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Everything posted by PELHAM

  1. "When most people talk about killing, they are like virgins talking about sex. You can talk about it all day, you can fully understand the mechanics involved but when the time comes there is so much more involved than the person thought." By William S. Frisbee Jr. You see a great deal through a sniper scope. Chris Kyle deserves some respect for what he had to do. Most people would crack up. As for making $, how do you expect him to make a living now? He can't exactly put on a shirt and tie and sell photo copiers, it wouldn't work. I will buy his book because I think we owe him something.
  2. We put Domination 2_60w on the server last night - thank you for the updates, HALO and spectating cameras are looking good again. The vehicle passenger identifier is a good idea - I am constantly getting in the wrong Humvee. That would make a good script for all of Arma2. We like the hit sounds too!
  3. Dom2.60w is out on DH. Is there a change log anywhere for this? Looked everywhere but could not find anything.

    Music Recommendations

    Heh heh QUOTSA and Them Crooked Vultures - where Dave Grohl does his real work: Them Crooked vultures: 1veQocaigWQ xCb1l_XqEs4 sOzSCdm5qeo YFHD7kuAqu4
  5. Anyone getting some intermittent large scale "rubber banding" with this? I was trying to kill a T-72 at close range and it suddenly disappeared and in the next instant was 100m to my left. Had several instances of this in 1 hour. More frequent with trying to lockon moving vehicles with AT. The green square is often 50-100m away from the target. Missile seems to hit most of the time unless there is an obstruction. edit: Confirm it does not happen on 87646 (dedicated servers)
  6. ATI is no more. Now AMD are running things and cooperating with Linux Devs the gfx drivers are fine. They take a while to catch up though, if you buy the latest card it can take 3/4/6 months to catch up with it which is one problem I had. 6800 series is supported, not sure about 6900 yet but it probably is by now. Linux is probably not a good idea for your bleeding edge gaming rig but if you have a year old PC it's fine.
  7. Update to 1.148 ok here. Both Beta shortcut and Vanilla OA work fine now.

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Mostly true what you say but there are exceptions, there was young kid in a server with us over the New Year who was an excellent player and was leading the side mission squad! He displayed an excellent sense of judgement and tactics but got into an argument with someone and I had to use the mute button for the 1st time ever. It was a shame that some decided to cloud the New Year cheer because they don't like the younger age group in the game.
  9. Excellent advice, anyone who has not taken note of this really should do so.
  10. PELHAM

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Project Reality is excellent at the moment. The servers have been busier since 1.60 and the Xmas Holidays. They have designed a really excellent system.
  11. Bad stuttering during HALO on Domination - worst I have ever seen in game so far. Seems to be a few wall issues again with AI passing through them / shooting through them more readily than was the case last week.
  12. People are reporting it here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=109915&page=21 Fireball and [HUD] Dorph can't get into their own servers without disabling BE in the server config and I have the same problem. Yesterday had no problems, today Getting kicked from all Multiplayer Servers- You were kicked. (Battleye:unknown game version.) I have tried reinstalling Battleeye with the link from 1st page in this thread. I'm on game version 1.60 87646 (NOT beta - hotfixed) Battleeye version 1.147 I installed the 2 hotfixes for 1.60 two / three days ago and didn't have a problem until now. Can't join a server? Does Battleeye not like 2012 lol? I have Arma2 and OA installed as CO from DVD. No mods or addons running. edit - just downloaded 87662 and started with Beta shortcut in Arma 2 directory - same problem: You were kicked. (Battleye:unknown game version.) Edit 1.146 seems to work ok then you get kicked as soon as it updates to 1.147. edit 2 - just had a squad mate test it and he got the same thing with 1.60 87147 So it's not game versions - it's BattleEye. RPT is giving this: Client: Object 2:82374 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:82375 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:82375 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:82374 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:87557 (type Type_85) not found. Client: Object 2:87560 (type Type_85) not found. Client: Object 2:87561 (type Type_85) not found. Client: Object 2:87562 (type Type_85) not found. Client: Object 2:87565 (type Type_85) not found. Client: Object 2:82374 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:82375 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:82374 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:82375 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:87566 (type Type_85) not found.
  13. Lol Happy New Year BTW Gaming time is precious.......so few holidays, so many family commitments!
  14. NVM Dwarden says the BE Author is fixing problem.
  15. Sorry to but in here but needed to quote you to get ur attention. There is a serious BattleEye problem - see the Multiplayer thread and here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=129512
  16. It's defo BattleEye, uninstalled it completely from A2 and A2:OA - as soon as it updates to 1.147 it kicks you out of the game. 1.146 works fine.
  17. Same here. Yesterday had no problems, today Getting kicked from all Multiplayer Servers- You were kicked. (Battleye:unknown game version.) I have tried reinstalling Battleeye with the link from 1st page in this thread. I'm on game version 1.60 87646 (NOT beta - hotfixed) Battleeye version 1.147 I installed the 2 hotfixes for 1.60 two / three days ago and didn't have a problem until now. Can't join a server? Does Battleeye not like 2012 lol? I have Arma2 and OA installed as CO from DVD. No mods or addons running. edit - just downloaded 87662 and started with Beta shortcut in Arma 2 directory - same problem: You were kicked. (Battleye:unknown game version.)
  18. Look again at what Mikie boy says: getMarkerColor and then setMarkerColor with an addPublicVariableEventHandler http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addPublicVariableEventHandler init.sqf: onplayerConnected {execVM "setJIPmarker1color.sqf"}; setJIPmarker1color.sqf if (isServer) then { "publicMarker1Color" addPublicVariableEventHandler { _colour = getMarkerColor "marker1"; "marker1" setMarkerColor _color; }; }; Not tested this but it's worth a try.
  19. PELHAM

    Passangers firing from vehicle.

    Can I refer everyone to Generation Kill and the 1st Recon Battalion who do little else but fire from the windows of their vehicles. They do it reasonably accurately too. I vote yes.
  20. @finguide - don't worry it happens to us all. I could not find the Scud Vehicle and had to ask. (it's under Takistan Army - Cars, I think). Just wait till you start using the various addons and trawling through the many pages of the editor trying to work out where they decided to hide it this time lol. (They will not tell you in the readme.txt, that would make life too easy :) )
  21. PELHAM

    AC130 Gunship

    So you did! I would like to understand it myself as the UK Apache force have an opposing pylon turn formation with 2 aircraft that would be good to simulate in Arma 2.
  22. PELHAM

    AC130 Gunship

    I suppose one thing this needs is an autopilot to set it to fly in a circle around a target with a stable bank angle (pylon turn)? Can this be integrated with LurchiDerLuch's AC-130 script? This already has scripts and an autopilot to create the pylon turn around the target. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=99545
  23. PELHAM

    AC130 Gunship

    I like the readme! ;) :D Great addon too! Thanks Raven.
  24. PELHAM

    PC tools registry mechanic rant/help BEWARE

    Try Kaspersky internet security - the latest 2012 version is excellent.
  25. PELHAM

    Family guy ( epic TV cartoon series )

    Oh man that's good stuff! Love the bit in the last video where Phil burps onion ring pieces lol. "STOP lookin at mah gut!"