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Everything posted by zooloo75

  1. zooloo75

    Sitting in Chair to Standing

    Only in the world of code is getting one's ass off a chair a monumental task -- both ingame and out.
  2. Let's also agree that we're a bunch of grumpy assholes in the early AM :P Someone with SQF experience, a keyboard, and ArmA installed, pls translate all those words I said to code. No hard feelings.
  3. Let's just agree that it's too late where I'm at to provide an inplementation, and too early where you're at to write code. Win win?
  4. I'm posting a solution that might be of use to the right person to further progress the OP towards having moving targets. No where did I say that I was going to provide an implementation of said solution. Especially at 1AM. You seem eager to solve the OP's problem, so I'll give you the pleasure of handling this issue ;) Please don't be oblivious to your own messages and take a stance that my response is uncalled for.
  5. There was no point in starting a debate with me about my solution when you admitted that you couldn't comprehend it in the first place. If someone explains how to catch a fish, and I know very little about fishing, then it wouldn't be wise of me to start critiquing the person's fishing techniques. Also, how dare you order me to take additional time out of my day to work on something just to prove you wrong. You have some nerve, bud. I hope I'm just mischaracterizing the tone of your message.
  6. I think you're mistaking my meaning of time with a computer's system time. I am referring to the ingame time of day, which would be consistent. Your game may run at 1000 frames per second, but that doesn't mean a second is going to elapse any quicker.
  7. Time is already consistent across the clients. It does not need to be broadcasted. As long as everyone joins the game with the correct time (which the game does for you), they'll have the same time being passed to the positioning function, since their clocks will tick at the same rate. Only one piece of information is sent across the network, and that is a signal that the object was hit.
  8. What network traffic would there be? The only thing being sent over the network is the event of a client's target being hit, which is barely anything. Your idea would still suffer from stuttering as the server would still be responsible for synchronizing the position, sending that position data constantly across the network, which when paired with UDP, would result in a high probability of the packets containing the position data to be received and processed by the clients out of order.
  9. Create an object that is local to the client that will act as a target. This can be done with the createVehicleLocal command. With that object, we need to set its position at an interval based off of the current time. This time value must be consistent across all clients to ensure that everyone sees their instance of the target at the same position. With this in mind, we can write a function that returns the position that the target should be at given the current time. This function would take the current time, the starting position of the target, and direction to be applied to the offset position. Figure out the math to calculate the position based off of the current time, and you can then use that position for your target. When the target is hit, we want the target to do an animation, or something, so we need to add an event handler for when the target gets hit. Since the object is local to the client, we need to broadcast to all other clients when the player hits the target, possible with the remoteExec command. Other clients will then receive this message and should then make their local target perform the desired action.
  10. I already provided a solution, somebody just has to write it. Could be me eventually, but in the meantime, perhaps someone else can take up the challenge.
  11. Of course, but just giving out code isn't going to help out in the long run. I'm not in front of a computer to type out or test any code right now. I also disagree with your argument that what I said is not helpful to anyone. Someone who understands what I said and can script this may be able to implement my solution.
  12. You could use a parametric function paired with an object local to the client to determine the position where the object should be based off of the time. This should offload network traffic and maintain smooth movement for each client. Depending on how projectiles collide with local objects across all clients, you may have to broadcast when the target has been hit, and mimic the hit state to others with their local object. Hope this helps, and good luck!
  13. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Working on a new feature that's tied to blood spraying, involving lines of blood being emitted from blood sprays: https://gyazo.com/f23a1dca6eb6ab516e96e49d5c3adafb https://gyazo.com/2a3ffd7472732da9814435267899aa41 https://gyazo.com/476cda5238f646114574bda105abbe31 I'm still tweaking the effect to my liking, but I hope these vids convey the idea.
  14. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    The blood flickering is a limitation with my texture animation method. Over time, the textures should cache and reduce in flickering. I have seen another possible way of implementing blood pools via .ogv video, and saw demos where the playback was acceptable, so I may look into refactoring this feature at a later date. I've never looked into why BloodLust doesn't work with Ryan's Zombies, but I have a guess that the zombies may not inherit from the "CaManBase" base class. If you want to modify the addon for your server and redistribute it, feel free to do so!
