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Everything posted by john111

  1. If this could get a wp that would send in reinforcements ,that make them fly over and land out of sight,then transfer the helicopter to a 2:nd pool of available helicopters,that could be "evacuating" or "rescuing" everybody within a set distance ,let`s say 200 m or so,they could be used as Dust off. If there can be such a wp ,connected to a Rescue WP we can place on the map it can launch a rescue at a location with spec ops,it would be a new thing . To have a pool of units that can search and lase a target,or rescue someone at a GPS point,would be very useful as new wp-types,if you like to make them. Set up a landing strip for aircraft with a autoland feature and indistructable setting for that plane,may add some new things to ways we can do things . If Commander could set up a forward base. If Commander could place some alternate way to transport things ,like with a boat,then let us use some pool or spawn in what type of vehicle we want to use for the transport,of VA or whatever,it would add to the use of different modded assets. It could have the supplies that we used placed on a cargo plane that has to fly in and offload and get put in a truck and moved by boat and offloaded and driven to player. If it placed a defend wp it could defend a landing strip on it`s own.If this could have pre-sets we could use as a Layer,to add to old missions ,this will be very useful . Just ideas.
  2. If this would be adding the mod troops we add to the map automatically it would help .If we have a "reinforcement" module that makes the planes and/helicopters spawn some distance put and make them land,refuel and get put inside of hangar it would help. If there are some module that would strengthen the AAA defences over time ,that would look cool if it will set up defensive positions with sling loaded moved and placed positions.
  3. Could I force the enemy to use mortar/helicopters? To get some use of AA-units.
  4. Is it possible to tell Ai how to get to the objectives? I meant,decide if I wanted them to go to a position,let`s say on the Carrier Freedom ,and ,get spawned there at the spawn point and get a boat and go to a wp ,then dive to some place . Could I get them to always use Air for cover? Even get the enemy to watch out for Air and maybe even hide some of the forces out of sight,then use them as a reinforcement?
  5. john111

    POOK JF-17

    What does "Fuel tank siphon and drop functions" means?
  6. Could you add a A-26 Invader to the list of aircraft? Thank you.
  7. john111

    [WIP] French Army Mod : ArmaModFrance

    Could you add a helmet camera as a stand alone item with that little screen to the side,please? As a working prop? Could we get a round divemask and a Kayak with a slightly shaped camo net attached/detachable ,yellow tinted glasses that work,and possible DEVTAC helmet.Full plated face mask would be cool. A Duffel bag that could be attached to the side of Kayak and car sides would be a very useful addition. A telescopic bipod for shooting standing up and a hat like this.https://www.facebook.com/ArmiesSpecialforcesWeapons/photos/a.1636488209928797/2179755385602074/?type=3&theater thanks.
  8. john111

    PLA Forces

    Would you make some 6-weehled small vehicles or maybe a some skins for Jet Ranger,Fennec helicopters that they use or copied from other places? Maybe ,even James Bonds small hovercraft? A better Kayak would be cool.Yellow tinted glasses,Pilot glasses.
  9. john111

    Useable searchlight mod

    Try this :https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1613905318 Try command "Join and Follow " From Way point Type on the left in zeus mode.(Y on the keyboard).
  10. john111

