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Everything posted by sarogahtyp

  1. sarogahtyp

    Tool for fixing mod contamination?

    To go a little further. You can always go to editor and test your mission with mods but you must not save the mission. Therefore I have disabled auto save in editor always. But there are also some mods which do not create dependencies even if you save the mission. Mostly these are editing helper mods and the creators claim in the mod description that no dependencies get created.
  2. Should be possible to write an export function which creates cfgradio entries from your generalization rule which you can paste in cfgradio class of description.ext then. After that you would be able to apply that rule on cfgradio during mission. @johnnyboy
  3. @johnnyboy tested and working: description.ext class CfgRadio { sounds[] = {}; class RallyUp { // display name name = "Blabla"; // filename, volume, pitch sound[] = { "@A3\Dubbing_Radio_F\data\ENG\Male01ENG\RadioProtocolENG\Normal\100_Commands\RallyUp.ogg", 1, 1 }; // radio caption title = "Maids, rally up."; }; }; debug console player groupRadio "RallyUp";
  4. I have no time to test much currently but what I tested so far and what is working is this example from Biki: player groupRadio configName selectRandom ("true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgRadio")); take care to follow this biki advice as well:
  5. sarogahtyp

    Server Raw Command

    If you mean by server commands https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Server_Commands then no. But you could enable the debug console for admins in description.ext https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#enableDebugConsole. In debug console you are able to execute any scripting command.
  6. Sadly it is since release a nearly single core application and will probably never change until arma 4. Edit: Under specific circumstances and not easy to do there are ways to use multiple cores but this is limited to multiplayer servers which run specific missions which are designed to get advantage of Headless Clients. But this is not a story for Arma beginners.
  7. I read a bit bout but tested nothing. It seems that you have to use a command which sends the sound through a channel. Those commands can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Command_Group:_Radio_and_Chat command, global, group and side channels have default radio effects in their config. Can be seen with config viewer: configFile >> "RadioChannels" you could also create a custom channel with radio effects but thats not needed. to play the sound on group channel which has radio effects by default u could try this: _unit groupRadio _sound; but group radio has local effects only. therefore it has to be executed on each client...
  8. am I too fast? EDIT: Maybe u did not set it to be public viewable
  9. its a disabled command. you just can't use it.
  10. 13:06:40 Error position: <SetVehicleInit "this ExecVM (corePath + > 13:06:40 Error Missing ; 13:06:40 File CA\Warfare2\Scripts\Common\Functions\Common_InitDefense.sqf..., line 10 this error message means that there is a missing semicolon right before SetVehicleInit. But I guess the real problem there is another. setVehicleInit is disabled for security reasons as you can read in its biki entry. Therefore you have to find a way to do what the script is doing not using setVehicleInit. there is no command that is an adequate substitute for it. Therefore you have to script around it... not easy to do. Firstly you have to understand what the script does.
  11. sarogahtyp

    helicopter throttle/collective problem

    I had the same problem with my T16000M and the workaround is to bind the slider axe not only to "pitch up (analog)" / "pitch down (analog)" but to "pitch up" / "pitch down" as well. Weird but works for me... I have german language settings in arma and names may differ. therefore i did a screenshot and marked the settings where I bound the slider to.
  12. sarogahtyp

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    google said this could be an "arma 3 tfar alternative" ... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1129927793 Edit: ups, its not a mod...
  13. this line repeats the loop 4 time (0, 1, 2, 3): for "_i" from 0 to 3 do { changing 3 to 7 will do it 8 times.
  14. sarogahtyp

