls?

    In E3 videos where they shoot pop-up targets aiming seems very tight. Of course I havent tried it my self but judging from videos it looks much better.
  2. Janez

    Is ArmA III having the OFP:CWC vibe?

    What made CWR full of atmosphere for me, ware that dirty, scratchy voice overs over radio and voice acting in general. A bit hollywood-ish voices but very much suited the game. But yes, story, characters, music, even effects were amazing, fitted really well in the timeline. I found A2 story to be really good, however execution was not that great. EW was full of CWR feeling. Music alone gave me the chills. As for A1, sure there was no story, no characters but missions were not that bad I think. I took it as a bit streched scenarios. Played them over few times, even in A2 :). I was not expecting A1 to be story orientated so I was not really disapointed. OA camp was quite similar tbh. There were some characters but in the end I was like, yeh OK, some dude in delta force, infantry, tank and helicopter. I played it over for variety of missions. BAF, not much different as well. PMC... it pains me to say, it had some missions in there... Lets just say I played them just becouse BIS made them. Somehow, I have really good feeling about Arma 3 campaign. I would prefer to have as little information about it as possible. I dont want to know how they sound or even look (a bit late for that) until I start up the campaign for myself.
  3. In your case you should have: ArmA2(main directory)\@stmovement\Addons You put all the files in "Addons" folder. If you are extracting via WinRAR/Zip etc. directly into Addons folder, make sure archive program did not make another folder in there. Then right click on your Arma 2 shortcut and add -mod=@stmovement to the end of target line. Your set. However, you might want to check other useful Arma 2 startup parameters here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters On armaholic you have very nice and detailed explanation on how to use mods in Arma games: http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&q=18 Good luck!
  4. Janez

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    Server sided option for PP should be there, like the rest. Nothing should be forced.
  5. Proper reload animations. Dry and tactical reloads for all weapons. Yes, from all nice features listed this is it :).
  6. There was a very useful feature in CWR where you could create a template mission using wizzard and then edit it with normal mission editor. In arma there still is wizzard but you seem to be unable to edit it. There are template missions in missions.pbo that wizzard uses but if you open them in editor, all the object, waypoints, triggers and markers are on same coordinates - same spot. So it is really difficult to work out what should go where. It would be really nice to be able to edit wizzard created missions.
  7. Janez

    Too much muzzle flash and reload animations?

    @InstaGoat, that sounds good. Let us know when you make the ticket.
  8. Janez

    Too much muzzle flash and reload animations?

    Exactly. It would really be a shame not to have tactical reloads in game since the game is supposed to simulate infantry combat. Pretty much every tactical shooter out there as well as games like BF3 and CoD (not +1 round in CoD, just animations) have this. Movement animations and control seem really tight in Arma 3, judging from E3 videos so CQB should be dope. All it needs in that concern then are proper reload animations. I am aware that this requires twice as much work as someone already pointed out in dev blog thread and that is why I was always saying less weapons/vehicles, etc. more detail. New equipment can always come with expansions/DLCs, features not so much.
  9. Janez

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Hey, thanks for info. I would just like to point out that this feature is one of the most important in CQB. It adds a lot to LMG and sniper gameplay too. This is kind of a point to have reload anims instead of CWR=>A2 way. Without it, it seems like a bit of waste. I could probably live without +1 round (hinders small magazine weapons) but tactical reload could be done I think, hopefully.
  10. Janez

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Looks very nice. One question though. Are reload anims the same for dry and tactical reload? Also no 30+1 rounds after tactical reload. Sorry if this was covered already.
  11. There is Arma and there is Dragon Rising for a reason.
  12. I went to Elektrozavodsk and killed the Russian base with RPGs so they stopped building BTRs and T90s. Then I blew up offices and cleared checkpoints. By then I had more then enough cash to build six BRDMs and sent each to a town. Russians kept respawning in Elektrozavodsk where the base was so I set up a BRDM with only a gunner there to spawn rape them. Anyway, in tasks it shows all objectives completed but mission wont end. I even went to that small island to pick up weapons but it didnt help. I am using beta 93160. Maybe thats the problem.
  13. Janez

    Friend system

    I never had the need to use xfire or similar for reasons OP mentions but I can see how knowing on what server your friend is currently playing would be nice for some. However, I have to say I dont really like Arma is pretty much the only series left that uses old school profile management and that is a good thing. Furthermore I see nearly every game haveing some kind of buddy system and most of them are really bad. Even origin and battlelog buddy thing is terrible. On battlelog for example you cannot appear offline which is the very basic feature. So I have to assume that it takes some resources to make a good buddy system and therefore I rather have better optics on that tank or better anims on that rifle... You catch my drift?
  14. -3rd person view only when in vehicle -"who is in your vehicle and in what position" on hud. Kind of like in BF(3). Icon of position and name.
  15. It would be really nice to finally have simple 3/5 flag domination in small perimeter that works well with AI too. There is something like it in A2 but its not working that well tbh. And on a side note, I always thought CWR and Arma was always about play the game how you want and not CO-06_NoRespawn_MustTS_CleanSweep only.
  16. And you can do all the tutorial missions in "Singleplayer >> Boot Camp" to get familiar with controls. If you have Operation Arrowhead expansion (which you really shoud get :)) then you have even better tutorials. As Badlands is warfare type mission, here you have nice tutorial about it.
  17. So, you are playing Arma 2 campaign, mission 9 - Badlands and your gunner ran out of ammo for vehicle with M2 machinegun? Dont know which vehicle uses M2 though becouse you pretty much have russian equipment there. Anyway, to rearm you can build Vehicle Service Point via construction menu (play construction tutorial) or build ammo truck (if available in that mission) at Light Vehicle Supply Point.
  18. Hi, how do you respawn that vehicle? If you are using simple vehicle respawn script you can insert something like this into vehicle init line: clearWeaponCargo this; veh = [this, 30, 10, 0, TRUE, FALSE, "clearWeaponCargo this"] execVM "Scripts\vehicle.sqf" with more commands you have to be careful with quotes: clearWeaponCargo this; this addWeaponCargo ["M16A2",5]; veh = [this, 30, 0, 0, TRUE, FALSE, "clearWeaponCargo this; this addWeaponCargo ['M16A2',5]"] execVM "Scripts\vehicle.sqf"
  19. All user made campaigns seem to be displayed 2x. Stock are fine. Another thing I noticed compared to 1.60. Order of mods listed on right side of main menu screen is upside down. i.e. 1.60: CBA ... JSRS 1.60.92477: JSRS ... CBA I dont know if this has any actuall effect though.
  20. Janez

    Voice recognition for AI commands for Arma 3

    Arma could really benefit from this. You would be much more effective in combat using voice command, especially for commads above key 5 if your using W-A-S-D setup. It worked quite well in EndWar I think. Although I never bothered to set up VAC or something like that becouse I usually end up in editor rather then playing the game but it would be great to have it built in.
  21. Janez

    Development Blog & Reveals

    New vid looks very nice. I hope tailored anims mean proper tac reloads with extra bullet as well. Fire mode anims and separate key for it would be great too. Looking forward to 19th.
  22. Janez

    BattleField 3

    New patch came out today so you may want to try again. Some nice fixes there but lag can still be quite bad.
  23. Add an option in menu to disable long radio reports from your AI. So they would not report coordinates which can be rather annoying if you have 12 guys in your squad or even russian :). With option disabled they would only say something like "2/3/4... green or OK", something like that but full text would be displayed in subtitles. If you have subtitles disabled then you just enable long radio reports.
  24. 3rd person for consoles with option for 1st. Big difference.