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Everything posted by noricum

  1. noricum

    remoteExec an addAction

    THANK YOU very much! It works now
  2. noricum

    remoteExec an addAction

    Hello Community, May someone can help me here too? I ran into a similar Problem and thought i ask/post it here. Basically i try to spawn an object on a dedicated Server with an Action: // Spawn OBj on dedicated Server if (isServer) then { terminal = createVehicle ["Land_DataTerminal_01_F", _rndPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; [terminal, ["Download Intel", "scripts\intel.sqf", nil, 2, true, true, "", "true", 3.5, false]] remoteExec ["addAction",0, true]; }; And here goes the simple Action: //Intel.sqf if (isServer) then { Systemchat "Downloading Intel - STANDBY"; sleep 3; removeAllActions terminal; sleep 2; terminal setdamage 1; Systemchat "Downloading Intel - FINISHED"; sleep 5; deleteVehicle terminal; }; I tried already different ways to get this work, but failed at every attempt (like systemchats are shown, but the object doesn't get deleted) - kinda clueless now. So, if someone could provide me a solution or a hint, what's going on here, it will be highly appreciated!
  3. Hello, since the latest update, my trigger wont fire anymore in mp environment and i can't figure out why, maybe someone can help me here. _cond = "{vehicle _x in thisList && isplayer _x && ((getPosATL _x) select 2) < 15} count playableunits > 0"; _trg1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos helotarget2, true]; sleep 1; _trg1 setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", false]; _trg1 setTriggerArea [300,300, 0, false]; _trg1 setTriggerType "NONE"; _trg1 setTriggerStatements [_cond,"nul = [helotarget2] execVM ""scripts\Paras.sqf""; ",""]; Any help is appreciated
  4. thanks for the tip, validated steam files and restarted arma. triggers seem to be working again. At least the _trgtest fired, hope it works on dedicated Server too again.
  5. Thank you for your help! Tried different triggers, now i can't get even a simple trigger to work. _trgtest = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPosATL prototype]; sleep 1; systemchat "trigger created"; _trgtest setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true]; systemchat "trigger activation"; _trgtest setTriggerArea [300,300, 0, false]; systemchat "trigger area"; _trgtest setTriggerType "NONE"; systemchat "trigger type"; _trgtest setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'trigger on'", "hint 'trigger off'"]; systemchat "trigger condition";
  6. Maybe you should try this player enableStamina false; player forceWalk false; Don't forget to add this in the respawn eventhandler too.
  7. Dear Community, i'm unable to solve this myself, even though i was searching the whole forum for a suitable fix. Basically i have one guy placed with an action, this addAction [("<t color='#E61616'>" + ("Interrogate") + "</t>"),"task.sqf","",1,true,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3"] which hides preplaced ammoboxes in an certain area (task.sqf): if (isServer) then { {_pos = ["mr_zone"] call SHK_pos; (createMarker [str round random 999999, _pos]) setMarkerType "o_air"; _x setPos _pos; } foreach [cache1,cache2,cache3]; }; Seems to work fine in the editor, but it's not working on a dedicated server, nothing happens there. Can someone please help me out?
  8. thank you, going to test it out tonight!
  9. thanks for your reply, i have the action in the init of the unit, so _this would cause a local variable in global space.
  10. noricum

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    thanks for updating and fixing issues! :icon_eek:
  11. noricum

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    same problem here, vehicles are empty on activated zones.
  12. tested it yesterday for 2 hours on a mission on a dedicated server, works like a charm...we had civs and civ traffic.
  13. congrats on your work! :bounce3: Just tried the demo Mission in the editor, but i can't get it to work? \MAD_Ambient_Life.Altis\MAD_civilians.sqf, line 273 Error in expression <t + 1; }; } forEach MAD_CivsArray; if (_count < MAD_maxCivDensity) then { [(pos> Error position: <_count < MAD_maxCivDensity) then { [(pos> Error Undefined variable in expression: _count
  14. Alright, was able to reproduce the error. If you don't mind, i'll send you a .pbo file http://www.speedshare.org/download.php?id=64E14BB91 Maybe the size of the marker or that the markers are overlapping cause the problem?
  15. I'm getting this error while hosting a dedicated server: Error in expression <sZones=(_this select 0);_eosType=(_this select 1); _sideArray=(_this select 2); > Error position: <select 1); _sideArray=(_this select 2); > Error Zero divisor File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\eos\eos_init.sqf, line 3 I hope someone can help me out, i can't find the error. This is how i call it: null=[["mr_zone_1","mr_operationzone"],1,[0,1,250,0]] execVM "eos\eos_Init.sqf"; or [["mr_zone_1","mr_operationzone"],1,0,1,25,1] call callEosZone; tried both ways tho
  16. thanks for your awesome work! Tested it with a Mission i created, just a few Players, but it worked awesome in combination with other scripts! Keep up the good work! hooah
  17. noricum

