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drunken officer

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Everything posted by drunken officer

  1. drunken officer

    Help with Dialog, when mouse over picture

    Create Job! It works correct. Thx
  2. Hello guys I've add 2 displayeventhandlers (keydown, keyup) to my mission. If you press down, you open and hold a dialog. In this dialog, i've 3 elements (pictures) Is there a way to activate a script, when the mouse is pointing over picture AND the dialog is closing / close ? At the moment, i use a button behind the pictures and can click on it. This works, but i dont like it with the button. Exampale: Mouse at picture 1: Hint "Your mouse was over picture 1" Mouse at picture 2: Hint "You mouse was over picture 2" Mouse at picture 3: Hint "You mouse was over picture 3" Here the code for the displayEventhandler DOF_onKeyDown = { private "_key"; _key = _this select 1; if (_key == 219 && (cursorTarget distance player <1.4)) then //L Win { if (isNull (findDisplay 47110) && !(player getVariable "DOF_isBusy" ) then { createDialog "Dialog_main"; } }; }; DOF_onKeyup = { private "_key"; _key = _this select 1; if (_key == 219 && !isNull (findDisplay 47110) ) then { closeDialog 47110 }; }; waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["keyDown", "_this call DOF_onKeyDown"]; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["keyup", "_this call DOF_onKeyup"]; Some lines of Dialog class Dialog_main { idd = 47110; // is needed for displayEventhandler movingenable = false; .... class controls { class RscPicture_1201: DOF_RscPicture { idc = 1201; text = "DOF_main\tex\UAV_act.paa"; x = 0.489687 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.643 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.0257812 * safezoneW; h = 0.044 * safezoneH; }; .... };}
  3. drunken officer

    Forced 3rd person (help)

    Do you really need a controll per EACH Frame? WaitUntil check the condition eachframe... In my example, you have only to chance If (cameraVieW == "External" && !(vehicle player) != player then {...}
  4. drunken officer

    Forced 3rd person (help)

    With CBA, a half secound delay [ { if (cameraView == "External") then {player switchCamera "internal"}; }, 0.5, [] // ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
  5. drunken officer

    Help with Dialog, when mouse over picture

    First of all: Thanks a lot man! Generally it works. But there is a problem. The input is not correct, it is more right. When I pointingthe middle one, i get the input of the left. When i pointing the right one, i get the input of the middle one. And when i pointing right side of the right pic (same distance as pic to pic) i get the input of the right picture
  6. drunken officer

    Drag and Drop Action for BIS Revive

    How can i attach files? It's a zip-file
  7. Hello guys. Sometimes i use the BIS Revive System. But i missed all the time a option to drag and drop the body. That's why i wrote a small script. With this script, you have a option to drag and drop the injured body. I tested the script with a friend on dedi-server and on hosted server. If you find bugs, please contact me. You need a initlocalplayer.sqf in your mission file. waitUntil {!(isNull player)}; waitUntil {player==player}; call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "DOF_DragAndDrop_for_BISRevive\DOF_DragAndDrop_for_BISRevive.sqf"; Then you have to copy the attaced file. Normaly there is a folder DOF_DragAndDrop_for_BISRevive. There is only one file inside: DOF_DragAndDrop_for_BISRevive.sqf Downloadlink: http://kehenas.myqnapcloud.com:8080/share.cgi?ssid=0s8umJT
  8. I've a dialog and the most things working fine.. The first thing i'm not understanding is, that when i start the dialog by addaction, the map inside is zoomable by mousewheel. If i start the dialog by comm menu or radio trigger, i can only zoom by numpad (+/-) So thats why i want to add a vertical slider fot zoom. I'm adding a slider and style = SL_VERT;type = 43;I cant see the slider. If i change the style to SL_HORZ, i can see the slider. But the most importing thing is, can somebody explain to me, how can i zoom a map with a slider. I test it by an script, but without success. descrition.ext: ... #include "DOF_AAS\DOFARTY_defines.hpp" #include "DOF_AAS\DOFArty_dialog.hpp" DOF_Arty_defines DOF_Arty_dialog ... class controls { class DOF_MAP: DOFARTY_RscMapControl { idc = DOF_SUPPORT_Map; x = 0.3 + 0.185; y = 0 + (11 / 50); w = 0.51; h = 0.6; onMouseZChanged = ""; onMouseButtonDown = "'"; }; class DOF_zoom_slider : DOFARTY_RscXSliderH { idc = 203; type = 43; tooltip = ""; x = 1.2; y = 1.1; w = 0.45 h = 0.06; onSliderPosChanged = "DOF_ZOOM = format ['%1', (_this select 1)]; hint str dof_zoom "; // onMouseZChanged = ""; }; [b]//DOFARTY_RscXSliderV doesnt works[/b] :confused: testscript waituntil {sleep 0.5; dialog}; DOF_ZOOM = 1; slidersetRange [203,0.01,1]; sliderSetPosition [203, DOF_ZOOM]; _ctrl = DOFARTY_RscMapControl displayctrl DOF_SUPPORT_Map; _ctrl ctrlmapanimadd [0.1, DOF_ZOOM, (getPos Player)]; // show home base ctrlmapanimcommit _ctrl;
  9. drunken officer

