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Everything posted by TeTeT

  1. Unfortunately the old ambiance 1 flight ops and ttt_fnc_planeStart don't cooperate nicely with the new launchcrew function. If you want to use either, best to remove the new launchcrew function. For this place a catapult module and set the launchcrew and shooter function to return an empty array: { []; } For clarification I've added this screenshot to steam:
  2. TeTeT

    Zeus Deck Boss

    Not that I'm aware of, it's merely a Zeus event handler 'CuratorObjectPlaced' being used.
  3. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33610 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1234500643 1-4 pilots and co-pilots can join and get randomized helicopter transport missions. Pick one of five available transport helicopters at Khe Sanh Combat Base and complete five missions. Players can either choose to man a single helicopter or fly a helicopter each or use one of the combat helicopters or planes at the main Khe Sanh Combat Base runway. For example, one player may fly a transport chopper, while another player can fly a gunship for fire support in case of a hot LZ. There is however only light enemy opposition present in the area currently. There are three places setup to deliver fuel, repairs and new crew members. The re-fueling occurs automatically when landing or hovering besides the fuel barrels close to the start area. Repairs and healthy crew members are acquired by landing at the repair/medics marker respectively, staying in the vehicle and using the radio 0-0-1 for repair and 0-0-2 for healthy new crew members. The player himself is not healed though. There's a simple respawn system in the mission, a player will be respawned at the starting area and is able to get new missions from the commander. A destroyed transport helicopter is respawned at the starting area as well. A crash landed damaged but not destroyed helicopter has to be destroyed by other means: Use an available gunship from the main base for this purpose. The mission makes use of a headless client to spawn most AI units there. If possible please use one, as it significantly reduces stress on the server. However the mission will also run with low fps on a hosted system. Best experience will be had on a dedicated server with a headless client (HC), see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client for setting up a HC. As this is about my first published multiplayer mission, please cut some slack for bugs and omissions. KNOWN ISSUES Sometimes the AI at hill 950 only reluctantly boards the helicopter. Often it is good enough to lift off and land the helicopter a few meter from the landing pad. Most times stuck straggler AI will board then. The AI does not like to walk on the landing pad, it will walk through it. Currently the mission will be nearly unplayable during the night.
  4. The test server has been moved to server.armanam.eu 3200.
  5. It was an April's fool joke. We start to work on Nimitz 0.101. Cheers, TeTeT
  6. Hi, I'm afraid the taxi scripts in existence are far from prime time. They usually use setVelocity(ModelSpace) and setDir, which makes them look a bit funny. E.g. every few milliseconds the direction is adjusted by setDir, which kills the speed, so the plane or tractor movements looks abrupt. TeTeT
  7. April 1st 2018: Standing down It was our pleasure to provide you with regular updates for the Flanker and Hornet in Arma 3. But everything has to come to an end. Effective now all work on Flanker and Hornet for Arma 3 ceases. This is in preparation to release it together with other mods for the future Arma 4, once Arma 4 becomes available. With this step we will also leave behind the donation based funding and introduce annual subscription fees. On to a bright future, TeTeT
  8. April 1st 2018: Entering the dry dock It was our pleasure to provide you with regular updates for the USS Nimitz in Arma 3. But everything has to come to an end. Effective now all work on Nimitz for Arma 3 ceases. This is in preparation to release it together with other mods for the future Arma 4, once Arma 4 becomes available. With this step we will also leave behind the donation based funding and introduce annual subscription fees. On to a bright future, TeTeT
