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Everything posted by malau

  1. All the copied files are now deleted. PS/ The CA expansion is loaded at the main menu, so Harvest Red should be there shouldn't it.
  2. I really fancied playing a couple of the missions from Harvest Red. I always played them before in Arrowhead. But when I loaded the game up, There was just the Arrowhead campaign and the 3 DLC campaigns. No Harvest Red. I verified the integrity of A2 and A2OA. OA is loading up with the CA expansion automatically as it should. The only switch I have is -nosplash I can't figure out why Harvest Red is no longer listed as a Campaign though ?
  3. I went and renamed and copied the 2 related BISIGN files to the 2 folders as well. It still failed with the same errors (screenshot) https://imgur.com/a/6UQf54u
  4. Thanks for replying. I didn't realise anyone had replied. Yeah the Arma 2 folder name has a space in it. I renamed and copied the missions.pbo from Arma 2 into Arrowhead (common and expansions\addons) and Harvest Red appeared ! Ha-har I thought ! Done it ! Unfortunately Arma had other ideas and threw up a bunch of errors about Vehicle class USMC_Soldier no longer existing, and then even more errors about "deleted content". The reason I want to play it in Arrowhead is because then I can use Loki Lost Keys and play the missions with weapons that are not available in the original vanilla missions.
  5. I moved Arma 2 OA from my SSD to my HDD, but neglected to tell Steam to move the 3 x DLCs too, so it redownloaded them and installed them all to the SSD the next time I ran the game! When I moved OA it also copied across the BAF/PMC.ACF folders too (that's why I didn't tell Steam to copy them from their own Steam pages). If I try to move them inside Steam it says that the folder already exists. If I delete the one on the HDD that "already exists" then Steam says it still "already exists". If I delete the one from the SSD (which is just the DLC SETUP folder basically) then the game won't run at all (!) It's not like I can uninstall all the DLC and then reinstall them, because they don't have true installers where you can select the destination. Any suggestions would be awesome, because I don't like wasting a gig and half of precious SSD space on duplicated files.
  6. Necro-ing the thread. The download site no longer exists (same for the Vilas one too) . Is there an alternate way to get hold of this pack ?
  7. This only seemed to happen to me and alot of players after the new Steam update with the 'fancy' new chat interface. Although I don't think that Arma 2 particularly likes the new Windows 10 'feature update' either. It seems to cause alot of crashes to desktop whilst playing Epoch mods at least. It is also difficult to shutdown, often requiring EXIT to be clicked on more than once (it goes through the closing routine and then returns to the menu again). It will also suddenly minimise itself for no obvious reason. I'm not looking for a solution. There is no solution. Because people assume Arma 2 is a dead game then they won't bother to report it. So, i'm reporting it. 32GB RAM. i7700. GTX-1080. Windows 10.
  8. I just got a new rig - i7-7700k, gtx1080, 32gb ram, W10pro-x64 - and just installed A2, Arrowhead and the associated mods I require to play Dayz Mod variants, and am yet again smacked in the face by the 'session lost', 'you were kicked' problems that occur prior to entering the game lobby, which can only be fixed by using the LEGACY version. The OPT-OUT version works great with Epoch - LEGACY doesn't work at all with it. LEGACY works great with - OPT OUT doesn't work at all with it. Yet none of my friends have ever had these issues, they just run OPT OUT all the time, so how come I do ? I have reinstalled it one time already, even though there should be no reason to do this as the installation was hours old. How can a completely fresh installation on a brand new PC have these issues ?? The only common link between the 2 installations in my Steam account I am stumped.
  9. Noone knows ?? Why must I use Legacy for 1051 servers, and Opt Out for 1061 servers ?
  10. After it has downloaded these 31 files, I re-verify and it the same 31 files need downloading ! Is there a problem with your master file list ? There must be.
  11. 5th install now. Before I did a asingle thing, as soon as it downloaded, I verified the integrity of Arma 2. As always it says 31 files failed and it is redownloading 294meg of stuff as usual ! Bizarre.