    [COOP-7 / SP] Russian Assault

    Hello. I want to present my mission. In this mission you are part of a small Russian infantry squads. The Russian army is after a long civil war on Altis, to protect the peace. However, there is in the northwest rebels, who regard the Russians as enemies. There have been recent attacks on Russian convoys or the local government. That's why the Russian army checkpoints erected in order to better control the situation. On this day, it's your turn to their service performed in a checkpoint. As medicsystem i use Farooq's Revive 1.5. Inside the base is a teleport-flag for JIP or killed players. Mods: - CBA_A3 - TaskForceRadio - RHSAFRF Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=648925532&searchtext=russian+assault Becaue our "clan" doesnt play ArmA 3 at the moment ( Naval Action is the favaroit for the most guys ), i couldnt test this mission completely.
  10. You have to "undock" the guys. { unassignVehicle _x} forEach [q1,q2,......,q8]
  11. I write my own stuff, because not every mission is equal to eachother. The background is always the same. 1. You have to "mark" the city 2. Place a trigger (for beginners is easier) or check inside a script is somebody inside this area 3. Create an array. 4. Spawn the guys and push them to the array 5. If nobody inside this area, you have to delete all units in this array.
  12. Hello. I've trouble with my modells. The headgear and the vest are always on ground, if i load my own object. If i load a arma object, everyting is fine. Here me code: cfg class CfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class iteminfo; class Uniform_Base; class UniformItem; class Vest_Camo_Base; class vest_base; class VestItem; class HeadgearItem; class DOF_Polizei_muetze : H_Cap_blu { displayName = "Polizeibasecap"; model = "\DOF_Polizeimod\obj\schirmmuetze.p3d"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_H_Cap_blu_CA.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {""}; class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem { mass = 10; /// combined weight and volume of the cap, this equals to single magazine uniformModel = "\DOF_Polizeimod\obj\schirmmuetze.p3d"; /// what model is used for this cap allowedSlots[] = {801,901,701,605}; /// this cap is so small and flexible that it fits everywhere modelSides[] = {6}; /// available for all sides armor = 0; /// this cap doesn't provide any protection passThrough = 1; /// this cap doesn't provide any protection hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; /// what selection in model could have different textures }; }; The position and the selection "head" is a 1:1 copy from the bis sample_F Basecap. here a a picture how it looks in game. The cap is betwen the leg on ground. And here is a pic from Oxygen: Can somebody tell me, what my mistake is? Greetz
  13. drunken officer

    German Police Mod

    Hello everybody. I present a german police mod. There are two kind of Cops. 1. patrol cops 2. special cops (SEK). The cars have the typical german siren sound. For the patrol cops, there are 1 Pickup and 4 Cops. For the SEK, there is one fennek and 7 cops (medic, exploive, smg, MX, sniper....) You will find them under "blufor" --> "polizei" Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yih5v5fog1jrmz4/%40DOF_Polizeimod.zip?dl=0 Requierments: nothing, just ArmA 3 Here are some pictures: http://www.pic-upload.de/gal-878983/yvfola/1.html
  14. drunken officer

    headgear and vest always on the ground

    1000 years later..... i found the options the set name property. Now it works, thanks Locklear
  15. drunken officer

    headgear and vest always on the ground

    No. Edit: I have a model.cfg right now. Now the problem is a other one. The good thing is, the cap turns left and right together with the head. The bad thing is, this cap is not on head, it's in the middle to the model. :(
  16. drunken officer

    Creating a Custom Crosshair!?

