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Everything posted by McLupo

  1. Hi, @Kendar: Thank you so much for your nice comment and for all your help. :) @Foxhound: Thank you very much for the mirror, I appreciate that! :) First post updated with the new mirror. Greetings McLupo
  2. Dear moderator(s), this topic can be closed, because of an existing Release Thread "MLI Soldiers v1.00" https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186142-release-mli-soldiers-v100/ Thank you! Greetings McLupo
  3. Presentation and information to the [WIP] MCLU MLI Soldiers Standalone Expansion to the MCLU_MLI_CAMO Media: Pictures: Video: Prolog: To expand and supplement my MLI (Marks, Labels and Insignia) mod I am working on a new mod which will provide the missing units for each faction. The new MCLU_MLI_SOLDIERS shall include nearly all units of each faction with new textures and fictitious marks, labels and insignia. It will help to identify the ground units, too. Legend: = NATO Insignia = NATO Subdued Patch = CSAT Insignia = CSAT Subdued Patch = AAF Insignia = AAF Subdued Patch Plan: Retexture of : NATO – Units CSAT – Units AAF – Units Standard: Woodland camo Desert camo Multicam Planned features: Urban camos Special Forces camos The main goal of mine is to beware a more classical look, less futuristic. Timeline: Quality will take time - Because I want to do my best. But I guess it will be finished and released at the end of 2015. Infos: I will keep you informed about the progress all time, with pictures or/and videos. Epilog: I'll try to realize suggestions and ideas. But keep in mind - too many requests can also interfere with my work. If you have questions, or something is missing let me know. I'll support you as best I can. Thanks for your attention that´s all for now. Greetings McLupo _______________________________________________________________________ Work Progress: NATO: MultiCam finished Woodland finished Desert finished CSAT: Woodland finished Desert finished Multicam finished AAF: Woodland finished Desert finished To do before release: Millions of small things, tweaks, corrections, rework, etc.....and testing, testing, testing...to be continued! ;) _______________________________________________________________________
  4. Hi Petrtlach, I would like to say: One of the characteristic feature of your usually meticulously detailed work is the excellent overall impression of all published models. Greetings McLupo
  5. Hi, outstandig work! Thanks for sharing the great preview. :) Greetings McLupo
  6. Hi mate, thank you very much, I´m glad you like it and the long wait is coming to an end. :) Greetings McLupo
  7. Hi, I am not an expert in this case, but for my understanding it is a very smart work. I admire those work, the concept and everyone's advantage. Keep it up. :) Greetings McLupo
  8. Hello! The Zeus compatibility is now available as well. Sample: Today I'm going to create different groups for each faction. This is the last point on my ToDo list. Once that is done I am going for a last test. :) Take care and have fun! Greetings McLupo
  9. McLupo

    Please Help!

