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Everything posted by TeTeT

  1. TeTeT

    USS Freedom dynamic airport

    Hi, not exactly made for the Freedom, but for the Nimitz, feel free to recycle any code from this rather experimental mission: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/missions/ambianceTest.altis.7z Proof of concept video available at
  2. For the record: The A-1 suspension/wheels is broken, and we added a parking brake eventhandler that prevents the aircraft from rolling via setVelocity. This prevents the AI from ever taking off any airfield it seems. If an initial force is applied to the Skyraider , the parking brake is overcome and, if big enough, the plane will be catapulted into the air. For example put this in the A-1's initbox: T = [this] spawn { params ["_p"]; sleep 2; _p setVelocityModelSpace [0,70,0]; }; Not ideal, but at least gets it airborne. Cheers, TeTeT
  3. Welcome to Unsung 3.0 Golf! This is a major release upgrade. In the past months the Unsung team was busy preparing this new Unsung version. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 Now onto the changes: We removed some sounds and music to maintain steam workshop viability, and added a new feature to allow for custom sounds in missions to be played back in helicopters and boats. See this PDF for details: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/docs/The Unsung Custom Sounds and Music.pdf Londo was very busy in this release cycle and brought to us: new huts, a beta of the PT-76B tank, a M-40 recoilless rifle equipped Mule. He’s also involved with the CH-46D from Odyseus, which we were allowed to port into Unsung. Quite a few uniforms showed the wrong uniform model and texture in first person view. This was fixed. The A-1 Skyraider no longer explodes when turned in Zeus deployment mode. The E-2 Hawkeye radar is now functional. The PBR boats saw quite a number of updates, one that severely impacted FPS when multiple boats were deployed at the same time on Phuoc Tuy. The handling and speed of the Sampans were also improved. Londo created a new fuel consumption script, which can be beta tested on the PBR boats and the M-274 Mule vehicle. Excessive smoke development when firing the super bazooka and other related hand held launchers was fixed. Release video: The UNSUNG Team wants to thank everyone from the public players to the communities for an excellent 2019 and we hope to leave you this update with wishes for you all to have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  4. Hello, The update for the MAAS is now live at https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1130385734 Enjoy, TeTeT
  5. This is Unsung 3.11 Golf! Through the work of {E-Z}Johnny.D most of the uniforms in Unsung have now been updated to S&S uniforms. He also added a new unit, 1st Cav. Jamie provided the PAVN with a new pith helmet! Further some more unit patches have been introduced. Finally for the units, the problem with camo faces on regular infantry units has been fixed. The combat support radio now supports the ability to call in Napalm strikes, a feature pretty high on the wishlist of Unsung players. More fixes for vehicles: the Mule with M60 MG can now be entered as gunner, the M35 trucks inventory is accessible from the outside and the CH-46 now has contemporary Vietnam equipment, rather than modern. Enjoy the update and if you own the S.O.G. Prairie Fire creators DLC consider checking out the dev build of Unsung Redux on the steam workshop. Mirrors: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 Armaholic: TBD torrent: http://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/@unsung-3.11.golf.torrent Release Video: Changelog:
  6. TeTeT

    Prarie Fire discussion

    If you're bored with Ash&Trash, I recommend to check out KP Support Cam Lao Nam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2478749192 It's quite dynamic and picking up squads in the middle of nowhere is a bit of a challenge - at least to me.
  7. TeTeT

    Unsung Redux

    We're discussing it internally, but chances are slim for splitting the mod. Anyway, it's still some time to go til we hit stable.
  8. Hi, I think you best post this severe problem on the feedback tracker at https://feedback.bistudio.com/ Good luck! TeTeT
  9. TeTeT

    Unsung Redux

    We went ahead and pushed the current development build to steam workshop, to provide an open development experience for the mod. Expect problems and bugs 🙂 We know this is at a very early stage of the mod. Steam Workshop URL: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2479495652 TeTeT
  10. TeTeT

    Unsung Redux

    For now we will use the S&S donated uniforms and equipment whereever possible. Weaponry will be from the DLC, if available. Some further progress, ROK Patrol on Dak Pek:
  11. Not quite. We hope to release Unsung 3.11 Golf next week, then we will update the S&S supplied uniforms and equipment and eventually this might become Unsung 3.0 Hotel. But that's pretty much future talk and definitely no ETA. For the record, on this forum it's considered bad style to ask for mod updates. They come when they are ready is the generally accepted wisdom on the subject 😄
  12. I believe Eggbeast and HCPookie did the badges, not sure though. I would also think that all the m113 parts graphics are for the western side. And:
  13. @gc8, have some doubts that such a list exists, sorry.
  14. @gc8 brought to my attention that quite a number of Unsung plane types self destruct when used with the vanilla CAS module and weapon type 1, missiles. Background is that the CAS module launches all weapons of type missile against the target. This unfortunately includes the air to air missiles as well, which, even more unfortunately, track the launching plane for lack of other targets and hence explode it. As we've copied the original vanilla CAS module to Unsung years ago, I've patched it further: weapon type 4 is for missile to ground attacks now in uns_ModuleCAS only weapons with ammo that is not air to air only (airLock = 2 setting in the ammo config) will be used Once Unsung 3.11 Golf is released, the following snippet will launch a CAS strike with the F4J with AGM loadout that doesn't explode: private _moduleGroup = createGroup sideLogic; private _unit = "uns_ModuleCAS" createUnit [ getPosATL player, _moduleGroup, " this setVariable ['vehicle','uns_F4J_AGM']; this setVariable ['type', 4]; this setVariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false, true];" ]; Further we look into the fuseDistance parameter for the air to air missiles to prevent it from the Sidewinder and Sparrow to explode right after launch. Cheers, TeTeT
  15. Yes, the basket object is stored in the uns_basket variable in the helo. You need to assign the AI passenger as cargo and then move into cargo. Not tested, but something like this should work: private _helo = ...; private _unit = ...; private _basket = _helo getVariable ["uns_basket", ObjNull]; if (isNull _basket) exitWith { "No basket deployed" call bis_fnc_error; }; if (_basket distance _unit > 10) exitWith { "Move basket closer to unit" call bis_fnc_error; }; _unit assignAsCargo _basket; _unit moveInCargo _basket; _helo vehicleChat "Unit in basket, hoist!"; If you want to have a more complete example, there are two rescue missions for the standalone CH-46D which use the same system on my workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2030960722 f.e.). Good luck, TeTeT
  16. Thanks for the bug report and kind words! Artillery is a bit of a mystery to me, so not sure this will be fixed soon. You wouldn't have any hints on what to look at for this to be fixed?
  17. And here is the torrent for Unsung 3.10 Golf: http://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/@unsung-3.10.golf.torrent
  18. Yes, almost forgot about it! Just need to zip the mod, upload it to the main torrent server and test it. TeTeT
  19. Here comes the Unsung 3.10 Golf update. Snoops was busy restructuring the AA assets. Now the pook_ prefixed assets are hidden from view and replaced with uns_ prefixed AA. E.g. uns_KS12_NVA is the replacement for pook_KS12_NVA. Further the submunition count for the CBA were reduced to allow for more FPS when utilizing them. {E-Z}Johnny.D updated Dak Pek, the map is getting better and better. The map and satmask map is still considered work in progress though. More units were converted with S&S uniforms. On top of that {E-Z}Johnny.D provisioned three new shoulder patches. Changelog, also on the download and https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/docs/unsung_3.10g_changelog.pdf https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311
  20. Hello, re-visited this old mod and added some animations to the gauges and hopefully improved usability. I'm looking for a tester or two before I update the steam workshop and armaholic mirror. You can download the updated version from https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/maas/ttt_maas.pbo and https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/maas/ttt_maas.pbo.TeTeT.bisign . Test mission is available from https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/experimental/maas/maasTestF181.stratis.7z Cheers, TeTeT