    ... class mygun : hgun_Rook40_F { .... cursor = ""; cursoraim = "yourmod\pathtothepicture\yourcustompicture.paa"; };
  17. drunken officer

    German Police Mod

    Its a free 3d model, which one you can download. I do not breaking any rules. By the way, the most us police ford charger or ford crown, are free models.
  18. drunken officer

    German Police Mod

    Yes, but just the model. It's free to download and reworking
  19. drunken officer

    German Police Mod

    a new vehicle is working in process:
  20. drunken officer

    BW-Mod - Ranksign

    Hello. I've finished my BW_Ranksign Addon. With this addon it's possible to add german ranks to the bw-mod units. The second modul is for the respawn with the equiment what the player had when he died. You can choose: - set the rank on arm - show the rank and name above the head - show your own rank in the right upper corner for BluFor, OpFor or AAF For the ranksign there are tow different ways. 1. the unit has not the DOF_Rank variable. -- The script chekc the rank which is set in the editor. 2. the unit has the DOF_Rank variable -- now its possible to set 23 different ranks to the uniform. 1 = private : 23 = 4 star general. No matter witch rank is set in the editor. With a small script you can set the highst rank as leader of your group. The video i've made is in german, because it's to hard for me to translate everything. The mod required: BW_Mod CBA_A3 Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kco6n5cu1mz2l28/%40BW_Ranksign.zip?dl=0 Here is a video: Here is a examaple for the controll script. In my case the group has the variable "Tango31". Start this script inside the init.sqf. [] spawn { private ["_cnt"]; _cnt = 0; _grparray = []; while {true} do { waitUntil {sleep 3; count units tango31 != _cnt}; _grparray = []; private ["_index", "_highest"]; _index = -1; _highest = -1; { _grparray = _grparray + [_x] } count units tango31; { if(_x getVariable ["DOF_RANK", -1] > _highest) then { _highest = _x getVariable ["DOF_RANK", -1]; _index = _forEachIndex; }; //player sideChat format ["INDEX: %1 Name: %2", _index, (_grparray select _index)]; } forEach units tango31; tango31 selectleader (_grparray select _index); _cnt = count units tango31; }; };
  21. drunken officer


    class CfgRadio { sounds[] = {}; class Chat01 { name = "Chat01"; title = "This is your text. This text will show in game."; sound[] = {"\sounds\Chat01.ogg", db25, 1.0}; }; }; to call it put, this to the act field of a trigger: player groupradio "Chat01";
  22. drunken officer

    BW-Mod - Ranksign

    Update fixed: In the case of a slow connection from the client to the server, it could happen that the texture was not loaded properly if the variable "DOF_RANK" assigned by the server. I have inserted a sleep 10 Link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/kco6n5cu1mz2l28/%40BW_Ranksign.zip?dl=0 ***** Here is an example, how to add the rank to some players. (maybe inside a community). Guest are level 1. The server-admin has only one script to controll, if someone is promoted inside the community. In all mission, the player gets the same rank. ***** 1. step Copy this code in your initserver.sqf: (only the server will load ths file) #include "userconfig\bw_ranksign\ranks.hpp" 2. step Copy this code in your initplayerlocal.sqf call { player setVariable ["DOF_RANK", 1]; { if ( (name player) isEqualTo (_x select 0) ) then { player setVariable ["DOF_RANK", (_x select 1),true]; }; } forEach BW_Ranksign_rankzuweisung; }; 3. step Create a folder userconfig\Bw_ranksign. Save the following code as "ranks.hpp" (i use notpad for this) The arma3server.exe have to be in the same arma main folder BW_Ranksign_rankzuweisung = [ ["NameofPlayer", 14], ["Drunken Officer", 3], ["NameofPlayer", 14], ["NameofPlayer", 9], ["Nameofplayer", 3] ]; //--- no , at the last entry !!! publicVariable "BW_Ranksign_rankzuweisung";
  23. Hello. I need a command or script, that the mission can load a file from server. It's a dedi-server. The arma3server.exe is on server and there is a folder userconfig\BW_Ranksign\ranks.hpp Why i need this? If the mission use BW_Ranksign, all players need a variable & a value. ["DOF_RANK", 1 -23] Inside a community are different ranks. Sometimes, one of them members promoted to the next rank. If this variable set on mission, in this case, all missions have to change and upload again. It's a lot of work. My target is, that the serveradmin have to change only one file on server. At the moment i try this way, but it doesnt works. ServerInit.sqf #include "\userconfig\BW_Ranksign\ranks.hpp"; Ranks.hpp private ["_einheiten"]; if (isMultiplayer) then {_einheiten = playableUnits} else {_einheiten = switchableUnits }; { _name = name _x; switch (_name) do { case "Drunken Officer" : { _x setVariable ["DOF_RANK", 13,true]}; case "Miller" : { _x setVariable ["DOF_RANK", 9,true]}; case "Emmo" : { _x setVariable ["DOF_RANK", 13,true]}; default { _x setVariable ["DOF_RANK", 1,true] }; }; } forEach _einheiten; At the moment, the game checks only the local userconfig folder. But i need to check the folder on server. I tested it with a dedi-Server started with TADST, there it works. Greez.
  24. drunken officer

