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Everything posted by BL1P

  1. @zach72 Thank you very much for that script it was just what we needed. In the mission I am using it in, you are able to pick up an enemy radio and use their frequency's until you die. Once again thank you and please thank Bake for me :) BL1P ---------- Post added at 01:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 AM ---------- If you happy with mouse use mouse. If not create a new folder and install an old ts into that for when you use acre. Then ya have two ts one for acre and one for erm what ever
  2. Thanks very much for this script snipet m8. Does the script still allow you to pick up an enemy radio and spy on them ? or Does the script automatically alter picked up 343s to your sides script set frequency ? Either way thanks for the reply and ill give this a try.
  3. Dear ACRE devs. I would like to suggest something for PvP and acre in the new version that will be for Arma3. Could you Create defiantly 3 but maybe 4 separate Short range 343 style radios for each faction within the armaVerse. Atm its quite hard to create small to medium PvP mission with acre and 3 sides when you only have 1 Short range radio for all 3 factions (the 343) I realise this my not be exactly perfect realism. but it would make PvP mission design alot easier if each faction had its own 343 style radio. Yours. BL1P
  4. BL1P

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hey Benny. I been working on something and Thought ya might like the idea for BECTI. Instead of Credits you have Tickets. An example would be 50 credits would = 1 Ticket. so starting funds would then = 9000 credits or 180 global Tickets. and a truck would cost 11 tickets. obviously no tickets = no respawn and no team tickets would = game over. Any thoughts ?
  5. Close but its :- reduced points per ticks: 75 Setting that in the edit virtual server on the ts main channel is what stops the spam.
  6. BL1P

    The new Sector Module

    Anyone got the sector module working with JIP yet ?
  7. Anyone whos intrested with server and headless affinitys using tophes. 1. Create a new profile in tophes. 2. Create a .bat that sets the affinity and use the -params from tophes in the .bat 3. Point tophes server line at the .bat for server. 4. Launch :) For the Headless :- Create a new profile in tophes Create your headless .bat Point tophes server line at the .bat for the HC Dont copy the -params from tophes to the .bat this time. Launch :) Hope this helps someone.
  8. Some requests. :) Zone cleared notifications that will work with Cache on. Zone Side Markers that will work with Cache on and with PvP compatability.
  9. I have a very similar question hope its ok to hijack post. Is it possible to call up the respawntemplate MenuPosition option at start for Jips ?
  10. Just wanted to say Hi and thanks to Spun for this script pack and the handy AISSP html helper. Been using it alot and looking forward to new improved versions. Thanks BL1P
  11. BL1P

    Group Joiner

    Request for functionality if you do update the project. Along with dynamic groups. Could you allow Player Group leader to pass Leadership to another Player member of the group.
  12. Empty vehicles show in respawn menu as error AI bla bla unit bla bla Rather than the modules name for the respawn. Also its buggy when the player gets placed in the passenger or driver seat. Would be better to place outside vehicle.
  13. No worries Ill jsut play with only daytime param to save on any problems :)
  14. Shame it cant be done. I understand some may have problems same as some get motion sickness without 3rd on. But alot use the gamma to make night irrelevant. not because they can only see a black screen. Anyway thanks for the swift and concise reply`s.
  15. This looks very interesting indeed. Will defiantly be giving this a try. Btw loving the serverwarnings. Do you think you can do a gamma and brightness check in the same way ? So that if a client takes their gamma or brightness above the default level it kills\warns or does something to them ? This would help alot with night time missions.
  16. BL1P

    Really, BIS?

    I bet the OP plays with 3rd on and shift click on map etc etc then complains about the lack of realism when the extended armored IFV doesnt explode when dropped from the clouds
  17. Affinity :- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPU_affinity I for example have a second PC that I use as my arma dedicated server for testing missions. while testing HC on arma2 I wanted to ensure that the HC and the Server did not run on the same cores. To do this I ran the HC on cores 0 and 1 and the Server on cores 2 and 3. I could have gone to task manager and set affinity per process, manually every time I started the processes. But it seemed easier to create a .bat file to do this automatically when ever I ran the processes. Here are some examples I had got ready to use in arma3 untill I realised You had to pay for the HC with arma3 but not arma2 ???!!!???? Example HC. @echo off echo Launching Arma3... cd /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\ start "" /wait /realtime /affinity 3 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -client -name=HC -nosound -localhost= -connect=localhost -port=2432 and Example Server. @echo off echo Launching Server... cd /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\ start "" /wait /realtime /affinity C "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3server.exe" -port=2432 "-config=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default" -name=default Im never too good on getting the affinity values but that seemed correct to me using binary to represent the cores and a converter to hex for the affinity value for some reason the binary is read right to left for core representation ? go figure :) 4321 = would be the cores as read right to left (where 1=0 to 4=3). The binary would = 1 on and 0 off :- 0011 = for cores 0 and 1, Hex val 3 1100 = for cores 2 and 3, hex val c Thats about as good an explanation I can give m8 sorry Im just a fat guy who plays PC games in his late 40s not some IT guru in his prepubescent teens :)
  18. Hi tophe. Is it possible to set affinity via your Server Tool ? If not could you add that functionality along with the same Functionality to the HeadlessClient when you introduce that ? The only reason I don't always use your tool is when I want to set affinity's to the Server and the Headless then I use .bat files. Respectfully. BL1P
  19. BL1P

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Wooohoo O wait its still 0096 ?
  20. Yer nice snipet. Alot neater than unpboing all the addons like I did :)
  21. I would like to remove the Icons that show when your near a door or next to a players backpack. Its quite an immersion killer to have icons on your screen when your trying to perform a high low with a team m8. When a door or open backpack or pick up blabla icon is shoved in your face.
  22. Grrr ok this needs a mod :( Why do BIS feel that Elite setting means "console kiddy" icons all in your face ? weaponcrosshair WTF , open bobs backpack WTF, open door WTF, ooo a fkin steering wheel WTF. There are 4 more settings above or below Elite depending on how ya read it :) . Leave the icons and crap up there where they belong and make Elite more like what ACE did. (rant over). Now we have to wait for a mod called ACE3 to be able to play with some semblance of immersive settings.
  23. can you listen to them from the config viewer ?