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  1. ExplosiveAids

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    Hi guys. Thanks for all the feedback, we're gonna try to sort out as many issues as possible for next update to keep you all smiling. The Gyrocam is still being fine-tuned the seating capacity is now looking a lot better. Until then, I thought I'd share a few rendered/photoshopped images of the upcoming MK5E. It still won't be in v1.1 but we should have a beta truck ready in the next few weeks for our testers. I've managed to get this far by using the old MK5A's textures but I'll have to make new ones before I can call this complete. There need to be more rear storage bins, different signs on the rear door, and a few other little things too. It'll be a long process but at least the MK5E is now sitting in Oxygen, partly assembled. More updates to come!
  2. ExplosiveAids

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    Thanks, Cescollino. If you PM me your email address I'll send you some photos to help out.
  3. ExplosiveAids

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    Here are just a few pics, as promised, and a little progress report. I finished modelling and texturing the Gyrocam's control unit and monitor the other day, so now I'm reorganising the interior to fit everything in. The lock box has been replaced with the camera-operator's chair, and I've managed to jam in another seat so you guys will now be able to carry 8 people (all RGs will have this setup, not just the new variant). Once I've got everything looking just right, we'll get the RG in-game and I'll take some new screenshots. As well as the monitor and control unit, Lockheed Martin also sent me a picture of the Universal Interface Unit (basically, the thing they all plug into). Part of me wants to keep this as simple as possible, but the huge nerd in me wants to make this unit and wire up the whose system too. First things first though... get it all positioned and working, then consider the nerdy extras. More pics to come soon.
  4. ExplosiveAids

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    That's right. Unfortunately we've had to put the Husky on hold for the moment. Everyone involved has multiple projects on the go so we're focusing on the ones we can complete first. Don't worry though, we haven't forgotten about and will get round to updating it, promise :) ------------------------------------------ Quick update on the Gyrocam. We've managed to get it into ArmA2 and initial tests are good. In my search for reference photos, I contacted Lockheed Martin's Gyrocam division this week and they were nice enough to send me pics of the control unit. They're good enough to be used as textures so I should be able to make this update as authentic as possible. I'll post some more pictures next week when I've finished modeling and texturing.
  5. ExplosiveAids

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    Nope and nope. It's an early test of a future update: The MK5E. We want to address the problem of seating capacity in our next few updates. We'll try to squeeze an extra seat or two into the MK5A in the next release, however this new variant will (hopefully) be in the update after next and will seat 10. In its current state the MK5E is pretty terrible, I'm not gonna lie. I basically just hacked up the MK5A then copied, stretched, and butchered into looking like what you see here. It'll take some time to retexture the main sections and make all the new objects. In the meantime, we're pushing forward with the new Gyrocam-equiped MK5A and dialing up the armour values ever so slightly. We hope you like the pics; more updates to come soon!
  6. ExplosiveAids

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    Guess what I've been making? Thanks, Savage. Nice video btw :)
  7. ExplosiveAids

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    This is just a mini update to show you guys our Gyrocam; just one of the things we have planned for our first update. Please excuse the dodgy untextured pictures, I'm still in the process of finishing everything off.
  8. ExplosiveAids

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    Absolutely :) We wanted to make a this version for our initial release but didn't have the time. This project isn't finished yet though, so we'll be adding a lot of extra stuff to the RG. ---------- Post added at 01:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 PM ---------- You did a perfect job on the RG so I don't think there's anything else to do. However, Stiltman and I have a huge list of things we want to make in the future so we'll definitely let you know what we have planned!
  9. ExplosiveAids

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    And thank you too, for the awesome audio wizardry you did on the RG :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's nice to see that the truck is getting a positive reaction; I hope everyone gave it a proper testing over the weekend. We've already got a shortlist of things to work on for our next update so once we start working on them I'll post some pics here. Thanks again everyone for putting up with our year-long MRAP tease-a-thon, we'll do our best to keep making it better.
  10. ExplosiveAids

    MRAP - RG31 Mk5

    It's a little late, but here are Thursday's batch of screenshots. I've used the tan variants, both with the CREW Duke module, one with a SATCOM, the other with the Boomerang. If I had more time today I would've taken more pics, sadly this is all I could get so I hope you guys like them. We certainly are. The lighting in the screenshots doesn't highlight them very well, but trust me they're there. ---------- Post added at 05:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 PM ---------- That's it for today. Everything is still on track for release tomorrow so keep an eye on the forums.
  11. ExplosiveAids

    MRAP - RG31 Mk5

    And he's a few images of the Mk19 variant. Basic: CREW Duke: Thanks for the feedback and support. Two reminders: We'll try to release this at the highest possible quality, but there will be a few things that will need tidying up in future updates; And I'll post more pics tomorrow! ---------- Post added at 04:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 PM ---------- Consider it done. I'll go all out tomorrow and give you guys some more authentic screenshots.
  12. ExplosiveAids

    MRAP - RG31 Mk5

    Thanks, NZX. I know what you mean about that certain missing 'something.' The basic RG looks kinda plain without the extra modules on it. With that in mind, in today's batch of pics I decided to add the CREW Duke antennae pack, as well as showing you guys the basic Olive Drab variants. We've also made a SATCOM module and a Boomerang mast (both of which will be in tomorrow's set of pics). Basic truck: CREW Duke:
  13. ExplosiveAids

    MRAP - RG31 Mk5

    After a few unexpected delays, Stiltman and I are almost ready to release the RG31......... All you have to do is wait until Friday. Our beta testing is now over and we still managed to get some great feedback, so to everyone involved: Thank you so much for your support, we really do appreciate it! Also, sorry to those who offered to help but couldn't get in. For everyone else, thanks for waiting so long for this truck! I'll be posting new pics every day leading up to our Friday release, then Stiltman will make a new thread over in the ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE forum. Today's images are of the basic RG with no extra antennae selected. Side note: the USMC branch tab can be changed to US ARMY, as can the vehicle ID (which I left as A1) A-Z, 1-9. More screenshots to come. ---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ---------- And here are some screenshots of the Mk19 variant:
  14. ExplosiveAids

    MRAP - RG31 Mk5

    Great pics, guys! And I love the video, DC. Good to have you on board.
  15. ExplosiveAids

    MRAP - RG31 Mk5 (WIP)

    I updated the ArmA2 thread earlier, so now it's ArmA1's turn. We're happy to announce that the beta tests for the RG have begun. Expect more pics and videos on both threads while we tidy everything up. Thanks again for being so patient with us!