    Need help with mission script

    waitUntil {({isPlayer _x AND (_x distance pilot) < 10} count switchableUnits) != 0}; This make no sense. In SP there is only ONE Player. And if the player in game, switchableUnits more the 0. You can use this code in MP. But you have to change switchable to playable Btw: Waituntil checks per frame. Slow it down and use sleep-command inside. You do not need frame checks in this case For singleplayer is this enough: waituntil {sleep 1; player distance pilotname < 10}; [pilotname] joinsilent group player; Or use a trigger. R3vo wrote a example
  25. Hello everybody. I've a problem and i can't fix it. I've create my own dialog with a map inside. And there is a last problem. If i start the dialog with addaction command or i start the dialog inside the debug controll with [] execVM "Arty\start_realarty.sqf", i can zoom the map with the mouse wheel. To move the map i can use the RMB. If i start the dialog with a trigger or with communication menu, i can not zoom the map with the mouse wheel. I've to use +/- (numpad). To move the map i can use the RMB. Can somebody help me to fix it? Here are he code class DOFARTY_RscMapControl { idc = -1; type=101; style=48; moveOnEdges = 1; x = 0; y = 0; w = 1; h = 1; shadow = 0; ptsPerSquareSea = 5; ptsPerSquareTxt = 3; ptsPerSquareCLn = 10; ptsPerSquareExp = 10; ptsPerSquareCost = 10; ptsPerSquareFor = 9; ptsPerSquareForEdge = 9; ptsPerSquareRoad = 6; ptsPerSquareObj = 9; showCountourInterval = 0; scaleMin = 0.001000; scaleMax = 1.000000; scaleDefault = 0.160000; maxSatelliteAlpha = 0.850000; alphaFadeStartScale = 0.350000; alphaFadeEndScale = 0.400000; colorBackground[] = {0.969000, 0.957000, 0.949000, 1.000000}; colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; colorSea[] = {0.467000, 0.631000, 0.851000, 0.500000}; colorForest[] = {0.624000, 0.780000, 0.388000, 0.500000}; colorForestBorder[] = {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}; colorRocks[] = {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.300000}; colorRocksBorder[] = {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}; colorLevels[] = {0.286000, 0.177000, 0.094000, 0.500000}; colorMainCountlines[] = {0.572000, 0.354000, 0.188000, 0.500000}; colorCountlines[] = {0.572000, 0.354000, 0.188000, 0.250000}; colorMainCountlinesWater[] = {0.491000, 0.577000, 0.702000, 0.600000}; colorCountlinesWater[] = {0.491000, 0.577000, 0.702000, 0.300000}; colorPowerLines[] = {0.100000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 1.000000}; colorRailWay[] = {0.800000, 0.200000, 0.000000, 1.000000}; colorNames[] = {0.100000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.900000}; colorInactive[] = {1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.500000}; colorOutside[] = {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000}; colorTracks[] = {0.840000, 0.760000, 0.650000, 0.150000}; colorTracksFill[] = {0.840000, 0.760000, 0.650000, 1.000000}; colorRoads[] = {0.700000, 0.700000, 0.700000, 1.000000}; colorRoadsFill[] = {1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; colorMainRoads[] = {0.900000, 0.500000, 0.300000, 1.000000}; colorMainRoadsFill[] = {1.000000, 0.600000, 0.400000, 1.000000}; colorGrid[] = {0.100000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.600000}; colorGridMap[] = {0.100000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.600000}; font = "TahomaB"; sizeEx = 0.04; fontLabel = "PuristaMedium"; sizeExLabel = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 0.8)"; fontGrid = "TahomaB"; sizeExGrid = 0.020000; fontUnits = "TahomaB"; sizeExUnits = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 0.8)"; fontNames = "PuristaMedium"; sizeExNames = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 0.8) * 2"; fontInfo = "PuristaMedium"; sizeExInfo = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 0.8)"; fontLevel = "TahomaB"; sizeExLevel = 0.020000; text = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)"; class Legend { x = "SafeZoneX + (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40)"; y = "SafeZoneY + safezoneH - 4.5 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25)"; w = "10 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40)"; h = "3.5 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25)"; font = "PuristaMedium"; sizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 0.8)"; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.500000}; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; class Task { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcon_CA.paa"; iconCreated = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIconCreated_CA.paa"; iconCanceled = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIconCanceled_CA.paa"; iconDone = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIconDone_CA.paa"; iconFailed = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIconFailed_CA.paa"; color[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['IGUI_TEXT_RGB_R',0])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['IGUI_TEXT_RGB_G',1])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['IGUI_TEXT_RGB_B',1])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['IGUI_TEXT_RGB_A',0.8])"}; colorCreated[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorCanceled[] = {0.700000, 0.700000, 0.700000, 1}; colorDone[] = {0.700000, 1, 0.300000, 1}; colorFailed[] = {1, 0.300000, 0.200000, 1}; size = 27; importance = 1; coefMin = 1; coefMax = 1; }; class Waypoint { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\waypoint_ca.paa"; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; size = 20; coefMin = 0.9; coefMax = 4; importance = "1.2 * 16 * 0.05"; }; class WaypointCompleted { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\waypointCompleted_ca.paa"; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; size = 20; coefMin = 0.9; coefMax = 4; importance = "1.2 * 16 * 0.05"; }; class ActiveMarker { icon = "\ca\ui\data\map_waypoint_completed_ca.paa"; size = 20; color[] = {0, 0.9, 0, 1}; importance = "1.2 * 16 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.9; coefMax = 4; }; class CustomMark { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\custommark_ca.