  15. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    I've updated the default preset to match the one I currently use in today's update.
  16. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    After doing some experimenting, I was able to get blood splatters to stick to vehicles. You have to remove the "AllVehicles" entry from the setting "BloodLust_BloodSplatterIntersectionBlackList"; Then you have to execute the following code: BloodLust_CreateBloodSplatter = { _object = _this select 0; _positionASL = _this select 1; _normalDirection = _this select 2; _intersectionDistance = _this select 3; _splatterAngle = _this select 4; _splatterTexture = _this select 5; _splatter = call BloodLust_CreateBloodSplatterObject; _splatterPosition = [0, 0, 0]; _splatterNormal = [0, 0, 0]; _surfaceObject = objNull; _intersectionEndPositionASL = _positionASL vectorAdd (_normalDirection vectorMultiply _intersectionDistance); _surfaceIntersections = lineIntersectsSurfaces [ _positionASL, _intersectionEndPositionASL, _object, vehicle _object, true, 10, "GEOM", "FIRE" ] select { _intersectingObject = _x select 2; _isObjectInIntersectionBlackList = [typeOf _intersectingObject, (getModelInfo _intersectingObject) select 0] call BloodLust_IsClassInIntersectionBlackList; _return = !_isObjectInIntersectionBlackList; _return; }; if(count _surfaceIntersections > 0) then { _surfaceIntersection = _surfaceIntersections select 0; _splatterPosition = _surfaceIntersection select 0; _splatterNormal = _surfaceIntersection select 1; _surfaceObject = _surfaceIntersection select 2; _surfaceIntersectionGround = [_positionASL vectorAdd (_normalDirection vectorMultiply BloodLust_BloodSplatterGroundMaxDistance), _object, vehicle _object] call BloodLust_GetSurfaceIntersection; _surfaceDistance = _surfaceIntersectionGround select 0; if(_surfaceDistance > 0.1) then { [_splatter, _surfaceObject] call BloodLust_AssignSplatterToBuilding; }; } else { _surfaceIntersection = [_positionASL vectorAdd (_normalDirection vectorMultiply BloodLust_BloodSplatterGroundMaxDistance), _object, vehicle _object] call BloodLust_GetSurfaceIntersection; _splatterNormal = _surfaceIntersection select 1; _splatterPosition = _surfaceIntersection select 2; }; _splatter setObjectTexture [0, _splatterTexture]; _splatter setPosASL (_splatterPosition vectorAdd (_splatterNormal vectorMultiply 0.01)); _splatter setVectorDirAndUp [[sin _splatterAngle, cos _splatterAngle, sin _splatterAngle * cos _splatterAngle] vectorCrossProduct _splatterNormal, _splatterNormal]; if(!isNull _surfaceObject) then { [_splatter, _surfaceObject] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative; }; { [_splatter] call _x; } foreach BloodLust_OnBloodSplatterCreatedEventHandlers; };
  17. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    IIRC, one of the first versions of BloodLust had blood splatters get attached to vehicles. There was an issue that caused the vehicle to collide with the splatter model and explode. This might not be an issue now though since I use my own splatter 3D plane model (I used to use the UserTexture model in earlier versions of the mod). I'll experiment with this idea ;)
  18. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Good idea! I think this is possible. The logic could be something along the lines of: If the body part that was hit is the torso, and the unit is wearing a plate carrier with a decent armor rating, do not spawn blood splatters.
  19. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    This currently isn't possible, as blood pooling is tied to the bleeding mechanic.
  20. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Version 2.48: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667953829 + Improved texture preloading (enable via setting "BloodLust_IsTexturePreloadingEnabled" to "true" in the BloodLust Settings Menu). + Fixed bug where blood splatters didn't spawn when a unit was hit by an explosion. + Added config entry for explosion gib force. + Adjusted blood material to fix bright blood splatters. + Updated blood textures to look more realistic. + Reduced blood droplet size for bleeding. + Reduced blood smear size.
  21. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Version 2.48 is nearly ready for release! Current changelog: Improved texture preloading (enable via setting "BloodLust_IsTexturePreloadingEnabled" to "true" in the BloodLust Settings Menu). Fixed bug where blood splatters didn't spawn when a unit was hit by an explosion. Added config entry for explosion gib force. Adjusted blood material to fix bright blood splatters. Updated blood textures to look more realistic. Reduced blood droplet size for bleeding. Reduced blood smear size. New blood textures! FWIW, all new changes can be seen throughout development in the Github repo! https://github.com/zooloo75/BloodLust
  22. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Just created a github repo for BloodLust: https://github.com/zooloo75/BloodLust/
  23. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    I am looking to get the repo out this weekend.
  24. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Version 2.472: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667953829 + Removed game's default blood splatters to retain consistency when using BloodLust + Reduced vaporization gib force This will disable the game's default blood pool and bleed splatter models, as BloodLust already covers this ;) This update removes these from the game: