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Hi Wags here from ED

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Everything posted by Hi Wags here from ED

  1. Squad name:-CAG-TF6 Timezone/location : AEST/ Queensland, Australia Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): coop Contact email: https://discord.gg/HuvEPrxBpv Website address: https://units.arma3.com/unit/cag6 Short description: tight knit community that enjoys playing ArmA in a Tier 1 SOF setting, casual outside of ArmA, but serious within ArmA, we do events on a Friday night once a fortnight, and smaller events in between. Language: AUS-EN
  2. Hi All, please see the details below. What we are looking for: We are looking for two open minded team members, with healthy egos with: One who wants to join us on our Australian/New Zealand Friday evening event which is hosted at 2100 AEST AND One who wants to join us on our American Saturday (CST) which is hosted at 2000 CST Who we are: We are a tight knit group of former seasoned realism unit members (20 years cumulative) and casual Arma Players (easily 5000+ hours cumulative) that have been running for a little while now, we pride ourselves in running a group that is very casual outside of ArmA 3, but fairly serious within ArmA 3. We have modeled ourselves around the CAG/ACE/Delta Force/1stSFOD, and in honesty is a result of liking their mission set & equipment, which also plays well into ArmA. We do not use ranks, but rather use titles to designate member obligations/accountability, i.e Team Leaders responsible for getting their team on to events, HQ members responsible for coordinating Team Leads and mission makers, but never at the cost of the life blood, which is the general member base. We are a zero bull/toxicity group, that encourages new and senior members to mix and collaborate with one another, we do not want to run a gossip group, and we also promote a zero obligation policy for general members, meaning even if you join, and while we would like to see you at all events that your team is assigned to, we do not hold against you if you cannot make it, and even if you need time away for an extended period of time, we support that as long as you communicate with us. We offer two event days on alternating fornights, this is because we have a mix of Australian's and American's within the group, one event is Aus based time hosted on Friday evenings AEST, and the other event is US based Saturday evenings CST, both events are broken into teams of 4 members, with tag alongs typically rounding it to about 6 - 8 members per event, even if you are part of the Friday team you are welcome to the Saturday event (and vice versa). We have taken reasonable strides to research and understand what we can about the CAG, and not making the error that many groups do which is confusing the CAG (or whatever name it goes by at the time) with SF/ODA, which is also a pet hate of ours in general. Of course we will never get it perfect but we are confident in our offerings around the space, for how we wish to run it in ArmA. How to join and what happens next: There is no formal training pipeline, but we do have a variety tactics and procedures that we have developed, and teach to the new guys, we function more off assumed knowledge, and the success or failure of a group member is down to their ego and their ability to learn and improve. But to get through the door you, all you have to do is... 1) Express interest ArmA 3 units page: https://units.arma3.com/unit/cag6 2) Join our Discord (our primary platform outside of ArmA 3, we use Teamspeak 3 on event days but not as a place to hangout): https://discord.gg/HuvEPrxBpv 3) Download our mods (we do use a few, primarily ACE, ACRE, RHS, a variety of SOF Equipment mods, and Quality of life mods that makes you feel a little more operator): Our ArmA 3 Modlist HTML is stored on our Discord, so once you are on there you will be provided access to it 4) Get on and get intergrated with the guys and play: Simple enough once you are processed, introduce yourself and come join us, you will also need to download teamspeak 3, as we use ACRE, but teamspeak details will be provided once you are processed, and any of our members can help out. Summary: So as a general member what are your commitments? - Ideally show up to your team events as much as possible (only two a month), but know it's okay if life comes first at times. - Be willing to play in ArmA 3 in a serious and almost milsim way in terms of tactics and equipment (but without all the admin and outside of event day training headaches). - Be willing to be part of a very casual group outside of ArmA 3, thick skin required, and a good (if not warped) sense of humour. - Be willing to download our mods, get on our Discord, and join Teamspeak 3 on event days. Beyond that... If this place sounds like a place for you come and reach out, while we are only looking for two members at this time, we will never say no to more (within reason), and it doesn't matter if you are new to ArmA or a veteran we will teach you our ropes, but be warned even though we are casual group outside of ArmA, we do expect each member to get with the standard in ArmA, and to abide by our standard, we are forever growing, and refining our processes too, so having an open mind is important. And don't forget. At the front however, we pride ourselves in the way we play ArmA, and the fact most of our members make friends for life (for as corny as that reads), but we do not believe in white anting, and rather collaboration and support, if this sounds like a place for you, come join our Discord and we will take it from there. Thanks. CAG TF6 HQ
  3. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Quick post to say hi I am still alive, and that College is nearing it's end, and while I have been doing my 3d art/game dev internship and finishing up college units I have learned a few things which I can hopefully apply to the LB, I'll be able to get back to work on it soon. My last 2 units are making a mobile and pc game so still quite full on, but soon, I'll be able to work on my pretties if the boys haven't beaten me to it.
  4. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    wo-ah this website has changed since I've been gone. Anyway I have been knee deep in college work and getting a internship for 3D Art and Animation (Finally got one!) so as or should I say 'SOAS' of late work has been limited on the Littlebird. As one of my college assessments is a small title sequence I decided to put the Littlebird to use, and as such I have begun to work on it again. I have started the... 'inspiring' process of unwrapping the air frame (I am going to be doing it bit by bit) so if you want to follow my progress check it out on my profile here (feel free to check the animation I am making with it on that link as well!) and if you want a nice gallery of what I have done then look here from there you can pretty much see all my 3D Art work that I put up. Both of those tend to get updated pretty regularly and it's a nice way to keep track any Littlebird progress if I don't post it here. More to the point I will be texturing the littlebird over the next few weeks, it may be more of a basic to intermediate detail pass depending on the schedule length, and what not, but the main thing is it's being worked on and currently in what I find personally to be the most annoyingly fun process. In the wise words of Sylvester Stallone in the film Die Hard "I'll be back" ( ;) if you took that quote seriously we have to talk...)
  5. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    What the WarLord said :P
  6. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    I guess I don't count :(
  7. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    you make it sound like a bad thing :/ In all seriousness they're all kicking just dealing with life, you'll find we rotate in activity :P
  8. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Thanks guys, glad to see there is still lots of love for the littlebird http://i.imgur.com/jjjtVo5.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ximIZu1.jpg
  9. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Before I go back into the world of game design. http://i.imgur.com/WEvOR6H.jpg
  10. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    If material/texture wise yep! If mesh wise, why you gotta be so mean to be modeling skillz bruh </3 I hope that answers your question :D
  11. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Oh well thank god for that, errors were made anyway, and fixed, also IMGUR is overloaded currently so had to use photobucket. http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x473/abates56/QAfix_zpsrm8gs1hy.jpg http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x473/abates56/qafix2_zpspfjkik00.jpg
  12. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    cheers mate, Also I noticed I made a small error with the Littlebirds camera pod, so fixed it up and took 2 additional screenshots http://imgur.com/bVVPEC8,6l7rFnC#1
  13. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Some updates for the good people of this thread http://imgur.com/aB4ZOxp,hwCvIYO,R47GYma,ECkev5C,djVynaq,207Q1rG,Dal2IKv,Xm3NAT5#3 These are in the album above too but to make them stand out http://i.imgur.com/R47GYma.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hwCvIYO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Xm3NAT5.jpg
  14. Hi Wags here from ED

    [MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird

    in love with the audio
  15. Hi Wags here from ED


    I think this image will help you better build the UH-1N http://www.aviationgraphic.com/1149-1943-thickbox/uh-1y-venom-503-hmlat-303-usmc-jp-1178.jpg
  16. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    is this... oK ? In all seriousness until a time that it is rendered (pardon the pun) appropriate this is the last bunch screenshots I will post of it here as I feel it is rude. You may PM me however if you would like to see progress.
  17. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Why build an E when you can build a K? ;)
  18. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Some more work :) http://imgur.com/7X68kXT,lmcQwKl,u2SqzDm,VptXJT2,I2YeY00,Jg4ht1t,swTFDf0#0 http://imgur.com/RlCZ8Ka,VtnHijr#1
  19. Hi Wags here from ED

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    So it's been a while, and seeing no one is playing RHS atm I decided to work on my little bird. I have been working on the high poly details, so ignore the poly count. Also to make it easier to see what exactly has been added as high poly detail I colored it in grey in the non clay view images (the ones that aren't orange/red) so it's easier to see, as otherwise you can only really see it in the Max workspace. http://imgur.com/0yxekKT,2dbbuwE,B2ELQG8,mA03KbN,WxLt72O http://i.imgur.com/0yxekKT.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2dbbuwE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/B2ELQG8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/mA03KbN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WxLt72O.jpg It's been a productive session... yet I have found myself deleting the front doors and windshield... not a big deal, but it's going to be a minor headache when I get back around to building them, not too much stress though, just annoying. Enjoy the images none the less! EDIT: I would like to thank SkyoCrazy for sharing some ref images that have been used for their littlebird :) EDIT X2: this is from my Facebook album but it is a pic that I feel is worthy of sharing here https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/t31.0-8/10359101_10204215150839374_4898502377711302761_o.jpg
  20. Hi Wags here from ED

    [MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird - WIP

    Only just saw this.... BEAUTIFUL!
  21. Hi Wags here from ED

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I guess it's been noted that the co-pilots and gunners heads in the UH-1 move around when the pilots does in 3rd person?
  22. Someone didn't read Scorch's post.
  23. Hi Wags here from ED

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That list made for a nice read, especially that Venom and Viper, and it's class names, even if it only is text, it's still very kool stuff :)
  24. Yeah and so you are informed the gun mounted on the pelican has a constant firing effect/sprite at the front. EDIT Images: http://imgur.com/PrxKzOl,VFY3I0v#1
  25. Hi, awesome update, um just a quick question is the falcon mean't to be untextured?