    Hi, I do not get the deeper sense..., because you answer your question by yourself. (Can´t work with this specs) ...and please read the forum rules and use a better topic, nextime... ;) Greetings McLupo
  10. Off topic: From a modder´s diary Today I tried to fix an issue with the heli pilots flight suit. After several hours of searching, trying this and this, changing, deleting, rewriting, I wanted to give up...; but I decided to go for a last try and B I N G O - I wrote an "A" instead of a "B", problem solved after a working day. I wrote this to reduce my frustration and to show off one day in the life of a modder, to share it with the inexperienced users, lol... Another "productive" day and what I have learnt - never use copy and paste, hahaha ... Thanks for reading this. Back to topic: As you can see, all known problems are solved and the final tests and last tweaks will bring this project to an end. :) Greetings McLupo
  11. Hi, as far as I know it is impossible. Please do yourself a favour and use the BIS own .paa format to prevent visual gliches. In my experience the best way to get what you expect. Greetings McLupo
  12. Hi, G R E A T! (Frankyman and Snorri Long may they live!) :D Many times I have wondered how long it will take until someone becomes active on the case. :) The wait has paid off; very nice textures and labels. Thanks for sharing this and keep it up. Greetings McLupo
  13. Hi, today I received the feedback about the test. Thanks alot to the guys that tried it, now I know what I have to fix and to rework. :) So it will take a bit for it all to be implemented, but the public release of the add on will be done in the next two weeks, I guess. Thanks for your attention. Greetings McLupo
  14. Hi, a great deal of work and effort went into achieving this result, I guess and this effort has really paid off, because it looks awesome. Thank you very much for this great island and giving up your valuable time. Greetings McLupo
  15. Hi, thanks for fixing the "little things" and the new update, ultimately that starts growing into a pro tool. :) For information: I do not know if you are aware that PWS still uses the old designation "@ASM" instead of "@C2" for your mod. I guess, one will be confused, if one want to start, or is searching the mod. Greetings McLupo
  16. Hi, thanks for the update, also for your effort and the continuous improvement and adaptation. I choose addons/mods very carefully, true to the motto "less is more" and so only one was always in use; the TPW-Mod, but now there are two. :) I am convinced in all aspects of your work. Greetings McLupo
  17. One does not need to be a clairvoyant to see what is on top of the wish-list...hahaha... Back to topic: Today I have finished the last UI picture, so the job is nearly done, but to conclude the work, one little job needs to be done - the ReadMe file, also a lot to do. ...and then - testing range. ;) Greetings McLupo
  18. Hi, thank you for your positive reply, i take it as a confirmation of my decision. :) New info for you: Already this coming weekend you will get a close look..., I guess. Greetings McLupo
  19. Hi mad_cheese, let me thank you one more time for this exellent job. Based on the experiences from these project I think I am right in saying that your work is one of a kind. The actual possibilities of tactical movement are on a new level, because I am able to surprise the enemy in a way that he can't react sometimes. I want not compare your work with the great Full Spectrum Warrior Interface, but YES, you brought it back in game. One last word and a piece of advice to all users: Use it! It´s the best way for understanding the intention and all the great possibilities for the practical use. Great job mate and keep it up!!!! :) Greetings McLupo
  20. Hi, today I've thought, I add a nice feature into the addon. The NATO Troops will get a Tank Commander and a crewman. Both with a special combat suit and camouflage. The body armor will be also adapted. I guess, you will love it, because the Tank Crew got a unique look and is much better to identify. I took over the idea from the german armed forces, because I like the black beret of the commander and the coveralls. The crewman will get the old fashioned Tank Helmet, which will provided by the AAF faction. The goal is to reach a much better outfit - less futuristic, but more classic. Further, could you imagine: A script, that checks if only crewmembers could drive a tank, would be awesome. It would help to add more realism into the game, I guess. In summary: I want to reach a used look, where you are able to imagine the smell of the gunpowder and the sweat of the tank crew. :) Sample pictures (please keep in mind, it's not final) Greetings McLupo
  21. Hi, short info: After having found the respective files of the chest rig almost everything goes by itself. It's only a small thing, but at the end it is a big visual difference, in contrast to the first samples. Now the recon soldiers of the NATO are equipped with a nice looking chest rig. Samples: Work is progressing very well and a test sample will be available in the foreseeable future. Greetings McLupo
  22. Hi, I am very pleased that both of you like the rework. :) Short information: At the moment I am continually working on the improvement of the NATO units, especially of the equipment, in this case on the chestrig to adapt the colours, because there are two different models with wrong predefined colours, which must be merged to an harmoniously texture. That´s all for now. Have fun! Greetings McLupo
  23. Hi, issue solved! All armoured vests, harnesses and ammo belts were reworked. Also the knee- and arm pads were newly colored thus they match now perfectly to the combat suit, I guess. Please form your own opinion... :) Reworked CSAT-Units (multicam pattern) Greetings McLupo
  24. McLupo

    Lightsaber System

    A W E S O M E ..., now I feel myself and my work so terribly small, comparing with that work... :868:
  25. You´re welcome! :) Hi, today I've noticed, that the current multi camouflage of the backpacks and the armored vests of the CSAT-Soldiers, doesn't look as they should look like. So, I have to do some overtimes, to change the current work, into a better one. Tough luck, but this is only normal if you test it in game, because the paperwork is one and the practice the other side. This will be the last change, hopefully, but I'm optimistic that I definitely expended my bad luck for this year?! hahaha... In the meantime all other stuff are queued... :( To say it clearly: This applies only to the multi camouflage of the CSAT faction. This very new information, about the progress, I would like to share with you. :) Greetings McLupo Sample of the new backpacks retex :