  12. On my fourth instal now. Arrowhead refuses to load Arma 2 stuff by default, it loads 'CA' into expansions. I have to say it is an absolute fucking nightmare to install. Still no end in sight.
  13. I was wondering if there are CHANGELOGS for the 2 Arma 2 updates (42.1mb and 35.1mb) that just arrived via Steam ?
  14. Why not?? Is there a technical.limitation on A2 that.prevents it working with maps this size? Is this a limitation that can't be removed? Or is it another reason?
  15. Can it be converted to Arma 2 so it can be used in Dayz Epoch ?? You said you started the design on Arma 1, so maybe it can be ported ??
  16. I don't see why BIS can't just rip Infistar's code and incorporate it into Arma ? After all, isn't that what people say that Infistar did to others to create his antihack in the first place ?
  17. This morning Steam auto downloaded an 8.x mb update to the beta files. Since then, when I try to connect a Dayz Mod server via DZL, Arma throws up an error message box at the same time as the small box with the ticks on it.... If I continue past it, instead of the lobby (or try to launch with the mods preloaded and click on MULTIPLAYER), I get..... I am running on Windows 7 x64.
  18. Seems many Dayz servers, or the new Arma Beta or Steam, no longer allows Landtex. If I add -mod=@landtex then I get an YOU WERE KICKED message at the lobby.
  19. It seems to have made it completely impossible for me to connect to any Dayz server. With a Taviana map, I get the following error.... And the core ACR error still pops up. With any other map it either times out at the 'Creating Character' stage - it gets to around '120' seconds before giving up. Or I get a 'You were kicked' message at the lobby screen - (maybe the update is so new that BE has yet to release a BE update ??) Either way and every way, I can't connect. Any chance of a changelog link as well ?
  20. Thanks Goliath ! I got it working FINALLY !!! Incase anyone else has similar issues........... 1) Opt out of BETA (select NONE). Steam will then download a 59.2mb 'downdate'. 2) From your <STEAM PATH> \SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\Addons delete the 3 corepatch_2 files 3) Download Goliath's corepatch from Armaholic (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27054) 4) Put Goliath's 2 corepatch files into the same addons folder you just deleted the corepatch_2 files from 5) Put the BIKEY file into the KEYS folder You can now connect to DayZ Mod ! Hurrah ! :-)
  21. OK, it seems I am in the new corepatch_2 branch (BETA) Is there any way to get back to the corepatch_1 branch - the one that Dayz Mod servers all seem to be using ?
  22. The only options I have for Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead (Beta) are BETA (selected), NONE, or 1.62 OLDER VERSION OF THE GAME. Are you saying that there is another option I should be able to choose that will allow me to play online on the servers with the corepatch v1 ?
  23. What about the timeouts and insta kicks ? Are they related to the servers not updating too ? I wish this new update would be announced on the Arma 2 OA Steam News/Updates page, so perhaps more server admins would be aware of it. So this kind of collateral damage - servers not upgrading their whatever it is - was foreseen by the developers ? Does this new corepatch2 add anything to the game, or is it just a coding tidy up by the devs ? Is the only solution to this, to wait and hope that server owners - or server providers like GTX - update their software ? In the meantime, is there any way for me to downgrade to the previous version, at least I could connect.
  24. I moved the problem to a thread specifically for the new update..... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?191781-The-new-156mb-Steam-update
  25. I noticed there was a 768k mini update last night ? It seems to have made no difference. I still can't connect to a single server. And I STILL get the core error For Chernarus servers, now I also get For Taviana servers, game still times out at the 'create/fetch character' stage after 120 seconds, OR I get the INIT error shown in the previous post. The ingame server browser only picks up one server too. So I checked my firewall settings, all OK. Everything worked fine - in that I could connect - before the new remastered core patch. In Steam I am opted as BETA- in the Beta options.