    Trigger deactivate after sixty seconds

    is this really what you want? Because the OnActivation code will not get fired again during the trigger being active. Or do you want the trigger to deactivate and activate periodically for 60 seconds? In this case the OnActivation code would fire on every activation again. Better would be to tell the whole story bout your trigger problem...
  15. its working ... look for invisible characters inside the code. Thats a common forum bug
  16. set trigger to NONE, OPFOR, PRESENT OnActivation: private _dummy = selectRandom thisList spawn { private _grp = group pc1; private _wp = _grp addWaypoint [position _this, 0]; _grp setCurrentWaypoint _wp; waitUntil { sleep 2; _wp setWaypointPosition [position _this, 0]; not alive pc1 or not alive _this }; }; tested, working...
  17. May favourite prayer "read biki entry" 😉 createUnit [type, position, markers, placement, special] markers: Array - Placement markers means you can pass an array of markers here and the unit will spawned on the position of one of those markers. empty array [] means to use the position (2nd parameter) instead. placement: Number - Placement radius this is meant to have some placement variance. passing a 1 here means the unit gets spawned inside a circle with radius of 1 meter. special: String - Unit placement special, one of: "NONE" - The unit will be created at the first available free position nearest to given position "FORM" - Not implemented, currently functions the same as "NONE". "CAN_COLLIDE" - The unit will be created exactly at passed position "CARGO" - The unit will be created in cargo of the group's vehicle, regardless of the passed position (see Example 5). If group has no vehicle or there is no cargo space available, the unit will be placed according to "NONE". To check available cargo space use: _hasCargo = _veh emptyPositions "CARGO" > 0; this is the part where the error comes from. as u can see "2" is not a valid option. use "NONE" and createUnit will spawn your unit on a safe place, not colliding with anything... Edit: for the special parameter mostly "NONE" or "CAN_COLLIDE" is used. "CAN_COLIDE" is faster cause it has not to check for collisions. A scripter should only use "CAN_COLLIDE" if he knows for sure that the object to be spawned will not collide with any other objects on spawning position.
  18. just true... ... even if its more like systemChat (str Time); nil 😉
  19. K, what I meant but not tested at this time was to set the Trigger Type to None, the Activation to None, the Activation Type to Present, and the condition to true. This works for sure but can not be achieved with Eden ... Its a scripting solution. therefore in Eden one has to do: Trigger Type: None Activation: None Condition: true OnActivation: thisTrigger setTriggerActivation [ "NONE","PRESENT", true ]; thisTrigger setTriggerStatements [ "systemChat (str time);", "", "" ]; this will write the current mission time every half second to system chat.
  20. I needed a solution for this and its the first thing coming up with google on "arma 3 get faction flag texture" search. dynamic solution: // finds a suitable flag texture for players faction and returns it's path. // looks for custom flag in textures folder first. file name syntax: factionclassname.paa // then CfgFactionClasses is checked for flag or icon texture // if failed then sides flag is returned // Author: Sarogahtyp private _faction = faction player; private _flag = "textures\" + _faction + ".paa"; if ( fileExists _flag ) then { _flag } else { _flag = getText ( configfile >> "CfgFactionClasses" >> _faction >> "flag" ); if ( fileExists _flag ) then { _flag } else { _flag = getText ( configfile >> "CfgFactionClasses" >> _faction >> "icon" ); if ( fileExists _flag ) then { _flag } else { switch ( side player ) do { case ( west ) : { "\A3\Data_F\Flags\flag_blue_CO.paa" }; case ( east ): { "\A3\Data_F\Flags\flag_red_CO.paa" }; default { "\A3\Data_F\Flags\flag_green_CO.paa" }; }; }; }; };
  21. sarogahtyp

    7erra's Editing Extensions

    Very nice addon for mission makers. Thanks a lot.
  22. I m not aware of any command that would be really usefull for this. This means if you want this then you need to script it completly except for the partial path calculation where you would use calculatePath as described in my last post.
  23. sarogahtyp

    Playable slots not showing up

    Which box did you tick? There are two boxes Player and Playable ... Try Playable if Player is not working. Also did you setup the number of players allowed on mission and on server? In the mission you have this to do in description.ext or somewhere in the jungle of Eden Settings. you also have to do this on server in server.cfg or whatever name you gave it in your servers startup parameters.
  24. The question is what you really want to do... If you want to bypass an enemy then give your unit a waypoint which is distant to that enemy and let it go. If you need a path for some reason then use calculatePath You can try that command directly from unit to goal using STEALTH behaviour as parameter. But you could also do 2 calculations. First from unit to a enemy-distant-point and second from that point to the goal... Idk if that helps cause u did not really tell what u want to do! Edit: Also, if you have mission editing questions, then post it in arma-3-mission-editing-scripting section of the forum next time, pls.
  25. do you plan to give some more information? with that kind of info i ve to ask first if u plugged the power plug in...