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About major_shepard

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    Sergeant Major

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  1. Greetings!
    First of all, I would like to thank you for developing this fantastic addition to the Arm3 platform.
    Our community has always used Arma3Sync and we can't do without it.
    That said, we recently decided to use the http protocol for repository transfer.
    Unfortunately we have problems configuring everything, because, when uploading, we receive the following error message:




    Please, could you help us?

  2. Could you replace ArmA3Sync.jar file by this one ftp:\\www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/ArmA3Sync.jar This is a beta version with FTPS connection support for both upload and dowload Tested ok with FileZilla FTP server using Explicit FTPS with reuse connection restriction ON and prot C requirement ON
  3. Hi, Unfortunately ArmA3Sync does not support FTP over SSL at the moment. I will see if I can add Explicit FTP over SSL.
  4. I've got the T16000M stick and throtlle, no issue here when launching the game with arma3sync. Now I use Windows default drivers not Thrusmater.
  5. You must always use build command and then upload command to update the repository. Using the upload repository command will upload the full content of .a3s folder and only repository files that have been changed. This ensure the consistency of the repository.
  6. Your server Apache v2.4.48 is using TLS v1.3 but Java 1.8 uses TLS v1.2 by default, which is why you get the error message. It is possible to configure the JVM 1.8u311 to use TLS v1.3. But you rather shall configure the Apache server to accept both TLS v1.2 and TLS v1.3 => https://apache.tutorials24x7.com/blog/how-to-enable-tls-1-2-and-tls-1-3-in-apache-web-server
  7. Which TLS version is the server Apache v2.4.48 using? TLS v1.0 and TLS v1.1 have been disabled in Java 1.8 since April 2021.
  8. Are you using ArmA3Sync last version v1.7.107 ? Which JRE 1.8 are you using (oracle/else) ? Which version ? Could you run ArmA3Sync-debug.exe and try to perform https synchronization using Java 1.8. Export the full console content to a text file and send it to me. Thanks
  9. Is it Windows 11? Java 8u221 identify Windows 11 as 10 and may fails to check 32/64 architecture which is needed to find the right jshortcut library. Try to update Java to 8u311.
  10. Which Windows version? 32/64 bit ? Could you check if ArmA3Sync/resources/lib/jshortcut-0.4-oberzalek.jar is here?
  11. ArmA3Sync v1.7 Update 6 now available FTP download: Windows installer: ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/releases/arma3sync-installer-1-7-107.exe Zip archive: ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/download/ArmA3Sync-1-7-107.zip HTTP download Windows installer: http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/arma3sync/releases/arma3sync-installer-1-7-107.exe Zip archive: : http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/arma3sync/download/ArmA3Sync-1-7-107.zip Changelog: Added: Support of CSLA Iron Curtain and Western Sahara DLCs
  12. I would need the folder name of the Western Sahara DLC incide arma3 installation directory. Same thing for csla dlc. Thanks
  13. What is the name of the addon folder inside arma 3 installation directory? If it is "csla", add -mod=csla in Additional Parameters.
  14. major_shepard

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    LEA is no more supported since 08/24/2016. You can find informations from here: http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/wiki/index.php/LEA_ArmA_3_Wiki_English