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Everything posted by BL1P

  1. Unpbo the addons. For example in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Addons Look for the pbo called sounds_f.pbo and un-pbo it. I did that and placed the unpbo folder in D:\ so my link to a medic shout is :- D:\sounds_f\a3\sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person0\P0_moan_19_words.wss all playsound3d needs is the "a3\sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person0\P0_moan_19_words.wss" Hope that helps
  2. I don't want to change the actions just remove the icons that pop up in your face for the actions. Similar to how the Alpha watermark was removed.
  3. Hi Tophe again :) I see you added Headless Client tick box and IP input box for HC. Are they actually doing anything atm ?
  4. Guess only the ACE2 Dev scriptwriters knew how to do this then :(
  5. I am using enablesentences false; in the init of all playable units. Ill try both the rougetrooper and the sismicruler approach and report back later. See if I cant get rid of the pesky subtitles. Thanks for the tips guys.
  6. @Tophe The difficulty setting in the mission tab is defaulting to regular when set as expert. Well at least it is for me :) Could this be from dirty installs ? Ie over writing the old profiles ?
  7. Difficulty settings don't remove them. I make the mission for my preferred play style.
  8. BL1P

    Arma 3 : Operation Make Faster Game

    This isnt quite correct. The server fps as listed in #monitor does have an effect on the clients fps but they are not twinned. This is obvious if you consider that the max server fps from monitor is 50 yet players easily surpass this. I dont think fps means fps as we see it from the #monitor function. I think its something else but what that is I have Idea. Maybe ticks per second ?
  9. Ok. This is where im upto atm. In a player vrs AI only Coop mission where you have grouped players only on one side fighting AI on the other side. If you place enableSentences false; in the init of each playableunits init they will no longer call out a sighting etc using voice when the (AI mind of the player) ? sees an enemy. But they will still send radio message subtitles. I would now like to force off the radio message subtitles. This Does NOT WORK enableRadio false; putting that in the init of the playableunits does NOT turn off radio message subtitles. showSubtitles false; cannot be placed in a units init. I realise we could tell each player that joins to turn of his radio messages via the in game options. This is not what we want we want the player to not send the message as some missions like to use the radio message subtitles as a way to transmit orders and information. Any help would be great as subtitles on Players quite ruin the immersion of a Coop mission.
  10. BL1P

    Arma 3 : Operation Make Faster Game

    Incorrect. A servers performance in Arma will have an effect on the clients FPS. Always has done. Especially when the server starts to get below 20fps on the #montor. See it all the time. You play on a server thats running at max fps of 50 on #monitor and everyone will be fine. All getting the client fps they expect. If your on a server thats running at #monitor fps 7 everyone will complaining about how they only have exceptionally low client fps. I realise that what your saying should be true but it isn't where Arma is concerned.
  11. While playing MFCTI in OFP and realising that I was currently Commander of lots of other players. Who where themselves in command of anything from Infantry squads, Groups of tanks and aircraft providing support. Knowing that the enemy had the same firepower. And that this is all taking place online on the biggest open world map available in gaming. With the game rounds taking anything upto 16 hrs to complete. Before that I was playing Q2ctf. And now I can do all that in style in Arma3 and smile to myself when I see kids post how they get better fps in other games :) And arma3 has an even bigger map :)
  12. 1 create task module. 1 set state module. 1 trigger with player side present. synchronize the trigger to the set state module in editor. and the set state to the create. I think that's what you want ?
  13. BL1P

    Mods and ARMA 3 on the same level as FSX?

    So if I wrote some code and sell it as part of my mission or addons. Then it was used in someone else mission or addon and they sold that addon. Would I get a percentage because they are using my code ? If I don't and they are making money of the mission or addon can I then take them to court ? This is where this type of idea fails. Leave arma alone and go back to trying to sell Hats in TF2. Q. How to destroy the Arma community ? A. Make selling missions and mods a reality.
  14. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    You spent 500-600 on a truck to have the ability to rearm / repair via a mobile vehicle out side of the range of the repair factory. Seems you are unable to comprehend that concept :) You buy the vehicle so you can perform the actions in the field, not so you get free repairs !!! That is how I see it anyway. This system seems fair gameplay. magic rearm / repair is not enabled :) Your next post will say "but i can buy a repair soldier.Who does the same shit for free " My anser will be:- "yes you can but he runs slow compared to a truck and does 75% of the work when he gets there".
  15. BL1P

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    AI bug on feedback. With repo steps. Only happens on dedicated servers NOT in the editor ! (unsure about hosted only checked in editor and on a dedicated server). http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15044 Hope this info is relevant here if not feel free to move it.
  16. When searching for a server I look at difficulty settings. Atm though the browser is not fully functional and difficulty settings are not true to what you get. That being said I would look for a server not running any settings detrimental to immersive game play,I would want, no 3rd - no map showing enemy's - no shift click etcetc. Then I would look for CTI or Domi or a Coop. If we had MSO or Patrol Ops I would be looking for them :)
  17. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    @Benny. I have ran 3 different versions of becti and 3 other mission types DOMI included that create AI via script. All of them have the same bug. AI will shoot silent after reloading. Seems this is a BIS Arma3 bug and not a mission related bug. vote :) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15044
  18. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    @Benny I am not sure whats causing this... but try this. I think its because the AI can see that they have a mag in the vest or uniform or backpack but cannot use it. in the becti 096 A3 mission. set blufor com as this allowdamage false; Walk into a res town (preferably without a vehicle). Let the AI shoot you untill they reload then watch as all of them start shooting silent bullets. No muzzle flash and no sounds. (only impact sounds) I tested this on an untouched BECTI 096 (well except the com was this allowdamage false) Ill record this at some point and post what happens.
  19. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    I know why the AI shoot silent bullets now. I am just trying to prove that I know why :)
  20. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    Ok the call.sqf sounds suck... ignore them. The playsound3d is too buggy for this to work yet :(
  21. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    Sounds perfect. No idea how you do such hogwarts magic but it sounds great :) Would be a good to get feedback on how it improves the server overall performance using that type of system. Also. The files I Sent you we updated one. Call.sqf in the revive folder is now. _uid = getPlayerUID player; _position = run find _uid; _moaning = ["P0_moan_13_words.wss","P0_moan_14_words.wss","P0_moan_15_words.wss","P0_moan_16_words.wss","P0_moan_17_words.wss","P0_moan_18_words.wss","P0_moan_19_words.wss","P0_moan_20_words.wss"]; _randommoan = _moaning select floor(random(count _moaning)); _moanfile = Format ["a3\sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person0\%1", _randommoan]; if (_position == -1) then { playSound3D [_moanfile, player, false, getPos player, 1, 1, 0]; run = (run - [_uid]) + [_uid]; publicvariable "run"; sleep 5; run = run - [_uid];publicvariable "run"; } else { player groupchat "you need to wait...."; }; Thanks Fluit ! It plays a random Medic shout when the button is pressed. The playsound3d is still buggy but that's a BIStiality :) It could be expanded more if you randomised the P0_ part of the name to be P0 - P3 and the path to be Person0 - Person3 we uncommented the stop all key press while uncon in the revive_funcs because the dialog works well enuf now. noesckey = (findDisplay 2000) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "true"]; and (findDisplay 2000) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", noesckey]; I don't know if its just my Edit or not but we have been getting a consistent bug whereby you cannot hear the gun shots of the resistance weapons, only the impacts of the bullets. Have you or anyone else encountered this bug or is it just my edit ?
  22. Still not fixed info added to the tracker
  23. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    Dunno about optimized but i know that in the mission MSO they created most of the AI client side (as a param) and it increased server performance by 25-50% and sometimes more. Allowing the server to deal primarily with the players etc. I know you cant run all the AI in CTI on a client side because of AI team leaders but if all resistance and player owned AI where ran client side it would be a good thing I think ?