    Emitter 3Ditor

    Could you make it so that I could import everything with/about lights in Arma? I meant,if I see some cool lights from a car,a lightbar or maybe an effect ,like a strobe light, and place this where I want it,would be really neat. To make a universal light switch we could attach to all cars with on/off/effect1,2,3 dual effects at one time? .A menu item for the scroll wheel? Maybe zeus interface for lights? If I could import something and attach it with "attach global" and make it follow a car,I may be able to use an item from a mod car and change the light color but keep the nice effect. If this could load a composition we can save and make all cars use custom lights and effects,would be awsome! And then attach that to all cars in any scenario's we make on the fly. Find a nice light bar from a road utility vehicle with some great effect,change the color and save it and place it on top of a police car.Would be neat and be able to do so even if it is attached to a vehicle. Save that ,and be able to clone that and put it on any car.Is is owned by Bis and could be done without source file and such,right? Find out what Light bar_Blueforce_F_Policecar is named and place item somewhere we like it? Could you make so that you can import parts of items in this? Like a grenade launcher ,attach a flare effect to a point light and load it ? And save this like a composition in the editor? Make it invisible?
  11. If I can get a special WP that makes it possible to add a speed cap @ 5 miles/h for a helicopter and a ability to add a radar altimeter setting of 5-10 meters,I think I can make the helicopters fly N.O.E to a ambush point at a height of below treetop level. I will need that invisibility to escape the radar for 5,10 minutes to reach an ambush point and using Data Link,find AA before they can find and shoot first. In PvP matches radars may not be used or older types of vehicles won`t have them. Then one may be able to Recce or direct troops as the real thing. Like a speed limiter,only set to 3 miles/h and with a terrain obstacle avoidance radius set to maybe 150 m ,ai could fly there . But then I will need to stay off radar until I reach a WP and shoot at AAA first with Top Down Attack Profile.To get in range . If I can`t get in range and stay off radar for enough time and go high,I run risk with Pooks Sams and Pandur cannons as enemies . If i use Vehicle Spawner I can load it with Firewill`s ECM Pod and whatever and so shoot and scoot. I could take on the mission of ferry JTAC around in PvP matches. If "Stay out of sight-stay out of mind" can work they could hear me,not see me . If it`s a 2035 setting ,maybe I could get some script that lowers the sound with 50% I can pretend it`s Blue Thunder or Airwolf. We get laser rockets so we could use a hidden Jtac but we will have to get him out of danger,I`ve got 2 minutes with the ECM Pod and need to stay hidden ,maybe some thing that lower the Spotting and commanding skills if I`m inside a 3x3 km distance with a trigger and mechanic that follows the helo. If I could get a Slider-type control mechanic to set altitude, I think I will be able to by making 3 WP that figures out the AOA and the rate of decent in meters per second to fly down a hill at 10m and keep that altitude and smoothly end up at 10m at WP 3 at ground level. But then I will need that WP type.It should keep that altitude no matter what.It should give the command UP whenever it flies 1 meter below 10m AGL. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=yJaTyJi3&id=4DFC8BA7F20F02E1076106FDF8C702AA145389B7&thid=OIP.yJaTyJi3JJDyh_7I-6_UgwHaFl&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi631.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fuu38%2Fkilomuse%2FHelicopters%2FBO105PPAH-1antiankhelicopterswithHO.jpg&exph=604&expw=800&q=BO-105+Gunship+low+and+slow+flight&simid=608008312217665963&selectedindex=466&cbir=sbi&ajaxhist=0&vt=0
  12. What about using Headless native support.That should take care of FPS issues.
  13. Here is a thing I came up with : If you used Combat link 5 and gave them also WP they might be able to navigate the surrounding caves. If you used the mod Ballistic Missiles ,you could get working guns. If you could make a cave that could be scaled up to fit a jet ,yet be underground and with a tools,be set at an angle,it would be possible to use Tomahawk missiles to enter into them by setting 20m flight altitude with Drongos missiles mod and sett caves at 30m height, if you could scale them by length,and size they could accommodate a jet,or at least a prop plane. If we could use these as props we could in theory make a base under water for missions with subs and the like.
  14. Could you also make a small PDA for downloaded photos to IPAD-style gadget so that we could see stuff from the pods? Perhaps ,with a annotate and send to Fireteam option ,or make it work with Alive ISTAR PDA. As it is right now ,F-14 TARPS are useless, only the pilots can see anything.
  15. On an other note .Will this mod be able to add a Max Permissible Fly-IN height? And limit the speed with a script without affecting anything else? Then ,I think it will be very useful to ferry troops around if we could paint routes with trigger zones that adds a Fly-In height based on" Zone_1 max speed 70km/h 50x30km". If it flies really slow Ai could fly and we could do other things ,like use zeus interface and plan wp ,operate an ECM Pod and using the Stop command ,make it fly really slow and low ,5 miles/h @ 5m would be great. But then we need a wp-type to make things easy and a slide attached to a wp-type. We need it to make Insert/Exfil .Spotting range needs to be minimum to make helicopters survive.
  16. john111

    Cave System

    would it be possible to make this cave stuff to be placed inside of mountain sides and slanted at an angle using Tools? And to be able to scale them up if need be? Including it`s height? Script: this inserted into ground mesh of side of mountain side mesh @-90 degree set to 1=true Or something similar.
  17. Could this be made to work with some sort of auto load-into a Huey if someone made a with a trigger 100m X100m and added an invisible landing pad that could follow player and put all wounded Ai& players inside of it with combat land and smoke signal. If all wounded could get the helipad, and maybe a timer that place a helicopter on map with a few minutes ,then launch a helicopter with a WP and a 3-5 minutes of time at location,then RTB and off loads. Trigger synced to a game logic.Set to All Objects on map. Could you try to see if you could put this in this mod .You`re the Mod maker. If it could be made to work,we can get Combat Dust off.
  18. Could I ask for a option to load a TARPS camera pod as a stand alone for other aircraft than the F-14? Thank you.
  19. Could you make some menu item to make helos become invizable to ground vehicles for 5 min? Thank you.
  20. john111

