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About pietrotc

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  1. Thx i set with chmod 666 and it's work :D
  2. I have this strange issue after the 1.56 update : only the first A3 server installed work correctly , the other installed after the first don't start (the server crash ). I have different account in my server, every account have a A3 server linux installed/update with steamcmd. All the A3 servers have the same configuration except the game server port and the steam port . All the A3 servers are installed with then same procedure, i have reinstalled two times the server with ubuntu 12.04 64 bit and with ubuntu 14.04 64 bit but i got the same problems. If i stop the first server installed and try to start the other server don't work. Every server have this log error : username can be replaced with different account name Server 1 with ubuntu 14.04 64 bit 11:06:44 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features wont's be accessible! 11:06:44 DS_ 11:06:44 /home/username/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Player\ 11:06:44 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz segmentation fault (core dump created) Server 2 with ubuntu 12.04 64 bit 22:50:29 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features wont's be accessible! 22:50:29 DS_ 22:50:29 /home/username /.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles\server4\ 22:50:29 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz segmentation fault (core dump created) Any suggestions?
  3. Same problem with my server (os ubuntu 12.04 64 bit)
  4. Some problem with the linux version (1.63.126652) !! In the config and in the log the BattlEye is on In the browser server list the game show BattlEye Required : NO --> noboy can connect to it - message "Connection lost" In the log ther is :
  5. Thx for your information !!!!
  6. Hi ! I ahve a problem with some mods : i must leave the file in the folder userconfig case sensitive ! es with mod @improvedfatiguesystem I must leave the the file like this : \userconfig\ImprovedFatigueSystem\FS.hpp If I use the tolower script from A2 server ( the file will be \userconfig\improvedfatiguesystem\fs.hpp) the server crash because it not find the userconfig file .