  9. You can use Eden pylons and other settings to customize the aircraft. the Module is no longer needed nor maintained.
  10. This is a major upgrade for the USS Nimitz in Arma 3. Please see the changelog for the changes of the last half year in detail. The highlights are: The SAMs have been upgraded, so that the tubes are used one after each other. Also the modded missiles were replaced by vanilla RIM-116 and RIM-162 missiles. The AA crews are now responsive as they start on CombatMode Red. A general quarters alarm was added to the Nimitz. It can be activated from the bridge or entrance of the island. The displays and monitors on the bridge have now been made a hiddenselection, so they can be changed in a mission now. The elevators are now settable to be lowered or raised when mission starts, check the Eden attribute for it. Unknown source to be attributed for the idea. The launch crew and their animations have been overhauled thanks to Moose and NightIntruder. The launchcrew and shooter scripts can be overriden by a module attribute for the catapult module. The landing sequence has been overhauled to play an alarm when a plane extends its tailhook in the carrier vincinity. The landing script is configurable via the arrest module. The tailhook effect has been changed when a plane successfully traps, the hook is raised slightly now. Thanks to B10 for the template in the Jets DLC! The Tilly is now drivable, albeit very crudely. It can also attach a plane or helo and release it. The IFLOLS optical landing guidance system is now functional aboard the Nimitz. The IFLOLS script has been overhauled. A new island texture has been provided by Odyseus and NightIntruder. Drones likes the Sentinel should work with the catapult and arresting wire scripts now. The ambiance module takes into account the carrier number and applies the appropriate F/A-18E/F skin from Jaentzen now. Mirrors are being updated: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23049 PWS: http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/uNhyW95L4xGkDwAVF72WTA/uss-nimitz Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=643530417 Release video:
  11. Learn texturing and modelling and join the team :)
  12. Slowly but surely we get ready for an update. One of the improvements I would like to see land in, if we can get it relatively bug free:
  13. It works fine, just used it the other day without a problem with the CUP tractor and John_Spartan/Saul's F/A-18. Here's a little test mission using only vanilla vehicles: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u2o6e6lczljj02s/towing.VR.7z?dl=0 Take over control of the UGV and hit shift-b as driver, should show you that the distance is too big, then do some manoeuvring and finally tow :)
  14. The afterburner is automatic above 90% throttle. It's a bit strange that the speed degraded over time, the limit in the afterburner script is set to 1500 km/h. I remember testing it when we changed the afterburner script and the top speed was well above 1000 km/h on low level horizontal flight. However, we're looking into adding some punch to the afterburner so you can get up to 1100-1200 km/h again. First tests were albeit not very promising, the plane accelerated to 16000 km/h from a stall ... and then exploded. Some more virtual planes will be consumed until this is worked out ;)
  15. Nope, sorry, the sea sparrow launcher and RAM that uses this is not even released yet.
  16. It's been a while since the last update of the Nimitz. That doesn't mean there's nothing to do, just that there was limited time to accomplish anything on the carrier. With this being said, we managed to get in a number of improvements so far. First, the missile launchers are now using a more realistic launch sequence and spawn the missile at the correct tubes. Second, the Tilly is driveable, albeit without any cockpit. We need a modeller and texturer to make the crane truely enjoyable. Any volunteer that is willing to put the time in to improve the Tilly is welcome! Third, the elevators are settable to down or up in Eden. That will allow for some variety for mission makers. Fourth, the images on most monitors on the bridge are available as hiddenselection. This means they can be set with the setObjectTextureGlobal command and can be changed in any mission. It should also be possible to set some as PIP display. Fifth, with the advent of Jaentzens colourful F/A-18 skins of 2017, the Nimitz populate script can now take the carriers set number into account. A random mix of available squadron paintings is available and applied automatically with the populate carrier script. Sixth, a general quarters alarm sound was added to the bridge and island. We still have some more things to do, like integrating a new weapon cart and weapons, and while unlikely to happen for the next update, an overhaul of the 2nd deck below the hangar. Stay tuned for an update in the next weeks / months.