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 1; coefMax = 1; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; class Command { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\waypoint_ca.paa"; size = 18; importance = 1; coefMin = 1; coefMax = 1; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class Bush { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\bush_ca.paa"; color[] = {0.450000, 0.640000, 0.330000, 0.400000}; size = "14/2"; importance = "0.2 * 14 * 0.05 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.250000; coefMax = 4; }; class Rock { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\rock_ca.paa"; color[] = {0.100000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.800000}; size = 12; importance = "0.5 * 12 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.250000; coefMax = 4; }; class SmallTree { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\bush_ca.paa"; color[] = {0.450000, 0.640000, 0.330000, 0.400000}; size = 12; importance = "0.6 * 12 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.250000; coefMax = 4; }; class Tree { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\bush_ca.paa"; color[] = {0.450000, 0.640000, 0.330000, 0.400000}; size = 12; importance = "0.9 * 16 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.250000; coefMax = 4; }; class busstop { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\busstop_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class fuelstation { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\fuelstation_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class hospital { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\hospital_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class church { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\church_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class lighthouse { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\lighthouse_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class power { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\power_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class powersolar { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\powersolar_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class powerwave { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\powerwave_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class powerwind { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\powerwind_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class quay { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\quay_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class shipwreck { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\shipwreck_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class transmitter { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\transmitter_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class watertower { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\watertower_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; }; class Cross { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\Cross_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; class Chapel { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\Chapel_CA.paa"; size = 24; importance = 1; coefMin = 0.850000; coefMax = 1.000000; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; class Bunker { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\bunker_ca.paa"; size = 14; importance = "1.5 * 14 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.250000; coefMax = 4; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; class Fortress { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\bunker_ca.paa"; size = 16; importance = "2 * 16 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.250000; coefMax = 4; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; class Fountain { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\fountain_ca.paa"; size = 11; importance = "1 * 12 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.250000; coefMax = 4; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; class Ruin { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\ruin_ca.paa"; size = 16; importance = "1.2 * 16 * 0.05"; coefMin = 1; coefMax = 4; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; class Stack { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\stack_ca.paa"; size = 20; importance = "2 * 16 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.900000; coefMax = 4; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; class Tourism { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\tourism_ca.paa"; size = 16; importance = "1 * 16 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.700000; coefMax = 4; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; class ViewTower { icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\viewtower_ca.paa"; size = 16; importance = "2.5 * 16 * 0.05"; coefMin = 0.500000; coefMax = 4; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; }; }; class DOF_REALARTY_DIALOG { idd = -1; movingenable = true; class controls { class DOF_MAP: DOFARTY_RscMapControl { idc = DOF_SUPPORT_Map; x = 0.3 + 0.185; y = 0 + (11 / 50); w = 0.51; h = 0.6; }; }; };