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Everything posted by glowbal

  1. You messed up the links (twice http://) Picture 1 (Picture of the combat shirt) Picture 2 (Soldier in Afghan patrol with T shirt) Oh and I love the units! :)
  2. glowbal

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    No doubt they will do both. Improve the game, through patches most likely. Perhaps new features as well. And offering DLC.
  3. glowbal

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Just thought I should quote a part of the latest AAN article here.
  4. Chernarussian beer export market stagnates - (AAN-online.com)
  5. Well.. OA is an entire game. If you got both, and OA in English, I think it will just stay in English. It's not like you will use the A2 core, just the content of it. Though perhaps in the editor the A2 content might be in that other language, but perhaps not.
  6. glowbal

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Don't forget some new buildings and objects with the maps. I think I would buy such stuff. A pack with units and a map. I can't be bothered about missions for them, although it will probally be fun to play with them. The point is, though, if we get a new faction as DLC, I would love to see atleast 2 differend camos for them. Desert and temperate/woodlandish or something. Would buy them anyways. :P
  7. glowbal

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    something I hope is that atleast for paid DLC, if you have to re-install the game, say you have a new PC, you won't lose all the DLC and have to re-buy it. though I would probally still buy it, depending on the content. A new faction, for example, as long the price is fair. No doubt BI earns the money though.
  8. glowbal

    US buildings project

    Well they sure look awesome! Will the mall be enterable?
  9. Take a look at the new AAN-online video. Then read the text on the white scroll bar. :)
  10. Did I see a new 'dance' animation there? (0:33)
  11. Yea, it does. But that's the event. Get 1000 members at 13 june, 12pm. We didn't make it. :butbut:
  12. There are only 877 members in the group..
  13. glowbal

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    So.. is there any word on where OA will be sold in the Netherlands? I've been keeping track of bol.com for a while already, as well as mailing them, but they won't sell it for now. And I haven't been able to find a differend site or shop who will.
  14. For those who didn't look on Steam yet: Link goes to Youtube.com
  15. glowbal

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Not that I know off yet. I asked bol.com a few days ago, and they said it might be possible they will sell it in the future. Whenever I find a Dutch shop selling OA, I will post here. :)
  16. interview-UN-chief-weapons-inspector (AAN-online.com) Guess this is new.
  17. We already reached the 4k mark on the other group though. :)
  18. Thank you Walker. You helped me there. It was the difficulty settings. I've no idea what I had them on, but I set it to veteran and I disabled everything but 3rd person view and now it's all good. :) Thanks.
  19. Hi there. I've been trying to turn of the green, red and white 'markers', those 'bolls' from other units. But I couldn't find a way how. Is it possible? And if so, how do I turn it off? Thanks, - Glow
  20. 1. I thought there would come a patch for A2. Which includes bug fixes and AI improvements. I don't think we will get FLIR in A2.. just in OA. 2. Yes, if you intregrate AO with A2. And, you would need to use the AO start up (exe?). 3. With content from AO on Chenarus, I think you just need both games?
  21. Hi, I request some civilian cars. Perferly an SUV. Not much info, but perhaps someone would like to make some cars. :) Thanks.
  22. glowbal

    Dutch Army

    Thank you Aeneas! :) You've done some great work.
  23. glowbal

    Dutch Army

    Awesome! They look very nice. One point though, the Marine Riflemen with MICH helmet has a black scope. You can't see through it. Other then that, they all look very beautiful. :)