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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. tom3kb

    Scouting missions...?

    @up And h34dup write all missions names two posts above :)
  2. tom3kb

    [SP/@] Exercise Friendship 86 (RWO)

    Thx for new mission, Ps. I finished Hind and Tank mission, no gamebraking bugs. Missions ends without problem. In Hind mission i had 1 error message. Something about 15radiomsg not found, or something like that. Suggestions: i would add setidentity for both missions, in Hind mission i would add a message when rescued pilot is onboard of our heli. Something like"Ok pilot is save, we can RTB" or something like that
  3. tom3kb

    [SP CAMP] Liberation of Chernarus

    I also have wrong packet version from your link liberationofchernarus121.pbo and inside liberationofchernarus folder. This one should be packed as packed as pbo. I cant check how look version from armaholic.
  4. tom3kb

    CWR2 coop pack

    I have problem with Cold snap ambush, 1st task complited, then i lose all of my men. Im in camp but 2nd task is active and mission dont wont end. I play im SP.
  5. tom3kb

    [SP/@] Exercise Friendship 86 (RWO)

    I saw in readme that you haw problems with "greenbox" when mission is finished. If mission has name mission1.pbo in description you write: Donekeys [] = {mission1}; And in endtrigger you write: Activatekey "mission1" You can also check any of my missions as example.
  6. tom3kb

    [SP CAMP] Liberation of Chernarus

    Ok, waiting for link ;)
  7. tom3kb

    Campaigns Saved

    Use "campaign" cheat in campaign menu, this will unlock all missions in campaign. Choose your mission and press Restart. You will play campaign from this mission. How to use cheats in arma ->google or search option here. ;)
  8. When you unlock all missions You must choose first mission from new campaign and click restart not the 2nd option. When you choose Restart you will start campaign from this mission and then play each mission one by one.
  9. Use "campaign" cheat in campaign menu if you want to unlock all missions and start from 2nd episode. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Cheats
  10. Cheat "campaign" in campaign menu. https://wiki.bisimulations.com/wiki/ArmA:_Cheats
  11. tom3kb

    CWR2 coop pack

    I see one mission on winter Kolgujev :)
  12. He is hidden in that compound, check "large bunker" made from sandbags. Close to walls you will see ammo crates, water containers and barrels. Guy is unarmed. There is table with documents in that bunker.
  13. tom3kb

    Outlawz7's ArmA3 missions

    Yes, now you add this in description.ext. Here is the basic info from bi wiki (check the last points o the end of site): http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext And here is example how this should look in description.ext: overviewText = "Here you put text that we see in SP mission menu."; overviewPicture = "Picture that we see in SP mission menu.jpg"; onLoadMission="Here we have text that we see when mission is loaded."; onLoadName="Your mission name"; author="your nick name"; loadScreen = "Picture that we see when mission is loaded.jpg"; Ps: i didn't finish yet any of your new mission but remember also to use activatekey/donekeys commands (its good for SP missions, people know which mission they already finnished). I saw you have empty place in your description.ext in doneKeys[] = {""}; (maybe you forget to put mission name there). All needed info about that commands you will find in that link for bi wiki.
  14. Hi nettrucker, your problem is very strange. I see something like this first time in arma. I have only 2 suggestions: 1. Try to set 16:9 or 16:10 in game options and check if this helps or... 2. Unpbo this campaign and in each cutscene script find and delete showcinemaborders true (probably on top of the each script), five minutes of work and this should help to your problem. ;)
  15. tom3kb

    Outlawz7's ArmA3 missions

    I liked your A2 mission pack so it's time to see what you made for A3. Thanks for the missions. :) Ps: i know this are coop missions but maybe some simple overview with basic info, if we play in SinglePlayer in SP missions menu we don't have any informations about missions - no overview (when we start mission we see overview with picture and text). Missions look better with overview in menu. ;)
  16. I played this campaign on: 17" monitor 4:3 and in 1024x768 and i didn't have this problem. I just tested few cutscenes on my 2nd PC: 24" monitor 16:9 1920x1080 and i also didnt't have any black stripes. PS: i think its something wrong with showcinemaborder true in cutscenes, nettrucker do you set 16:9 or 16:10 in your game options or maybe 4:3?.
  17. And where is the link :p If you release something its good to add links, also update your first post with the links for your missions. Ps: i think its part 7 not 8 (or you count also Memory 7 MP version). ;)
  18. tom3kb

    CWR2 coop pack

    @up :D I'm not 100% sure but i think i remember screenshoot with BMP and some soldiers in "black".
  19. Google->arma 2 cheats (the same from OFP times ;) ) Press LShift and - from Num keybord and after this write endmission. If you do all correct mission will end (there will be text Endmission Activated or something like that).
  20. tom3kb

    CWR2 coop pack

    I remember that long time ago ;) You or Sander show a screenshot with some new East/Soviet units. From that time there was no info about new "East expansion". But CWR 2 team like to surprise us, for example 2 new islands for Xmas. :)
  21. @KK im not sure if we think about the same rifle Sa58Ppb (check in editor Marksman from Paratroopers) if yes you can take off from this rifle standard scope and bipod and attach Nspu (nvg) scope. @EMSI when i have this weapon and i press N in night to look through Nvg's i dont have standard Nvg look, i watch through Nspu scope, can you check if its again only my problem. :) As always nothing big.
  22. tom3kb

    CWR2 coop pack

    Also you could make more missions for Russian infantry/Spetznas fighthing against British/US forces. Its only suggestion maybe you dont like to play as Opfor and you dont like to make missions for them. ;) Ps: from few last months i play only Cwr 2 and your missions (coop pack, standalone island pack, Trinity pack). :) Great work, so far didn't have any problems with your missions. ---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 PM ---------- I didn't read your last post before i send my. Im on phone. So thanks for info about missions for Russians.
  23. tom3kb

    CWR2 coop pack

    Hi Sander, i didn't download last update so i dont have the last 20 missions, so maybe this what i write is wrong but... So far when i played your missions as Resistance-FIA i was fighting against Soviets. In mod there are also nice resistance fighters for East and West. Maybe in future you could make some more missions for "bad guys". Pro Soviet partisans fighthing against British/US soldiers.
  24. @KK CSLA campaign '89 is in @csla\addons\csla_campaign.pbo AutumnLeaves is user made mission for Csla. Put this mission for example in arma2\missions or arma2\missions\your folder name