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Everything posted by sarogahtyp

  1. sarogahtyp

    Terc no work

  2. sarogahtyp

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    Here is a half hour tutorial which shows how to build a simple Singleplayer mission: There is nothing more needed to get started with mission building. Yes, it's not as easy as with Eden but it's not that hard as some people may think here. Also I saw the first map portet from Arma 3 in workshop. Its Stratis. I didn't view it upto now but for me its impressive to have it some days after launch. This confirms my assumption that we 'll have much more content in a few month.
  3. sarogahtyp

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    [solved] Hey guys, I've a problem using reforger world editor. If I select any object in world editor I should be able to see and edit its properties on the Object Properties window. I know that this was the case as I used the world editor yesterday. But now I can't see any of those object properties: any help for unhiding those properties would be much appreciated... Edit: Even if I start from scratch by beginning a new project I cant see those object properties... Edit: I solved it. The object properties window has 2 columns and the right one was just two small to be viewed.
  4. @b2020b just to clarify this answer is as good as it is possible for ur question: My advice is to get much more specific.
  5. sarogahtyp

    [Poll] ArmA Reforger / Arm4

    Im very happy to have it bought. Yes the content now is very little BUT the reforger tools tool is a beast and will the community make create so much high quality content never seen before. All the things which players want to have will get created. The creators are on the track right now. In 2 month i guess you ll have so much more content. Yeah im happy with it 🙂
  6. this addEventHandler["hitPart", { private _target = (_this select 0 select 0); _target removeEventHandler [_thisEvent, _thisEventHandler]; [_target] execVM "trafeny.sqf"; }]; private _target = _this select 0; _target setDamage 0.8; _target setFuel 0; sleep 0.5; playSound "Ot013"; _target sideChat "FUCK, WE'VE BEEN HIT! WE ARE GOING DOWN!"; not tested.
  7. Forbidding a specific action for a player with inGameUISetEventHandler: 1. Detect the engine based name of the desired action using this in debug console and then executing those action: inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", "hint str (_this select 3); false"]; Now changing to a passenger seat will hint "MoveToCargo". This is the engine based name. 2. forbid that action to get executed: inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", " if ( _this select 3 isEqualTo 'MoveToCargo' ) then { hint 'currently forbidden'; true } "]; 3. allow the action again: inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", ""]; But always pay attention to those special notes in the wiki:
  8. sarogahtyp

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    on my end the Reforger Tools are crashing to desktop instantly after double clicking on CAH_BaseWorld.ent 😞
  9. sarogahtyp

    can my pc handle this game

    Should not be a problem. I guess if you lower the viewdistance to bout 5k-6k then u should be able to play with highest video settings with 30-40 fps. I use the same but not mobile gtx 1660 super and my cpu has a similar boost frequency: https://versus.com/de/amd-ryzen-9-5950x-vs-intel-core-i7-9750h I get 50 fps with 7k viewdistance. The only problem could be to have your laptop cold enough for not getting your cpu throttle down the boost frequency... But you are always able to lower video settings to get better fps.
  10. This guy had the same (or similar) problem and it was solved there: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/186131-inidbi2-save-and-load-data-to-the-server-or-your-local-computer-without-databases/?do=findComment&comment=3378252
  11. sarogahtyp

    Disabling Escape Button Options

    idk what you think what you tested but this works flawlessly in debug console: [] spawn { interrupt_EH_index = [ missionNamespace, "OnGameInterrupt", { _this # 0 closeDisplay 2; } ] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; hint "menu allowed in 6"; sleep 2; hint "menu allowed in 4"; sleep 2; hint "menu alowed in 2"; sleep 2; [ missionNamespace, "OnGameInterrupt", interrupt_EH_index ] call BIS_fnc_removeScriptedEventHandler; hint "menu allowed now"; };
  12. sarogahtyp

    Disabling Escape Button Options

    not tested now but I used something like this in the past to suppress pause menu: interrupt_EH_index = ( [ missionNamespace, "OnGameInterrupt", { _this # 0 closeDisplay 2; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler ); here the code to allow it: [ missionNamespace, "OnGameInterrupt", interrupt_EH_index ] call BIS_fnc_removeScriptedEventHandler;
  13. Position format of eyepos player is ASL. You probably want to convert it to AGL using ASLToAGL.
  14. sarogahtyp

    A few questions

  15. sarogahtyp

    A few questions

    ESC > Options > Controls > Common > Use Selected Action > Middle Mouse Btn. > Delete > OK > OK > Continue
  16. sarogahtyp

    A few questions

    @Harzach provided the solution already. no need to use a mod here
  17. sarogahtyp

    A few questions

    Never Ending Story 2022!
  18. sarogahtyp

    A few questions

    Screenshots would be nice...
  19. sarogahtyp

    fired hit ratio for players

    I think you should use Dammaged EH because it does'nt care bout locality and the projectile is returned as object as well.
  20. sarogahtyp

    fired hit ratio for players

    I guess there is another solution where an EH has to be added to units which are local only and not the shooter has to be local: The HandleDamage EH provides the same information and needs to get added on the machine where the victim is local only... Maybe this helps to get a simpler solution for you. Edit: Should also work using https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Dammaged as @Twiznak stated already. This one should work without worrying bout locality as it fires with global arguments if i read it correctly.
  21. sarogahtyp

    fired hit ratio for players

    -2 would be the right target for a dedicated server environment
  22. sarogahtyp

    A few questions

    Please, Could you at least just read your own topic carefully (not guessing anymore)? You quoted my answer to your fire mode problem and not that related to your current controls problem...
  23. sarogahtyp

    A few questions
