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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Icarus

    Fwatch Request List

    I bet this would be impossible, but is there any chance of creating a mouse acceleration using Fwatch? :confused:
  2. Icarus

    [VS] Vetsquad Redux MP Coop Servers

    Hello Zulu1, Thank you for the server. I have downloaded required addons, however some islands did not work for me, and I often ended up falling to the ocean. Take care
  3. Hello Handgun pictures might be in O.pbo file.
  4. Icarus

    WW4 Modpack 2.5

    Sanctuary, thank you for this amazing mod! Thank you very much for ww4mod modder resource! Sorry for asking you this question again, but do you grant me permission to edit and release edited versions of your animations in the mod I am making? Icarus :confused:
  5. Thank you for sharing Kenoxite!
  6. Icarus

    ]CDM[ Campaña De Los Andes.

    Looks really good. Those camouflage patterns seem fit ground textures really well.
  7. Icarus

    Any way to keep view centered?

    Try using ironsights. Press V (default key) to aim down the sights.
  8. Icarus

    STGN's WIP

    It sure would make the tank look better. On the other hand that would also increase polygon count of a single model... :(
  9. Icarus

    STGN's WIP

    Top quality as always! I know it may be rude to ask, but is there any progress in interiors?
  10. Icarus

    Just Got ARMA CWC. 1.99 or 1.96

    I ca see your server on OFPMonitor again! Thank you. Take care.
  11. Icarus

    Binarize.exe won't cooperate...

    Hello Tyrant. It's really great that you are making ww4mod based winter camouflage soldiers. If you want your BinarizeIT.exe to work. I can share my experience... At first I got Binarize2 from: http://www.ofpec.com/editors-depot/index.php?action=details&id=169 and placed Binarize2 at the Z:\binarize2 (virtual Z drive) Then I put BinarizeIT.exe inside binarize2 folder. Launch .BAT file to create virtual drive and launch BinarizeIT.exe inside binarize2 folder. Please respond if method works for you. Take care, Icarus
  12. Icarus

    MapFact's Rucksack - WW4

    I used ww4mod25 and some extra weapon mods, such as STGN M4SOPMOD and DanAK47 Guerillas My bad, sorry :) Edit: Everything works fine with ww4mod25 only, I apologise for not telling you that in first post.
  13. Icarus

    MapFact's Rucksack - WW4

    Great work, kenoxite!!! Dowloading... :bounce3: EDIT: Game stops responding when launching the test mission in both Arma:CWA v1.99 and OFP v1.96. I used ww4mod25 and some extra weapon mods, such as STGN M4SOPMOD and others My bad, sorry :)
  14. Icarus

    OFP Addon request thread

    STGN had released a high quality M16A4 riffle. However the link is gone, sorry :( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?42408-M4%27s-for-weapon-Individualisem&p=1857566&viewfull=1#post1857566 (broken link) P.S. I can only suggest you M4SOPMOD by STGN: http://www.gamefront.com/files/20864189/STGNSOPMOD1_0ALPHA.rar/
  15. Icarus

    TacOps Server

    Thank you Zulu1 :notworthy: Now I can see both servers. However work now leaves me no spare time :( I updated OFP Monitor by the way :P Thursday evening maybe?
  16. Icarus

    TacOps Server

    It does not help :(
  17. Icarus

    TacOps Server

    I am sorry, I don't see those servers on OFPMonitor :(
  18. Icarus

    TacOps Server

    tom34, Thank you very much for hosting that server! Is there any chance you would host WGL server sometime? Take care, Icarus
  19. Icarus

    Guerrilla Pack

    Same situation here, can DanAk47 help us? :) @krzychuzokecia Sorry It works fine for me. I only use Dan Mod with DanGuerrillas only.
  20. Icarus

    Guerrilla Pack

    I tested your mod in "Battlefields" mission. It felt a bit choppy, but is playable. In conclusion, a significant improvement in performance. :) Icarus
  21. Icarus

    WWIIEC Road to Caen Demo 0.3.3

    I also experienced lag at the beginning of any mission (in the Editor). After some time lag dies down.
  22. Icarus

    WWIIEC Road to Caen Demo 0.3.3

    Thank you ProfTournesol I bet Setting.sqf file should be in Settings folder, shouldn't it? Icarus :confused:
  23. Icarus

    WWIIEC Road to Caen Demo 0.3.3

    Bielow, thank you very much for release! :notworthy: I just tested the mod (using Fwatch) and ran into some troubles. While playing around in the editor I always get the eror message: "No entry 'config.cpp/CfgMovesMC/Actions.StandTalkActions" @STGN How did you manage to get Settings.sqf running? I always get the error message that it is not running, though I use Fwatch. :confused:
  24. Icarus

    Guerrilla Pack

    In the first post that is... Anyway downloading now :bounce3: EDIT: This mod is a blast! :)
  25. Icarus

    OFP Addon request thread

    Only Binmod has some reload on the move animations. However this mod only allows to reload while moving forward. Take care, Icarus