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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. And without that picture and overview in your mission folder you can start your mission. To be sure that overview is the real problem.
  2. If nothing helps maybe just depbo someone else mission with working overview check his code and write the same or copy his overview file. Add your picture, text etc and all should be ok.
  3. Its probably not this but pictures jpeg from Ofp times should be for example: 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 512x256 etc. And maybe high and wight are to big? But even with that i think that mission should not crash, you should not see picture in overview but mission should work.
  4. @W0lle yes, its little hard with briefings in german (you dont know the whole story etc) but good thing is that all cutscens, radio messages with new task are in english so you know what to do (you will know the basic part of storyline to) even if you dont know german language.
  5. I know that cwr 2 mod team will not make Red Hammer campagn (this campaign was made by codemasters not by bis). But if someone like to play this campaign, now you can. From arma2base you can download usermade Red Hammer camp remake for cwr2 by shj: cutscenes, radio messages and voices from original version in english. Only 1 small problem for many players: all briefings are in german language.
  6. Great mission with non stop action and great atmosphere, nice music and cutscenes, many tasks. 1 possible bug: task Debrief dont have green square after i finish that objective. And mission dont have green square in sp scenario menu after we finish it. (commands activatekey, donekey). But that nothing big. Great work, thanks for this mission. :)
  7. Yes, the best way first release your mission here and to be sure :) send info about your new mission to Armaholic.
  8. Just finished this campaign. Good ww2 campaign. Nice missions, short intro like in H&D, weapons selection, missions are maybe little short with not to many tasks but this is recreation of H&D campaign so its ok. I hope you will make in future another ww2 campaign with more and longer missions. Thanks for your work. :) Ps: you should send info about this campaign to Armaholic.
  9. 1.Almost all people play with arma2 CO v1.60 (arma 2 and arma 2 OA instaled together). 2.You need patch v1.60, this patch also update arma 2 to v1.11, if you have arma 2 installed. 3.Patches you can download for example from Armaholic. 4. Check what mods are on server (ace, acre etc), if you dont have the seme mods like on server you cant connect and play.
  10. Maybe use knowsabout command http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/knowsAbout not trigger activated by opfor. For example make trigger or few and in all write: guard1 knowsabot ap >0 (0-4) or something like this and then in on activation you start the alarm. ap your unit, guard1,2,3 etc guards in prison.
  11. Make trigger and: in condition write: ap distance prisoner1 <5 on activation write: [prisoner1,prisoner2,prisoner3] join ap; prisoner1 setcaptive false; prisoner2 setcaptive false; prisoner3 setcaptive false; ap is your unit, prisoner1,2,3 are prisoners Ps: make all prisoners setcaptive true on mission start.
  12. Maybe something like this? In end trigger: ( (not alive men1) and ap distance h1<50) or ((not alive men2) and ap distance h1<50) or ((not alive men3) and ap distance h1<50) ap is name of your unit/soldier and h1 is object in base (car, tank, tent or something else)
  13. You can do this in few ways. 1. Add in trigger for that task for example: hint "Task 1 accomplished" 2. Or in trigger effects you can choose Text and write what you want to see. 3. Or you can do this like in Bis missions-green text on screen but i dont know how to do this :(
  14. All codes (assignas, deletevehicle, setdir, dowatch etc) you can find on Bi wiki or here (search function). I suggest to check Bi wiki there you can find all commands sometimes with short examples for Ofp,arma1 and arma 2 :)
  15. Add a crew for empty tank: use commands assignascommander/gunner etc. Then use setdir for commander or gunner? To point turret in some direction or on some object. In the end delete crew from tank: command deletevehicle. Should work.
  16. Hi. I always want to play a campaign where player is "bad guy" from Takistani Army. Therefore 7 days ago i started making this campaign. This is my first campaign in English (I earlier released 12 campaigns for polish community). I dont speak or write to good in this language so probably you can find mistakes in briefings and in texts. Sorry for that. Short info about this campaign. -7 mission single player campaign, -intro, outro, couple short cutscens, -mission language english, but i dont speak or write to good in this language [for that reason the storyline is simple, and briefings are short :( ], -you can change weapons in briefing, -you play as soldier in Takistani Army, and you fight against US Army and NATO forces during Operation Arrowhead, -missions are rather basic: destroy convoy, destroy enemy forces, defend position, search and rescue, search and find documents, destroy vehicles, prepare ambush and use ied etc. -no voice acting :( In all missions you probably can find some small bugs, im tested all missions and you can finish this campaign with no problems, but if something is wrong restart mission or use cheat "endmission" or "campaign", If you find any bugs, errors or mistakes in briefings send feedback and i will try to fix all bugs in next version. Links: Campaign Desert Fever v1.0 http://www.sendspace.pl/file/0d2eb38fe1df6e766ff9f4d (click on blue circle "pobierz" to start download) Armaholic mirror: Desert Fever v1.0 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15414 tom3kb
  17. tom3kb

    [CAMP-SP] Desert Fever

    @Variable Thanks :), im glad you like this campaign. Ps: After break from editor, I started making Opfor campaign for Invasion44 (simple missions nothing big) but i dont know when i end/release this one. Ps2:If you like play ass Opfor you can try my Battlefield Takistan campaign. In this campaign you play as Takistani soldier, insurgent, Ksk and Czech soldier and US tank commander.
  18. Great, first campaign for I44, I think that H&D 1 and 2 can be great base for more campaigns and missions for I44, very good idea.
  19. I downloaded v2.6 yesterday and i can say only, great work. :) Good and many missions for play. Cool looking units and vehicles. Ps: I hope someone will make a campaign in the future too :) (this is the only thing missing).
  20. Here you go :) http://www.sendspace.com/file/7la4q5 And you can try (if you like) my SP mission pack for Project RACS mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14369, and there is Black Forest Patrol http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14329&highlight=BLACK%2BFOREST @down No problem :)
  21. Thanks for new update, i love to play with units from OFrP mod. Great work. :) @down 2nd great news today :)
  22. There are few new mp missions, but you can play them with ai, i try 1 or 2 of them.
  23. Very nice model Abs, cant wait to see this mod in game :)
  24. Cant wait for this campaign :)
  25. @Variable Check first post - SP only.