    =BTC= Revive

    Does the new version work with the mhq thingy? had problems before, like some others, that when the mhq was destroyed, the action to teleport to it etc was missing Edit: dunno, if it matters, but the mhq had an custom init, maybe that's why there is a problem
  18. I thought I share this with the community after several people tried to connect on our server. This mission is based on War in Takistan 1.40 by =[A*C]= code34 Original mission can be found here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=111504&highlight=wit Requirements Vanilla Version: ArmA2:CO and BAF(lite). ACE Version: ACE, ACEX and CBA + ArmA2:CO and BAF(lite). Overall Features BAF weapons only param (turn off for all weapons). Several missions (and mission texts/descriptions) changed to BAF content (retrieve AH1, Lynx,...). Base changed to BAF content. R3F Logistics updated for BAF content. One ACR (czech forces) team added for BAF lite users (be advised, in the vanilla version, there is no ACR medic - Person in the "medic" slot still has the possibility to revive). ACR Engineer - not realy an Engineer, but still has the possibility of all WIT Engineer functions. Scripts (Activation via Infoboards at Base): Script added to create an empty ammobox at base (in case you ran out of them). Script added to create a bike (might come in handy sometimes in simulation mode - loadable in vehicles with R3F Logistics/ACE Cargo Sys). Script added to create a L111A1 Minitripod/GPMG Minitripod (loadable in vehicles with R3F Logistics/ACE Cargo Sys). Environment - Effects added (dust, clouds, mist). Vanilla Version BAF and west Backpacks added. Ammobox content added (ARMA2: CO required). ACE Version Parameter added to enable/disable ACE AI TALK Parameter added to enable/disable ACE VEHICLE RADIO Parameter added to enable/disable ACE TRACKING MARKERS HK416/17 series added to BAF weapons only setup (for BAF lite users). ACE Stamina/Backpacks added. ACE Sparetyre Sys added. Full west ammobox (ACEX required!). KNOWN ISSUES ACE VERSION: After loading the L111A1 out of a vehicle, it might loose its magazines. Refueling the HC3 Merlin with Jerrycans does not work properly. Chopper is still empty after refueling. Amount of Javelins in the preloaded transportable boxes. Changelog BAF Version: Mission objectives,texts etc. adjusted to BAF Content. (Maybe someone who speaks french can help me with the french texts :D) CZ/ACR Weapons added for CZ forces. ACE Params added. Ability for enemies to plant mines reenabled. R3F adjusted. Signscripts changed. Fixed wrong playernumber in description/title. Download Vanilla Version: http://arma2.co/page/download?file=58728-BAF_war_in_takistan140.Takistan.pbo ACE VERSION http://arma2.co/page/download?file=20278-BAF_war_in_takistan140_ace.Takistan.pbo OverChargers ToraBora Port: Vanilla Version: http://arma2.co/page/download?file=2...1.torabora.pbo If you find a bug, feel free to post. Hope you enjoy it.
  19. aaaw, sry, just read the notification e-mail :( well, I'm currently pretty busy, but if there's enough interest in it, i will do an up 2 date version
  20. for instance you can use this setObjectTexture [0, "rules.paa"]; But you have to create the paa first ;) I would use object like FARP winchester or something like this, because you have more space for your rules then.
  21. :jump_clap: thanks a lot, much appreciated!
  22. is it possible for you to make a cfgGroup? would make it much easier to spawn groups/hordes for missionmakers.
  23. Since the latest patch we have problems with ground vehicles on our server. Most of them have no gunners/crew in it except a driver. Kept on looking for a solution but didn't find anything appropriate. RPT isn't helpful, no error msgs in it :/ MODS running: ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_USNavy;@CBA;@ACRE;serverSide;@Capraia;@Fallujah;@Lingor;@Mana;@Undead;@Duala;@TUP;@ToraBora;@PRACS;@AMT;@bw-compilation;@bw-compilation_ace;@BWMod;@BWMod_ACE;@rksl;@Tropica;@Aoraki;@Brik2;@Everon;@Kulima;@Sbrodj;@i44;@Thirsk;@WinterCamo;@Podagorsk;@Podagorsk;@Quesh_Kibrul;@Japahto_Islands;@CWR2;@Iranian_Forces;@CLAY_Dogs;@JadeGroove;@Everon2010;@HazarKot;@Tasmania;@Sangin;@CLAfghan; Any help would be appreciated, this issue breaks several missions though :(