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Checking for Obstacles in flight path radius. Could this somehow be made to make helicopters do a more convincing flight? If you use the Convoy set-up with helicopters and if you made a module that makes setting of speed and altitude for WP could this be made for making helicopters use a more advanced flight-Formations and aircover behavior? Maybe,even make helicopters do Dust Off air rescue by landing in a combat zone during a fight and evacuate wounded? Create a 360* protection zone or make them fly extremely low and fast . Indirect fire for AT-helicopters? A setting that can make a helicopter with speed setting Limited gain or loose altitude Smoothly decided on the need to be at set altitude right on top of WP be used to make them fly better? I would like a mod that can do these things ,something like CFS mod only made out for that altitude part that makes it vital for use with helicopters.I would prefer a setting slider mechanic. Thank you.
  21. john111

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Some way to be able to make helicopters to fly N.O.E by making a mod that check for obstacles in the way and smoothes the way to make it avoid the nose down flight that causes the `car sickness` flight for the occupants of the helicopter. Some mod with a speed cap of 3 miles /h and uses 5-10 meters of top altitude,to get below the tree tops and Data Link ,it can get close to AAA and maybe,with something like Firewills ECM System,make the AA-guns shoot at a 30* offset to the helicopter. Some way to make it Stealth will be needed too. Maybe a script that makes the radar not to update for a few minutes near the helicopter, 5 minutes or so.Maybe as a setting for the WP. That is my request ,if someone could make for Arma 3.
  22. Perhaps,if you just add a speed cap setting from 1km/h to about 6 km/h and a 200m check of obstacles and ,just to prove it, an unlimited height in meter we could set,I meant ,1m to 10 height. Now it+s set at 20 m for the lowest it can go. I must go that low to use the open patches between the trees to get close to ambush point. And maybe,a map tool to be able to find out the distance in meters of a WP to a treeline and maybe some way to pop smoke from a helicopter for concealment. Perhaps a way to decide what mode missiles will use ,so they can make it,some way to make Ai not see the helicopter through the trees. This won`t take long to code .It would make this mod be more useful. If it could be used with "Defend Area" from Achilles mod ,with some ability to use Mortar Artillery Support function,it could be possible.
  23. Great mod ! If I may ask for a mod related to this one: A mod that could used for AT-helicopters. If we could change the setting in this mod and add a few more ,like limit the speed to a setting we choose,IP and Egress Point and a setting that uses info from Data Link to find out what AAA is near helicopter and makes it fly ultra low ,below treetop level if it is deemed to be very dangerous. Some way to chose the best way to fire the missiles in case it gets to near the trees (maybe it can back of to make sure they won`t hit them ) or even can be set to shoot them between them. Maybe,the obstacle clearance needs to check for problems more often ,I would believe 8 times a second @ a 1000m radius may be the a solution . As some Auto Pilot mods done it. Left and Right Turn Loiter would be awesome . If it can make a re-computation of the retreat path/WP if something shows up and gets in it`s way,would be a great back-up plan. Make it create ambush points for helicopters and even setting up a Mash hospital by airlifting (sling loading it ) or setting up a Arty,Mortar or a Supply point it sling loads to on map click. A setting to make it call in an airstrike against AAA on it`s own , would be a surprise for players in MP. If we could make them use ditches , or stuff like that. Some way to make the spotting distance for the enemy to be set lower to protect the helicopter would be nice to have as a setting in a module. If we could crank up the armor setting would be most welcome-together with Survivable Aircraft Mod ,we could see some close in air support with helicopters. Wouldn't it be Great if we could do some Dust Off missions if it could land in a zon 100X300 m and load in all wounded troops in helicopters and had made a super low flight route to base? Instead of a respawn point? Could this somehow be made to make helicopters do a more convincing flight? If you use the Convoy set-up with helicopters and if you made a module that makes setting could this be made for making helicopters use a more advanced flight-Formations and aircover behavior? Turn up the skills and make them compute several routes to same landing site? Decide a 3-ship Line Formation ,landing behind the one in front,while someone is shooting rockets . I`ve seen it made with a trigger and a Logic module synced to a flight-but with no way to decide altitude and first of all ,a ability to control speed. To make one go Ladder at a determined height and make the others detach formation at a WP,and land while using cover fire -then hold fire while they load up,and make them do it dynamically based on situation ,would be awesome. Maybe,even make helicopters do Dust Off air rescue by landing in a combat zone during a fight and evacuate wounded? Create a 360* protection zone or make them fly extremely low and fast . What I`m looking for is like a CSF mod but tailor made for helicopters. Thanks for a great mod .This is just something that would make things more interesting for Arma 3 players. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/191043-jboy-fly-in-formation-released/
  24. Could this somehow be made to make helicopters do a more convincing flight? If you use the Convoy set-up with helicopters and if you made a module that makes setting of speed and altitude for WP could this be made for making helicopters use a more advanced flight-Formations and aircover behavior? Maybe,even make helicopters do Dust Off air rescue by landing in a combat zone during a fight and evacuate wounded? Create a 360* protection zone or make them fly extremely low and fast . Indirect fire for AT-helicopters?