  17. Use a hide animation, defined in model.cfg. Here some sample for the mk29 sea sparrow launcher: class CfgSkeletons { class mk29 { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[]= { "mainTurret","", "MainGun","mainTurret", "caps","MainGun", "cap1", "MainGun", "cap2", "MainGun", "cap3", "MainGun", "cap4", "MainGun", "cap5", "MainGun", "cap6", "MainGun", "cap7", "MainGun", "cap8", "MainGun" }; }; ... class CfgModels { class mk29 { SectionsInherit = ""; Sections[] = {"mainTurret", "mainGun"}; SkeletonName = "mk29"; class Animations { ... class cap1 { type = "hide"; source = "cap1_source"; selection = "cap1"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; hideValue = 0.5; }; ... Code for the fired eventhandler that hides the capX_source and spawns the missile at the right place: // Written by TeTeT for Nimtech // move missile spawn point and cap hiding around // fired = "(_this select 0) animateSource ['cap1_source', 1]; [_this select 0,_this select 6,'rim7_spawn1','MissileBase'] call BIS_fnc_missileLaunchPositionFix;"; // params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_mag", "_projectile"]; params ["_unit", "_projectile"]; // systemChat str (vehicle _unit); // systemChat str _projectile; private _missileSpawns = [ ['cap1_source', 'rim7_spawn1'], ['cap2_source', 'rim7_spawn2'], ['cap3_source', 'rim7_spawn3'], ['cap4_source', 'rim7_spawn4'], ['cap5_source', 'rim7_spawn5'], ['cap6_source', 'rim7_spawn6'], ['cap7_source', 'rim7_spawn7'], ['cap8_source', 'rim7_spawn8'] ]; // implicitly initializing currentMissile to 0 private _currentMissile = _unit getVariable ["currentMissile", 0]; private _missileSpawn = _missileSpawns select _currentMissile; // systemChat str _missileSpawn; _unit animateSource [_missileSpawn select 0, 1, true]; [_unit, _projectile, _missileSpawn select 1, 'MissileBase'] call BIS_fnc_missileLaunchPositionFix; private _nextMissile = (_currentMissile + 1) % (count _missileSpawns); _unit setVariable ["currentMissile", _nextMissile, true]; // systemChat str _nextMissile; // place caps on, probably better in a reloaded event handler? if (_nextMissile isEqualTo 0) then { [_unit, _missileSpawns] spawn { params ["_unit", "_missileSpawns"]; sleep 1; { _unit animateSource [_x select 0, 0]; sleep 0.1; } forEach _missileSpawns; _unit; }; }; _unit;
  18. Not promising anything, but somebody has stepped up to overhaul the F/A-18 cockpit and HUD wise. Not sure if those changes will make it to the SU-35 as well.
  19. Hello, is there a way to set the texture in Eden by script so it persist into the mission preview and exported scenario? I tried using setObjectTextureGlobal on the Eden placed plane, but this is not saved anywhere. Is there maybe a special variable in the object or other way to mimick the 'edit vehicle appearance' capability? Background is that the F/A-18 now has a huge list of 2017 textures and I would like to auto paint the planes on the carrier with the correct squadrons. E.g. if you choose CVN-68 your planes get painted with Nimitz squadron textures, if you use CVN-75 you get different squadron textures, those for the Truman. The populate script of the Nimitz has been modified already for that, but I fail to persist the textures between Eden and mission preview. Cheers, TeTeT
  20. Found it! You can set the Init field with set3DENAttribute now and it doesn't even crash: private _t = ""; { _plane setObjectTextureGlobal [_forEachIndex, _x]; _t = format ["%1 this setObjectTextureGlobal [%2,'%3'];", _t, _forEachIndex, _x]; } forEach _textures; _plane set3DENAttribute["Init", _t];
  21. Do you happen to know how to modify the init script field from within Eden by script? The objects/planes are created with the populate script, but I haven't found a way to alter the init field of them.
  22. This is a maintenance release for the SU35. The weapons were missing from pilot view; the red formation lights were to intense; the canopy reflections were fixed by bludclot; Moony provided new preview screenshots. A basic throttle hand anim was added, albeit it's not completely in sync right now (e.g. lags behind). Changelog: New canopy glass: Mirrors: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24024 PWS: http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/plgNZFxx4xGCkgAVF72WTA/su-35s-flanker-e SW: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=743108251
  23. I recommend to use Firewill's AWS for JDAM and other such ammo.
  24. This is a maintenance release for the F/A-18. Some visual fix for the buddy pod was applied, the weapons are now visible from pilot view, the taxi turn radius was decreased and new editor preview shots were added. And most importantly a new skin pack by Jaentzen for 2017 F/A-18E/F squadrons was added. Thanks to Jaentzen for his tireless effort. Mirrors: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22594 PWS: http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/inYY6HIf4xGhSwAVF72WTA/f-a-18-super-hornet SW: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=743099837